Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

Madam, you are missing the point. And Flaming Pie is using the discussion of the "Like" as a distraction tool.

The point is, MuyPoco made a bullshit claim, which Flaming Pie agreed with, and neither of them can substantiate the claim. So their only defense is to discuss what she can and cannot "Like".
Was it not you who brought up her like? And the discussing of this like was started by you. How dumb of you to use a silly LIKE to try to make a silly point that someone liking a post means that they agree with it. Having not read the post I would still put my money on Muy being right.
The Hillary machine is fixed. Folks who think Sanders has a snowball's chance in helll are delusional.

"Right wing action is the answer for left wing fantasy."

Vote Cruz!
The Hillary machine is fixed. Folks who think Sanders has a snowball's chance in helll are delusional.

"Right wing action is the answer for left wing fantasy."

Vote Cruz!
I cant tell if your kidding. God I hope so. Wait I don't believe in god. Anyways I hope so