Matt Rize
So I have been doing some research on mixing my own veganic supersoil and catch a hit off of google and who do I find talking about in on the MedicalMJ forums, but Matt Rize himself, lol. How is that research coming along? Have you guys figured out the alternatives to the Guano, Blood Meal, Fish Meal, and Worm Castings (maybe)?
lol I've been looking into quality organic replacements. Cottonseed meal (7-2-2) was interesting at first, but the way cotton is grown is generally disgusting, and finding a good organic source of the meal is difficult. Kelp meal is another good meal (1-0-2). Soft rock phosphate is a good P source, but slow to break down. Alfalfa meal, the triacontanol source, is 3-1-2, not too shabby but you have to use this sparingly.
Corn Gluten meal is something I'm looking at right now (9-0-0), but it comes with warning that it will inhibit root growth on seedlings so I have to look way more into it.
Dry molasses is great for building soil 1-0-5, but low in N.