US mass shootings by race.

I think the point I see is more to draw attention to the problem we are having in societies today. People are being convinced that they should be scared of the poor people coming from other countries. Ignoring it doesn't change anything.
Couldn't agree more!
The reason it matters is to fuel the racism these people claim to hate and fight. The "Al Sharpton" Model as I like to call it.
Invoking Al Sharpton as fueling racism is basically saying because he is black and talks he is fueling racism. My brother tried to pull this with me all the time, everything he ever brought up was cut quotes and out of context when he even bothered, the rest was just pure bullshit racism.

They sure do come in many forms. This thread is one of these forms.
Why does OP point this out? Who cares what color someone is when they shoot people?
Because how they got radicalized tends to be directly related to the race of the person today.
Some people call leaving children to die while running away cowardice.
Well we can only hope you are there for the next mass shooting so you can save everyone.
You can calmly say you would be tye hero but you dont have any idea what transpired or how you would react in any situation like this
I'm half Hispanic and half African American, That's what makes your comments about me so laughable.

Edit - This is a representation of how I feel because feelings are all that matter!
stfu gringo

If I had a dollar for every dumb ass gringo that got caught in some bullshit and turned around said that they were black, I would own this website.
I think the point I see is more to draw attention to the problem we are having in societies today. People are being convinced that they should be scared of the poor people coming from other countries. Ignoring it doesn't change

When you don’t have answers for domestic problems point fingers.
stfu gringo

If I had a dollar for every dumb ass gringo that got caught in some bullshit and turned around said that they were black, I would own this website.
You troll the political thread on a "has been" Marijuana cultivation website. Calling people names and throwing witty comebacks about the real tragedies that plague this nation is a real POS thing to do. Pointing fingers at any race and saying "they" are the issue is racism in its rawest form. You bounce from thread to thread spreading hate. I wish you the best in life in everything you do and I hope you find some happiness in life and can put a stop to this toxic vomit. Peace be with you brother
stfu gringo

two days ago you said you were Jewish, right around the time you made a thread called "build the wall"
I’m half Asian and half Jewish but if you saw me you would not think “white” and since you are paying attention you must have also noticed where I said I was duel citizen. As I’ve said before, some of you don’t care about reality, you have your views set in stone and your minds are made up.
You troll the political thread on a "has been" Marijuana cultivation website. Calling people names and throwing witty comebacks about the real tragedies that plague this nation is a real POS thing to do. Pointing fingers at any race and saying "they" are the issue is racism in its rawest form. You bounce from thread to thread spreading hate. I wish you the best in life in everything you do and I hope you find some happiness in life and can put a stop to this toxic vomit. Peace be with you brother
Fuck your peace, don't fucking namaste me when gringos are going around murdering for no fucking reason. You got completely fucking butthurt about me calling out truth in this thread and decided to come defend white men from being called out for their senseless political violence. White men are on a jihad and you're offended by the word gringo. As if you're persecuted.

You're god damn right I hate white racist murderers. You just deny it.
White nationalism is on the rise worldwide
“America is under attack by lethal, violent white nationalist terrorism. … This is a national security emergency. It is killing Americans just as it is killing people around the world.”

— Pete Buttigieg

Nutbag crazy shit there. If it were a black dude killing at the el paso shooting ..not a word would be said
You troll the political thread on a "has been" Marijuana cultivation website. Calling people names and throwing witty comebacks about the real tragedies that plague this nation is a real POS thing to do. Pointing fingers at any race and saying "they" are the issue is racism in its rawest form. You bounce from thread to thread spreading hate. I wish you the best in life in everything you do and I hope you find some happiness in life and can put a stop to this toxic vomit. Peace be with you brother
That sounds great. But the problem is that the President of the United States has been race baiting hard. And now it seems he has been pushing, I am not racist, they are racist. It needs to be discussed.