Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

Once again I will reiterate that unions are only necessary when there is inadequate labor laws to protect workers. Unless you are in Angola you are not forced to work in the United States... You can't compare Chinese labor laws to American labor laws and using them as an excuse to support unions in a country where there are modern labor protections is absurd... I am not saying American labor laws in every state are perfect, however from a labor prospective we are leaps and bounds ahead of the Chinese...

You have that perspective based on "American Profits" not "American Prosperity".

From a business prospective we were just making too much damn money in 1968 just as we are today.
There's a reason corps. like china, and if we (the American worker) were only more like them......
Once again I reiterate there is no stagnation in growing employment sectors which are not function based that can be done for less offshore, or by robotics...

Sorry, I don't want to go back to 1968 or 1955... Your purchasing power in 1955 was crap.


I received 54% increase in 4 years. No Union Needed.... :) Most people in demand positions are seeing increases... Hourly rates also include the guys working at McDonald's...

You guys promote devaluing the dollar through extensive borrowing then turn around and say the American worker isn't getting paid enough per inflation rates when most of the hourly workers can be replaced by robotics or labor that is more aligned with the global labor rates... Sadly, the American worker needs to update his or her skill sets to be able to compete.. The days of Americans being able to sit back and say American A #1 are over... You have to fight for what you have or destroy half the world and be one of the few left standing... Perpetuating high wages for "dumb labor" is absurd and there are plenty of professionals making six figures or upper middle class wages at an hourly rate that are not considered dumb labor... Basically, you guys are talking about what kind of jobs here? Ditch Diggers have not seen an increase in wages because they are a dim a dozen. Slopping together the kid working at mcdonalds with the Line Men or certified Master Electrician getting paid six figures or near is absurd...

If we got rid of all the low hourly wage sectors.. Walmart stockers&checkers, Fast Food etc etc you would see the real wages of hourly rates...


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1.7 million workers make minimum wage out of 73~ million that work for an hourly wage 59~% of American workers are hourly... That includes your gas station clerks, fast food, retail, etc etc... Not all of them make minimum wage... So, when you guys say hourly workers you have to realize you are talking about the kid at Burger King, the salesmen at sharper image, walmart checkers, etc etc... You are saying they don't make enough? I say replace them with autocheckers, robotic vending technology etc... Out of 111~ million US workers I believe 33 million are redundant and can be replaced by robots, and foreign labor... 30% Kids... We don't need manned check out counters, we don't need kids cooking hamburgers at mcdonalds... We can reduce the work force effectively using more efficient streamlined methods of automation...

I would even say the loading docks can be automated heavily... We are heading into the future not the past... You can fight it, cling to it, but that won't stop it....

If we removed many of these low end hourly service based jobs then you would see your hourly wage metrics sky rocket... Do you really believe the person at Pizza Hut deserves more money for putting a frozen pizza in an oven? Have you ever seen a video of automated PCR tests?

Once they can implement full automation in textiles and clothing we will see the end of the sweat shop... Hurray! The best way to end the exploitation of human labor is to make human labor redundant... Automation, Robotics etc is going to stop exploitation to a large degree, but you won't have a job unless you adapt... Simple...
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So you are saying it was good to eliminate free collage 40 yrs ago because we only have low end jobs here now?
We are heading into the future.....
Your patriotic profits are building communist Islands off of the Philippines.
Obama wants to increase computer programmers by having every kid in America learn how to program while programmer / coder employment is in decline... Why not allow high school students gain credits towards becoming a doctor where there is an actual shortage... ? A radiologist makes on average 300~k lol... The average: software developer makes 75~k lol.. Electrician III 55~k, Genetic Counselors 65~k, Geneticist 150~k average with a ceiling around 350~k!!!! Microbiologist 67~k... You guys are saying the delivery truck driver isn't paid enough when the robotics engineer is making 97~k
So you are saying it was good to eliminate free collage 40 yrs ago because we only have low end jobs here now?
We are heading into the future.....
Your patriotic profits are building communist Islands off of the Philippines.

College was free in 1975? Sorry, but I wasn't even alive, and my father went to University and had to pay for it I believe he graduated in 1965...
Every American in the United States of America funds communism.... Whether it is your LED lights from China, plastics, or your buying Cuban Cigars... :)

You had to buy the books.

Tuition was around 2,200 on average in 1975...

All the cuban cigar manufacturers I know of are distributed through a cuban government subsidiary and franchises..

Increase tariffs and get rid of corporate taxes..

Here are your Tariffs percentages...

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Every American in the United States of America funds communism.... Whether it is your LED lights from China, plastics, or your buying Cuban Cigars... :)

To what end?

"Since we have decided that the U.S. is bluffing in the East China Sea, we should take this opportunity to respond to these empty provocations with something real," he wrote in an August 28 commentary published in the Chinese-language edition of the Global Times, a nationalistic tabloid published by the Communist Party organ, the People's Daily.

"This includes Vietnam, the Philippines and Japan, who are the three running dogs of the United States in Asia," added Dai, a researcher at Beijing University's China Centre for Strategic Studies. "We only need to kill one, and it will immediately bring the others to heel."
Nice try. But no.

You are skirting the issue. The debate is not the debt itself, the debate is how "we" arrived at that debt. MuyPoco claims, and you agree, that it's all Obama's fault. Well it's all due to Obamacare. I'm asking you to cite where you two have drawn that conclusion. Right now all you are doing is making leaps in logic.
I never said what part of his post I liked.
So you agree that MuyPoco's claim is wildly inaccurate. Then why did you "Like" his comment?
What is your issue? I can like whatever the funky I want for differing reasons. I can like it for the number on the debt, I can like it for the fact that government expansion creates more debt.

Sometimes I just like it because it makes me laugh when I'm high too. This time it was because of the reasons above.
What is your issue? I can like whatever the funky I want for differing reasons. I can like it for the number on the debt, I can like it for the fact that government expansion creates more debt.

Sometimes I just like it because it makes me laugh when I'm high too. This time it was because of the reasons above.

Why so defensive? I don't care what you "Like".

There was nothing to "Like" in MuyPoco's comment other than his bullshit claim, which neither of you were able to substantiate.

Nice try though.
Why so defensive? I don't care what you "Like".

There was nothing to "Like" in MuyPoco's comment other than his bullshit claim, which neither of you were able to substantiate.

Nice try though.

Sir, you are sounding like the "like police" . There's a high likelihood, many people don't like their likes Policed.

Yes...I realize I am policing the like police now.
Sir, you are sounding like the "like police" . There's a high likelihood, many people don't like their likes Policed.

Yes...I realize I am policing the like police now.

Madam, you are missing the point. And Flaming Pie is using the discussion of the "Like" as a distraction tool.

The point is, MuyPoco made a bullshit claim, which Flaming Pie agreed with, and neither of them can substantiate the claim. So their only defense is to discuss what she can and cannot "Like".
You had to buy the books.

College has never been free, nor will it ever be.

You've got to think smart these days, be savvy.... like this:
