USA - leave if you want to save yourself

So when the turningpoint is clear, that the country is completely corrupt, and I (who was born and raised and currently live in the same west coast State that I LOVE ) move to free myself from tyrrany of a corrupt nation. i am a traitor?...I Plan to stay, but this to me is faulty....when it is not worth living in this country, due to its restrictions, i will look for a better land to live. until then i will continue to reap the benefits of being an American.
All The citizens get mad when they see so many 'illegal' citizens come over from mexico, but when they stop coming over will justify that the scales have tipped to the dark side. (i dont mean to start an 'immigration' issue, just making a point that immigration signifies american prosperity)

All I can say is vote for Obama...and if you live in MA vote yes on number 2. had a real good speech all wrote up and fucking laptop klicked back and I lost it...fuck. It sounded real good 2. Too much money in the world live below your means and you will be fine.
So when the turningpoint is clear, that the country is completely corrupt, and I (who was born and raised and currently live in the same west coast State that I LOVE ) move to free myself from tyrrany of a corrupt nation. i am a traitor?...I Plan to stay, but this to me is faulty....when it is not worth living in this country, due to its restrictions, i will look for a better land to live. until then i will continue to reap the benefits of being an American.
All The citizens get mad when they see so many 'illegal' citizens come over from mexico, but when they stop coming over will justify that the scales have tipped to the dark side. (i dont mean to start an 'immigration' issue, just making a point that immigration signifies american prosperity)

You embrace a realistic form of logic and i commend you on that but you must remember that nothing is absolute, but all things are temporary and the force of the universe says that all things MUST change and you ether become a part of this change or get swept abroad.

What America needs is another revolution!

Franklin D. Roosevelt had a good system, one that had sanctions against whats happening in congress right now. We need to get back to those ways.
yes go back in time... Get back to what the first people thought on how to run the country. The Declaration of Independance was written on HEMP. My god elections can be bought. People we work for want everything for free and health care is a joke. We are kicking our own and helping third world. What about taking care of our own. People r going back to thier countrys because our dollar is decressing by hte day. We can only thank the people in the white house for this.
I must agree with the idea of America going downhill fast. Maybe that's what the 2012 thing is going to be about, the fall of the western world.

Me either. I'll stay and defend my home. I worked hard for it and it's mine and I'm keeping it.

I call it cut & run. I will not cut and run. I just won't.

I agree here. They'd never be able to pull of that thermostat crap. It's too wide scale. I know plenty of people that can't even get cable TV because they live outside the city limits. They all are going to have to buy those converter boxes. Those same people are using dial-up.

EVERYONES homes. they can't even get me high speed AT&T. :roll:
I'm not voting democrate or republican, this is the year we should al vote for the thrid party ticket, let those idiots waste their money trying to manipulate votes, if you want to try and make a change vote third party. Niether Obama or McCainn or going to lead us out of this, one proposes "tax breaks" for middle class and the other says:"stiffer tax regulations on big corporations." Lol, do these sounds like full proof plans to make up for 200 trillon dollars of debt? lol. I have to say it, the sheppard has rounded up himself another sheep, lol.
Uh, read some of this guys other posts, folks.Then read his website.Now, reconsider taking advice.
The entire western world is on the brink of disaster, anyone who understands economics and who has been observing the news lately should be packing for the '3rd' world.

Anyone who understands psychology, has already packed and left.

Do not say you were not warned.
I hear you man.. but me personally, I bleed red, white, and blue.. I am not leaving- we let this mess happen, I ain't running.. but I am prepared and getting more and more so everyday.. biggest thing I did.. moved from Chicago to the country.. got food and water piled up- silver stashed.. gun and ammo ready.

God damn, and when I fall, I've got her to back me up. Hear, hear! (Oh, and yee haw.)

yee haw!!!! and you got me 2. i did the same. bunches of canned beans, peas, peanut butter, water, guns & ammo are all buried so no ones gonna take it

and some weed growin..:weed:

Uh, read some of this guys other posts, folks.Then read his website.Now, reconsider taking advice.

seriously.....and he thinks he understands psychology, holy fuck, thats fuckin scary....please enlighten us, why would anyone whou understands psychology already have left poseidon, because the godless sodomites have taken over and god is going to punish us all with AIDS or what?
Careful, he'll call you a nazi.Poseidon, you live in South offense to your country, but I don't see a lot of Americans going there.
seriously.....and he thinks he understands psychology, holy fuck, thats fuckin scary....please enlighten us, why would anyone whou understands psychology already have left poseidon, because the godless sodomites have taken over and god is going to punish us all with AIDS or what?
The entire western world is on the brink of disaster, anyone who understands economics and who has been observing the news lately should be packing for the '3rd' world.

Anyone who understands psychology, has already packed and left.

Do not say you were not warned.

I'm not leaving!!! I'm sticking around for the revolution!!:cuss::finger::bigjoint::weed::clap:
This thread poses a good idea.

the U.S. has gone to shit, come to Canada like i did! It's a lot nicer here and soon enough Harper will be history!
theres nothing wrong with america. well be fine once we start knockin off a few politic types...


Disclaimer: I do not advocate any actually killing of political officials. You do what you do.:joint:
America is the GREATEST country!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love this country and i couldent be more proud to be an American.
Pfff as soon as I get off my probationary period for work, I'm transferring to fucking Canada.

This country is balls. It's a sad day when I'm actually ashamed to be an Ameri-cunt.
Sometimes i wish california would withdraw from the union... but then i put down the bong and realize it would never work or happen...