US mass shootings by race.

Republican Logic.

He isn't Republican, he just thought he had to murder people to keep them from voting Republicans out. He is concerned about environmental damage, so he murdered people for white power. He is aware that white people have the nature of invaders, so he decided to murder people that aren't white.

Republican Logic.
I think you are aboit 1 click away from being a mass shooter. You got so much hate.
If everyone was blamimg Obama, id stand yp for that also.
So quick to point fingers.
Dude he killed some whites and blacks when the manifesto says his target was mexicans. Makes no sense.
Usually minorities vote dem right? Why would he kill the dems then according to the manifesto?
Hes aware of white invasion....gtfoh
Says the guy that didnt pay me in full and ripoed me off lol.wheres my 500$?Still no job? Still living off your inlaws? All those stories of how they hate you all makes sense to me. Hows those 40 yr old loafers you wear holding up? I bet there is a nicer pair for purchase at your local thrift shop?
Id also say that a white trash type is the kind that shoves any drug in their mouth, has no goals for life and lives off everyone else, and takes out loans he has no intention of paying. Bazinga
Says the guy that didnt pay me in full and ripoed me off lol.wheres my 500$?Still no job? Still living off your inlaws? All those stories of how they hate you all makes sense to me. Hows those 40 yr old loafers you wear holding up? I bet there is a nicer pair for purchase at your local thrift shop?
Id also say that a white trash type is the kind that shoves any drug in their mouth, has no goals for life and lives off everyone else, and takes out loans he has no intention of paying. Bazinga
Oh noes, not my shoes!
Dude he killed some whites and blacks when the manifesto says his target was mexicans. Makes no sense.
Usually minorities vote dem right? Why would he kill the dems then according to the manifesto?
Hes aware of white invasion....gtfoh

1. You can't find logic in crazy.
2. If he was popping off rounds in a place he was expecting a bunch of Mexicans its doubtful he would have taken the time to single out the non-Mexican people to let them get around him, the dude was a radicalized crazy asshole.
Hitler wasn't racist, he was crazy.....
Yeah, because if he were racist only Jews would have died! He killed trade unionists, Jehovah's wittnesses and gays too. See, that proves he wasn't racist. bazinga
Also, he wasn't because I saw it on the internet. bahahaha
And what is racist about putting Jews in camps anyway? gtfoh

Also, I am literally mentally retarded.
1. You can't find logic in crazy.
2. If he was popping off rounds in a place he was expecting a bunch of Mexicans its doubtful he would have taken the time to single out the non-Mexican people to let them get around him, the dude was a radicalized crazy asshole.
Nope. Other people put those words in his mouth. I read that on tye internets. hmmm...
Yeah, because if he were racist only Jews would have died! He killed trade unionists, Jehovah's wittnesses and gays too. See, that proves he wasn't racist. bazinga
Also, he wasn't because I saw it on the internet. bahahaha
And what is racist about putting Jews in camps anyway? gtfoh

Also, I am literally mentally retarded.
Go back to where you came from Unclebaldrick.
tRUmp says flags at half staff till August 8th, that's a curious date and seems familiar, 88 is big with white supremacist and Nazis, must be another coincidence I guess. I didn't watch his speech, did he flash any white power signs this time?
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