USA - leave if you want to save yourself

aside from gas prices going up and groceries going up there hasnt been a change in my day to day life whatsoever

and barely any of your lives either
i was thinking last night, because it's cold out at night and i'm sleeping in a tent. so gas is outrageous. i have a kerosene heater and last year it was $5 dollars a gallon. i haven't bought any in 6 months so i'm not sure where it's at now but i use 15 gallons every 2 weeks. they keep coming up with these complaints about fireplaces. like trying to ban them because of the smoke. i'm looking for a wood stove still. basically what i'm trying to say is they are forcing me to go on city power. complete control of my warmth at that point. :shock:
The entire western world is on the brink of disaster, anyone who understands economics and who has been observing the news lately should be packing for the '3rd' world.

Anyone who understands psychology, has already packed and left.

Do not say you were not warned.

you know what.I LOVE THIS COUNTRY!. and i will be here through thick and thin. we are still the WORLD superpower and its hater like you that wanna talk down cause you WISH you had our freedom.
uh, fdd, how do you not pay taxes? man, they got wesley snipes! theres no hope for us growers! we were illegal from jump!
The entire western world is on the brink of disaster, anyone who understands economics and who has been observing the news lately should be packing for the '3rd' world.

Anyone who understands psychology, has already packed and left.

Do not say you were not warned.
Oh, you're joking, right? Which third world should we head for? Zimbabwe? S.A. itself??? India? (Hey, we can retake all those outsourced jobs, right?)

The rest of the world NEEDS the U.S. to succeed, or the rest of the world will suffer far worse than we. It's already happening.
I hear you man.. but me personally, I bleed red, white, and blue.. I am not leaving- we let this mess happen, I ain't running.. but I am prepared and getting more and more so everyday.. biggest thing I did.. moved from Chicago to the country.. got food and water piled up- silver stashed.. gun and ammo ready.
God damn, and when I fall, I've got her to back me up. Hear, hear! (Oh, and yee haw.)
i don't pay taxes. :)
Um, I wouldn't be too open about that. The IRS plays hardball. Hard. Cash and carry, or suffer their consequences.
i was thinking last night, because it's cold out at night and i'm sleeping in a tent. so gas is outrageous. i have a kerosene heater and last year it was $5 dollars a gallon. i haven't bought any in 6 months so i'm not sure where it's at now but i use 15 gallons every 2 weeks. they keep coming up with these complaints about fireplaces. like trying to ban them because of the smoke. i'm looking for a wood stove still. basically what i'm trying to say is they are forcing me to go on city power. complete control of my warmth at that point. :shock:
You must have missed the bill our state legislature had put up for consideration earlier in the year (or it may have been last year). I don't remember the number of it, but it was buried, of course, and what they wanted to do was install radio-controlled thermostats in EVERYONE's homes so they could control both heat and cold. That would leave them only a short hop away from monitoring your power consumption, and who knows what else. That one was quashed, or there would have been an assassination.
Oh, you're joking, right? Which third world should we head for? Zimbabwe? S.A. itself??? India? (Hey, we can retake all those outsourced jobs, right?)

The rest of the world NEEDS the U.S. to succeed, or the rest of the world will suffer far worse than we. It's already happening.

God damn, and when I fall, I've got her to back me up. Hear, hear! (Oh, and yee haw.)

Um, I wouldn't be too open about that. The IRS plays hardball. Hard. Cash and carry, or suffer their consequences.

You must have missed the bill our state legislature had put up for consideration earlier in the year (or it may have been last year). I don't remember the number of it, but it was buried, of course, and what they wanted to do was install radio-controlled thermostats in EVERYONE's homes so they could control both heat and cold. That would leave them only a short hop away from monitoring your power consumption, and who knows what else. That one was quashed, or there would have been an assassination.

put down the crack pipe. :shock:

EVERYONES homes. they can't even get me high speed AT&T. :roll:

the government is not worried about my measly income. it would cost them more to hunt me down. these fear tactics sound real familiar. YouTube - Bush Beatbox
put down the crack pipe. :shock:
Fuck that, pass me yours. :lol:
EVERYONES homes. they can't even get me high speed AT&T. :roll:
Yes, everyone who's on the grid. As I said, it was quashed. You on the grid? You would be included.
the government is not worried about my measly income. it would cost them more to hunt me down. these fear tactics sound real familiar. YouTube - Bush Beatbox
Indeed, many are completely looked over. But that cannot be relied upon. I know for a fact that at a certain point, they show up at your door packing their own heat. You can dismiss it as a fear tactic, but when I was greeted by the Shiny Black FBI Shoes, I felt plenty of fear. But more anger than anything else. Lots and lots of anger. I am still a-feared of them, though.
Fuck that, pass me yours. :lol:

Yes, everyone who's on the grid. As I said, it was quashed. You on the grid? You would be included.

Indeed, many are completely looked over. But that cannot be relied upon. I know for a fact that at a certain point, they show up at your door packing their own heat. You can dismiss it as a fear tactic, but when I was greeted by the Shiny Black FBI Shoes, I felt plenty of fear. But more anger than anything else. Lots and lots of anger. I am still a-feared of them, though.

the FBI doesn't come to your door with guns to collect a few grand in taxes. i'd just pay them.
the FBI doesn't come to your door with guns to collect a few grand in taxes. i'd just pay them.
That was a reference to a Tom Wolf book (The Electric Kool-aid Acid Test). And yes, the IRS will show up at your door, with guns, if you owe enough. It's called "encouragement". Of course, anyone who doesn't believe me can put it to their own test. :)
cutos on not paying taxes FDD! I totally agree with you, our country is in a vortex of trouble, its not really the governments fault, except for the fact that there are so many corupt politions in our government we can't move forward without serving for so major corporations personal agenda, most large world banking companies that want to turn the working class into slaves... I personally don't think there is anywhere to run to, I think the US is going to be the forefront in a revoultion that will lead to peace and love in the world. Look out for the North America Union, do some research on that.
I will never abandon the circumstances that our noble forefathers set into motion. Anyone who abandons this great land of the United States of America is a traitor and a coward, IMHO.

It is the responsibility of the people who have a great loyalty to this country to make a change, to not abandon ship in the face of political adversity but to rise up and make a difference for our great land!
Indeed, you don't have to believe in your government to believe in your countrymen. I for one know that when the shit hits the fan Americans will be the Spartans of our time and lead not only our country but our planet to a better place.
I will never abandon the circumstances that our noble forefathers set into motion. Anyone who abandons this great land of the United States of America is a traitor and a coward, IMHO.
So when the turningpoint is clear, that the country is completely corrupt, and I (who was born and raised and currently live in the same west coast State that I LOVE ) move to free myself from tyrrany of a corrupt nation. i am a traitor?...I Plan to stay, but this to me is faulty....when it is not worth living in this country, due to its restrictions, i will look for a better land to live. until then i will continue to reap the benefits of being an American.
All The citizens get mad when they see so many 'illegal' citizens come over from mexico, but when they stop coming over will justify that the scales have tipped to the dark side. (i dont mean to start an 'immigration' issue, just making a point that immigration signifies american prosperity)
So you must be okay with immigration if its okay for you to leave when your country no longer has anything to offer you and is corrupt and there is mass murdering going on? I don't think this is a question of likelyness more so a question of time. When the time has arrived when the government requires you to have a "chip" implanted in your new baby boys arm so they can track him anywhere on the Earth you will simply leave the country? Sound kind of like what the Mexicans are doing now? Again look out for North American Union, this is the start of a one world government...