Matt Rize
15ml bioboost...? no thanks, stuffs too expensive and I'm too poor. I'll stick with my 6ml/gal
Anyways.. Hey Matt are you still using Mayan Madness? I'm looking into getting mycomaximum, I can't seem to find the Madness where I shop online, is it worth looking for elsewhere? I guess since mayan microz and mycromax. are made by the same people they might be the same thing?
HN and their confusing product names....
Mayan microzyme is the concentrated liquid inoculant. It has two species of bacteria. I am still using this, once in mid veg. Until it's gone, then it's out. Myco Madness is the mixed species inoculant, with cheap humic acid. It's designed for commercial nursery and greenhouse use, many of the species in it (like great white) do not associate with Cannabis (but they do work with conifers).
I'd suggest using the VAM from BioAg, and using that with their Humic. The price is the least expensive ($50/lb) for the VAM (endo-myco). And the humic, which is separate, is the best source I've found.