United Nations Group Compares U.S. Police Killings To Lynching

I say blame the individual cop not the police department it's not in the Rules of Engagement to shoot unarmed men. So they as individuals were going against they're training. In the military shooting a unarmed person would get you thrown in prison. Why is it not the same for police.
Talk about apples and oranges.

I like the crispness of a fresh Cortland. I'm not much of a Delicious apple lover though. Granny Smiths are green.

Oranges have lots of vitamin C, but I stopped buying the orange juice that homophobic bitch Anita Bryant used to pimp.

Was that what you meant?
I like the crispness of a fresh Cortland. I'm not much of a Delicious apple lover though. Granny Smiths are green.

Oranges have lots of vitamin C, but I stopped buying the orange juice that homophobic bitch Anita Bryant used to pimp.

Was that what you meant?

I like to smell my own farts, they make my breath worse than it already is. Oops wrong thread.
A United Nations group leveled heavy criticism against the United States concerning the police killings of black people, stating that the recent killings were reminiscent of lynchings and that the U.S. government was not doing enough to protect its citizens.

“Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching,” said the report by the U.N. Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent, which will be debated at the U.N. Human Rights Council on Monday.

The report was based on a visit to the United States by a five-person group in January to observe conditions here.

The group went on to say that it was “extremely concerned” over the state of affairs in the United States, especially because of the racial legacy in the country.

“In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent,” the group said. “Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency.”

The group went on to recommend that the United States develop a system to track police killings and also recommended the end of the practice of racial profiling, which they described as “a rampant practice and seriously damages the trust between African Americans and law enforcement officials.”


Sure beats going to fucking Syria.
In 2015 The UN passed 22 articles against Israel and 3 against the rest of the entire world.

It is a puppet organization filled with dictatorships that has no real purpose in the world anymore. We should kick them out of New York and stop paying our dues.

Israel is an apartheid state bent on systematically disenfranchising Palestinians, even those who hold Israeli citizenship. The US is propping them up and therefore implicitly approving of their tactics which amount to genocide.

The UN has done a great deal of good in the world. If you would see it dismantled, what do you propose to take is place?

If you say 'nothing', all I can say is that you're a real babe in the woods when it comes to the world of international relations.

Then again, folks have been saying that about you for years.