US policy is 'not to defend Canada' in any N Korea attack

And if you think that's mean. Go sneak into North Korea or china!
I don't think its mean. I think its retarded.

Like I said it can be done cheaper with technology. A fucking wall makes no sense. Drug cartels have extensive tunnels in place as it is. They also use submarines and shit too.

This nation was built by immigrants.

"Bring me your huddled masses..." Statue of liberty.
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This thread is totally useless, NK is never going to attack the U.S. much less Canada, and does anybody really think that we wouldn't destroy NK if they nuked Canada?
I don't think its mean. I think its retarded.

Like I said it can be done cheaper with technology. A fucking wall makes no sense. Drug cartels have extensive tunnels in place as it is. They also use submarines and shit too.

This nation was built by immigrants.

"Bring me your huddled masses..." Statue of liberty.
And it can be dismantled easily with the next liberal idiot that gets elected to the White House. That's really why liberals prefer it and conservatives want a wall. It can't be removed by the next lib! If the liberals followed and enforced the laws I could agree with this statement. But since liberals prefer selective law enforce we can't count on that type of system being maintained and enforced. Sorry but trusting liberals to follow laws after obama just isn't happening. So no matter the cost it's well spent money. Thank your idol obama for destroying the faith we have in liberals following laws if you don't like the cost. You liberals don't care how we feel when conservatives are illegally targeted by our government. So believe me I don't care how much the cost of a wall bothers any of you.

Once again if obama didn't divide the country, destroy our trust, target groups with the IRS, push unconstitutional healthcare that wasn't a TAX until he figured out its the only way to make it constitutional during Supreme Court case or sign unconstitutional executive orders making daca status maybe we would have trust. But your boy destroyed it! So focus your anger with Obama for destroy trust and division.
And it can be dismantled easily with the next liberal idiot that gets elected to the White House. That's really why liberals prefer it and conservatives want a wall. It can't be removed by the next lib! If the liberals followed and enforced the laws I could agree with this statement. But since liberals prefer selective law enforce we can't count on that type of system being maintained and enforced. Sorry but trusting liberals to follow laws after obama just isn't happening. So no matter the cost it's well spent money. Thank your idol obama for destroying the faith we have in liberals following laws if you don't like the cost. You liberals don't care how we feel when conservatives are illegally targeted by our government. So believe me I don't care how much the cost of a wall bothers any of you.

Once again if obama didn't divide the country, destroy our trust, target groups with the IRS, push unconstitutional healthcare that wasn't a TAX until he figured out its the only way to make it constitutional during Supreme Court case or sign unconstitutional executive orders making daca status maybe we would have trust. But your boy destroyed it! So focus your anger with Obama for destroy trust and division.
Aren't you mad at Reagan for doing the same thing? How about Bush? ... BOTH OF THEM?!

You're utterly inconsistent and therefore transparent.

Try focusing on the issues.
And it can be dismantled easily with the next liberal idiot that gets elected to the White House. That's really why liberals prefer it and conservatives want a wall. It can't be removed by the next lib! If the liberals followed and enforced the laws I could agree with this statement. But since liberals prefer selective law enforce we can't count on that type of system being maintained and enforced. Sorry but trusting liberals to follow laws after obama just isn't happening. So no matter the cost it's well spent money. Thank your idol obama for destroying the faith we have in liberals following laws if you don't like the cost. You liberals don't care how we feel when conservatives are illegally targeted by our government. So believe me I don't care how much the cost of a wall bothers any of you.

Once again if obama didn't divide the country, destroy our trust, target groups with the IRS, push unconstitutional healthcare that wasn't a TAX until he figured out its the only way to make it constitutional during Supreme Court case or sign unconstitutional executive orders making daca status maybe we would have trust. But your boy destroyed it! So focus your anger with Obama for destroy trust and division.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, liberals. Blah, blah ,blah, blah ,liberals. Blah, blah ,blah, blah ,liberals. Blah, blah ,blah, blah, liberals.
I dont understand why usa saying they not down to help canada even if we r seen as a forest instead of a country lolll. On the past 17 years we fuckin helped them in their damn wars, if i remember 9/11 was in usa but canada fuckin raided talibans in afghanistan aside usa, then bush feeled that irak had massive destruction weapons and that irak ppl needed freedom and usa petrol lolll but again we helped like the little dumb brother. Same for lybia... when usa helped us???? They dont even try to talk like they want to, not even...

Usa is a country that i like to call"predator" style. Always on aggressive mode and if you really think its to give the rest of the world peace and freedom, you fuckin blind i swear. North korea is proving to the rest of the world that even if usa is against you, you can do whatever you want as long as china or russia got your back... How many country in the next decades will play this game you think?? Usa prooved their mouth dont follow their boots and russka and china are more than happy to see this. Iran and nk didnt give a shit about usa and they won their talk trash games since usa cant do shit when you sticked with china or russia. Its from my point of view the begining of a long end... American imperialism wont stand another 100 yrs... I was big time usa supporter and still r but i dont understand where they r going what they do, habitually everybody use to think " ahh its usa, they got a plan, they r smart as fuck, they baws" but nowaday i feel like the whole earth starting to realise that usa is not what we expected in reality... sadly

Only ma two cents