Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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Brother Sedan, I appreciate you so much! The people around you who do not appreciate your mind are fools, but i am glad it brought you here!

So many things I want to talk about, like building + airplane physics, but let me say first that I want only good things for you and your family, and i send you love and peace and prayers from America.

Forgive me please I've read this whole thread, and made a long reply. I read your methods and they are incredible, you are as keen an inventor as I have seen..(Macgyver the hero who made whatever tools he needs). your methods are better for people than any i have seen, you care to show what things are really important in the grow, I greatly admire your work as a teacher (фахівець is that right?)

I don't agree with all of the politics opinions i think, as i believe that all these systems are corrupt, but i have made peace that i am a stranger here.

Thank you brother Sedan for your knowledge and generosity. I mean no offense, I have a dry sense of humor. I want to buy your seeds but it is illegal for me i can only look at beautiful pictures.

So I saw that there is nothing better than for a man to have joy in his work--because that is his reward. Who will make him see what will come after him?
This is true of the man under the sun. Is that the only kind of man?

You can not imagine how our children absorb each gesture, every word of "star" !!!
We must be wise and teach them to be wise or after they will see it without us and be fooled. I hope your sin listens to you more, my sons do not listen much yet ;)

culture of ethics
Brother, here we disagree, those culture you admire is another system of control, they have existed longer and are strong and beautiful, but also corrupt

Imagine the power of propaganda, if absolutely normal people believe in obvious nonsense
What propaganda do you believe? I think you watch too many movies ;)

I read that in America there were frequent cases of headlight thefts from Porsche Caen.
This propaganda? That this light is best for growing, or that people steal for that? Both propaganda...

few people smoke pipes
But i saw a hookah in one of your photos! Don't you clean that ;)

Apparently in the USA you can buy Sylvania or OSRAM diodes at retail.
Osram purchased a company in America, Fluence, they are high end yes but there are some others that are real competition. The Samsung lm301b is a really good diode.

All those questions for you so here is something about me. I grew up in Virginia, where there are coal mines and tobacco farming. I understand what it can be to be stuck in a life that is hard to escape. Mine are simple people, and mostly they have little hope of escaping that life, they are used and manipulated daily not killed but ground down. I was gifted with some skill and was able to get out, but i found the same answer you did, I can't live the high lifestyle and use people.

Your plight and words touched me Sedan, I pray good for you and your family.
Yes, I remembered, you showed me your lamp a few years ago and recommended it to me.

If not mistaken, then this lamp is only for flowering. Or not?

Brother Sedan, I appreciate you so much!
Hi bro!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words!

I feel a storm of emotions in your words.

This is very familiar to me, I'm the same person. Nationality does not matter here.

This is true of the man under the sun. Is that the only kind of man?
There are other people, but very few of them. As a rule, the civilization of mankind relies on such people. Nietzsche defined these people as Übermensch. You can call these people - people with a pure mind. It's like newborn children who absorb the world around them, guided by the education of their parents. The word of mother or father is true anyway. The same process occurs in the heads of unusual people. They also absorb everything like a sponge, but due to the subtlety of mind and observation, they realize very early that most of what their parents tell them is not true.

Then comes the stage of frustration in the lives of these people. As a rule, this occurs some time after puberty, when they realize that this sweet fruit is actually not so sweet.

After the stage of disappointment, the stage of finding a way out begins. It seems to a person that there is a path that will lead him into a truly happy life, due to the fact that this path is not the one that all people go through, until the end of his life, sincerely believing that their parents or teachers gave them in childhood. This is the path that the will and the mind can pave.

Behind the search stage, the stage of contemplation begins. This is when a person realizes that nothing can be changed and you need to look for something in the life that is. This is a very sad period, because if this person does not begin to engage in creation or creation, then sooner or later it will end in alcoholism, the house of the insane or a religious sect.

But if, nevertheless, a person overcomes his fears and directs his whole mind to a specific goal, then this person is the one we are talking about.

Übermensch see much deeper and understand everything much better than ordinary people. Therefore, it is not difficult for them to manipulate people and lead them along. Such people make very good leaders. (Napoleon, Lenin, Hitler, Stalin.) As a rule, the result of their activity is a split of the world into two parts! Now carefully: this is how they express their understanding of life ... their own, their own, not imposed by their parents or teachers, their own!

The greatest scientists, artists, musicians, writers, poets, etc. are also made from these people. They also, as a rule, by their actions carry out a revolution in one or another sphere, because they bring their understanding, not imposed by parents or teachers.

That's the way these people move our world forward. If they were not there, then everything would be stuck in place, attavism would begin. Everything seems to be clear to everyone for a long time, but this is not so. All the time a man will appear who will turn all this understanding inside out and be believed.

But there is a flip side to the coin, these people are not always good or good in the world. Übermensch is not Superman in tights, like a balleron, it can be a villain. It has also recently become customary to buy this gift for money: this is called PROPAGANDA. When you are forced to impose something that you do not accept and do not perceive in essence.

What propaganda do you believe? I think you watch too many movies
))) Yes, I really like cinema. But this is not propaganda, this is art, Bro.

I watch a movie to calm down and plunge into the world of illusions. These are fictional characters who become my friends, who will never betray me, with whom I am fun and easy, who remind me of those very people (I stole plagiarism from Nietzsche.)))

Unfortunately, the longer I live, the fewer films I watch warmly and calmly. Over the years, I have more and more learned to recognize vices in human faces, no matter how they grimace. Very few actors who, in my eyes, do not look like in films, as if they are simply grimacing. "I do not believe!" So would say Stanislavsky.

When I was little, then happiness seemed so immense, the farther over the years, happiness became less and less, and as a result very small, like a stone in a kidney.
This propaganda? That this light is best for growing, or that people steal for that? Both propaganda...
This is what I call black humor. This is the same propaganda as Tarantino films.)))) Horror, what a pervert he is. Cocaine Tarantino obviously sniffed.

But i saw a hookah in one of your photos! Don't you clean that
Yes, I have two hookahs. Friends knew that I smoke, gave me ... But I do not use them. It is like a souvenir for the most part. We smoke a little through a pipe or hookah.

Your plight and words touched me Sedan, I pray good for you and your family.
I wish you to go the way you are going - your path is right. IMHO
Yeah man Sedan be nice and throw out some freebies, we report here first! XD

And who else should I tell all this? Myself to me?))) Bro, here's the go-ahead for free, a little sloppy, but look how interesting this is.)))

Sedan, I do hope in this very troubling time that you and Ms. S are well and staying safe!
Peace be with you my friend!
Thank you very much, comrade!

It’s only in your words that I’m breathing now, there wouldn’t be this, I would probably not survive.

You and your family, good and prosperity !! Peace!
I saw that guy in Belarus playing hockey. I hope they take things more seriously.

My friend died in Moscow about a month ago, he had a heart attack and when the ambulance came they didn't have medicine and he died in the way to the hospital.

I have a team of about 10 in Kiev doing development, i worry about those guys as well.

@Sedan how is the OSRAM led? Do you have any new pictures? I like that your light was made of strips... in the US many lights are going to that style, including the Fluence/Osram.
I saw that guy in Belarus playing hockey. I hope they take things more seriously.
This is a Soviet hockey school. The USSR in hockey was the strongest in the world, even among NHL professionals.

My friend died in Moscow about a month ago, he had a heart attack and when the ambulance came they didn't have medicine and he died in the way to the hospital.
Bro is this a joke? In Moscow, there is no medicine in the ambulance?))
No, my friend, you almost spoke correctly: your friend didn’t have money simply. There is no social health insurance in Russia. If you do not have money, then you will die, and they will stand aside and smoke ... If you have money. then they’ll immediately need you in an ambulance .. at least they will do a heart transplant!))

In Moscow, there are very good clinics, if you pay, you will be healthy, like a bull.

I have a team of about 10 in Kiev doing development, i worry about those guys as well.
if not a secret, in what area is your team exploring in Kiev? Do you really work for the CIA?)) I mean, I don’t understand why you worry about them! If they are Ukrainians, then they should be happy that they work in a foreign company .. with you! Because they pay well there! If I were you, I would be glad for them, instead of worrying! Their families are happy. If you are talking about colleagues of your compatriots, then of course, let them raise the level and transfer to Switzerland, let them work and research better there. Ukraine is not the best place for international business.

If you are talking about those polar bears that walk the streets of Kiev, then this is not scary. Everyone is already accustomed to polar bears on the street.))) They can simply be chopped off with an ax.))) And from the sound of a balalaika they also fall into a trance, like cobras from the pipe of an Indian fakir. If you play balalaika well and play Kalinka to these bears, then the bears will also strip you a striptease.)))
If you did not know, then during the USSR there was no professional sport in fact. Each athlete had to work in a different job in parallel.

Do you recognize this person?


This is the legendary goalkeeper Tretyak, he is a unique hockey player.


Here is his work))))))))


Bro is this a joke?
No joke, heart medicine he needed they did not have. Toulinov was his family name. Maybe he was faking and just skipped out on his wife.

I'm not anything with government. The people i work with are software developers. They don't work for a foreign company, there is a Kiev company that we contract with, so they are paid local rates. I care about people in my circles, so i worry about them...more about government not taking it seriously than anything though and their company takes advantage.

If i ever did see a Russian bear on the street what would I do? If you play the balalaika i will dance the barynya! That will scare them away.

I had heard that there were no professional athletes but I thought they were all just military officers. It was interesting to me that the Belarus leadership is showing off against Russia on the virus, I think many people will suffer because of that.

Don't forget to show new pictures of grow :). I only recently learned about vertical and it is very interesting. Do you make hash? Most of my international friends only think hash, no flower.
No joke, heart medicine he needed they did not have. Toulinov was his family name.
I will tell you a case that happened to me in 2007.

I had a business and I was relatively rich. Once, my father called me (he was then living in a country house), when he was engaged in household chores in his house, he cut his arm in the area with an electric circular saw on a tree. He was taken to the hospital. He calls me on the phone, says that the tendon is damaged and the arm cannot be saved. I rushed to the hospital right away, made a couple of phone calls to my senior friend. Five minutes later, the entire department stood at attention in the line in the corridor ... My father was placed in a separate room, he underwent a complex operation. The hand works as before! Do you know what I mean?
I see that you are familiar with the Russian mentality, but you don’t know everything to the end. Yes, IT specialists are the most sought-after jobs in Ukraine and Russia for foreign companies. Russian brains are very cheap and effective. IT people, especially freelancers, earn very well. They should not be regretted, it is worth rejoicing only!

But these are mostly people divorced from real life in Russia .. Well, you know what I mean ... Not adapted to survive in the condition of Russia. Because money is not everything! If your unfortunate acquaintance had a friend like me, he would not have died!

In our country, both doctors and cops are the last bastards! Until you show them power, money, or your own harker to scare them, they won’t do anything ... They don’t give a damn about you!

I had heard that there were no professional athletes but I thought they were all just military officers.
Bro is for the most part sarcasm))

I remember how in America they sold underground bunkers, fearing a Russian nuclear attack.)))

Yes, Tretyak played for the hockey club CSKA (the central sports club of the Soviet army) There were all the officers. But these were first athletes, and only then officers. It was all essentially fictitious. But it is possible that they carried out the instructions of the KGB when they traveled abroad. After all, an officer must obey orders.

Belarus leadership
Lukashenko is the permanent leader of Belarus.)) He plays the role of Stalin or Brezhnev. His people call "dad"))) He is a communist in fact.

Do you make hash?
We don’t have both hookah and hashish in fashion.)))
The best machine gun of the second world war.

Best not only because it shoots well. This machine is very cheap, incredibly easy to assemble and operate. It was made in besieged Leningrad in 1943. Children assembled the machine in the factories, because there were no other workers


Previously, they fought against the Soviet threat, then there were aliens and zombies, then falling skyscrapers and the fight against terrorists, then they invested money in the Maidan - for freedom, now a virus has appeared!

Gentlemen: do not you think that this is already too much !! ???

Bill Gates and Donald Trump need to hang on a pillar by the legs, like Mussolini and his wife!

Because millions of innocent people suffer from these Masonic enterprises! You say that Stalin and Hitler are tyrants ?! Open your eyes - this is your government! I understand Hitler and Stalin, they had a noble idea !!

But what are these bastards doing for the money !!! they little bitches ?? !! Thousands of innocent lives, panic and again, bitch, economic crisis!

In our country, chaos again! Who's guilty???!!!
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