Vegan Organics Aka Veganics With Matt Rize

Ya, I am finishing up my first run with BioCanna. Just starting to get the feel for it. It is completely different than my Fox Farms run. I know that I am undernuting according to the chart, but like I said earlier I was trying to feed, feed, feed. Now I am doing feed, water, feed, water to let the plant digest the nutes better. I think once that is back on track, I'll be able to run the higher levels that they recommend. Thank you for the advice though man. How often do you water and feed?

For me it's about every third, or every other day when they're really going. That's in five gallon containers. It just depends on the strain and time of year. One thing I noticed was that you said you only water about once a week; make sure to always thoroughly saturate the pots. I notice that if I don't water, wait, water until runoff it actually takes the pots longer to dry than if I do completely saturate them. My educated guess is that it has to do with cation exchange, and the physical location of the feeder roots in the containers. If most of the moisture is concentrated in the center of the container and the rest of it doesn't get regularly flushed out/saturated then the medium and rootmass do not function harmoniously. If that made any sense whatsoever, when I'm high I have trouble writing my thoughts coherently.
So will deficiency show us as small rust hole burning through your plant and start going away when you flush and give lower dosages? lol How much are you watering Wolverine? I was thinking of cutting back to 1/2 gallon per 5 gallon bucket twice a week. As of now I'm giving them 1 gallon once a week roughly. Trust me bro, i've tried upping it. I went from 5ml to 7.5ml to 10ml and once I hit 10ml Flores, 10ml BioBoost, my plants burned. Not a little, but a lot. Still trying to fix them.

I know you told me that I was on the lower side of nutrient dosages and I fully get that, trust me I do. I use 3 times the amount of nutes in my Fox Farm line with no problems at all.
I use a 2 gallon watering can with a spout that limits how much will come out. I water all over the top of the plant only being sure to get into every corner of the 10 gallon totes and I try to be sure to leave no dry soil on the top of the plants. That does make sense what you are saying though. I will try to focus on the outside of the plants mostly because the water does tend to run into the middle of the put.
So will deficiency show us as small rust hole burning through your plant and start going away when you flush and give lower dosages? lol How much are you watering Wolverine? I was thinking of cutting back to 1/2 gallon per 5 gallon bucket twice a week. As of now I'm giving them 1 gallon once a week roughly. Trust me bro, i've tried upping it. I went from 5ml to 7.5ml to 10ml and once I hit 10ml Flores, 10ml BioBoost, my plants burned. Not a little, but a lot. Still trying to fix them.

I know you told me that I was on the lower side of nutrient dosages and I fully get that, trust me I do. I use 3 times the amount of nutes in my Fox Farm line with no problems at all.
I use a 2 gallon watering can with a spout that limits how much will come out. I water all over the top of the plant only being sure to get into every corner of the 10 gallon totes and I try to be sure to leave no dry soil on the top of the plants. That does make sense what you are saying though. I will try to focus on the outside of the plants mostly because the water does tend to run into the middle of the put.

Deficiencies can be very tough to pin down. It could be a lockout issue that the flushing is temporarily fixing. Without going back to re-read; are you using beneficial organisms? You could be having pH swings in your medium, that a good microherd will stabilize. I'm just troubleshooting here...

I give my plants about a gallon of water food (thanks taf) per 5gal container on average twice a week, and on watering day they're on the dry side. I first give them about a liter, then wait ten minutes and give the rest to ensure even saturation. They'll dry out a good two days faster this way than if I go light on the water.
Damn you nightbird lol

plant based organic nutrients are known to be weaker nutrients as a whole, and biocanna is known to be a weak nute i said before, sum ppl run 125% biocanna nutes under 1k lights bc it is a weak nutrient are giving your plants 10 out 15ml of nutrient solution, or roughly 67% of the recommended dosage..and you are doing this under the strongest commercial light made.

lemme put this in terms i can overstand:

its like your plants have the energy (from lights) to run a marathon, bu you are only giving them a snack to carry them through..

While i dont know how far along you are in your grow, i can almost bet that your fan leaves are small far as your spots on leaves, you are probably are running into a whole gambit of deficiencies, as well....leaves yellowing from the outside edge inward...also yellowing from the top of the leaf down to the base, plant as a whole turning light green, and so forth..

i know you have at least been on this thread for a week (bc i have), so therefore i know you got at least another week in you........soO, jus do wut im sayin on one plant (run your nutrients @FULL STRENGTH) and you'll seee a difference before the next weekend is'll actually notice a difference in about 4 days (give or take half a day)...
I went from 5ml to 7.5ml to 10ml and once I hit 10ml Flores, 10ml BioBoost, my plants burned.

your plants didnt burn, they became deficient bc you started your nutes at 1/3 the recommended dose and 'upped' it to 2/3....your gurls took a while to show signs of deficiency and now are liddle somalians wanting A LOT of mineral water to satisfy their parched throats.........
Redrock, you kill me man, lol. I don't know what to make of you. But you made me smile on a shitty shitty day. I will run the recommended dosage like you said on the next feeding. But if it burns, I hate to tell you I told you so....

This is my newest set that I am running. You tell me how to make them happy and I will. I have 6 Sour OG in 1/2 gallon bags right now. First run of clones from a mother chosen from seeds that came from Cali Connection. Whether or not you like the company, they are legit regular seeds ordered from a company. Better than 95% of the clones around here. The ladies are in 1/2 gal bags. All the gallons I tell you will be split between these 6 plants until I otherwise say so. After transplanting into bags, they got 5ml Vega, 2.5 ml Rhizo, 2.5 Rhizo. 2 gallons split between 6 plants (week one.) IMO I overwatered them a bit after a transplant, and it took a couple of days for them to start doing their thing. I should have probably given them 1 gallon split between 6, but they started to perk up a bit towards the end of week 1. Today, week 2 (Day 8 from transplant,) they got 1tsp Nitrozyme and 1tsp CaMg+ per gal, split between 6 plants. Pop quiz hotshot! What is the next move, lol.
15ml bioboost...? no thanks, stuffs too expensive and I'm too poor. I'll stick with my 6ml/gal :p

Anyways.. Hey Matt are you still using Mayan Madness? I'm looking into getting mycomaximum, I can't seem to find the Madness where I shop online, is it worth looking for elsewhere? I guess since mayan microz and mycromax. are made by the same people they might be the same thing?
I got a fever, and the only perscription... is more BioBoost.

I really think you should do a test plant using General Organics Bio Bud in place of the Canna Boost. I'm thinking it's the same basic thing, and the dose rates are much lower for the Bio Bud. I'm really liking it, and their whole lineup really. It's cheaper than Canna, and it works very well. I really need to get some Canna and run some experiments...
I really think you should do a test plant using General Organics Bio Bud in place of the Canna Boost. I'm thinking it's the same basic thing, and the dose rates are much lower for the Bio Bud. I'm really liking it, and their whole lineup really. It's cheaper than Canna, and it works very well. I really need to get some Canna and run some experiments...

Canna Boost and Bioboost are two different things.
True, laziness pays off, aye :)
Since we're on the topic, I searched the stuff quickly and it looks pretty cool." Ingredients: Plant protein hydrolysate, rock phosphate and sea kelp" Sounds good to me, but I'm fairly certain the ingredients on the bioboost are different, although I've never been able to find a list of the bioboost ingredients (Rize alert). The price is good, Bioboost is $76 for 1L and the GH stuff is around $25 for a qt. Yet, the Bioboost has that oh so special OMRI listing... which jacks the price considerably.
True, laziness pays off, aye :)
Since we're on the topic, I searched the stuff quickly and it looks pretty cool." Ingredients: Plant protein hydrolysate, rock phosphate and sea kelp" Sounds good to me, but I'm fairly certain the ingredients on the bioboost are different, although I've never been able to find a list of the bioboost ingredients (Rize alert). The price is good, Bioboost is $76 for 1L and the GH stuff is around $25 for a qt. Yet, the Bioboost has that oh so special OMRI listing... which jacks the price considerably.

The GO Bio Budt is $37/qt retail, not to nitpick...
This is my newest set that I am running. You tell me how to make them happy and I will. I have 6 Sour OG in 1/2 gallon bags right now.

NB - i need a few answers already if you can..i havent read all the posts in this thread and maybe you can direct mHe to the following answers below if you have already posted them :) anyways:

1. What's your medium?
2. What size light are they under?
3. How old (wut week-veg, right?) and tall (inches) are yo gurls?

1/2 gallon bags?...i use 3 gallon 'rose buckets' they are can ask for them at your hydro store..about 8" wide & they are square ..these buckets will give your gurls more room for their roots than a 1/2 gallon (i'm unfamiliar w/ these 1/2 bags you speak of...they sound like outdoor guerilla style gardening)....anyways....

more roots=more fruits

u might wanna put them in bigger containers..

bu, first, regardless, i need to know the answers above before i can help further....okay