Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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In material science the term for a metals ability to absorb energy under stress is called 'resilience'.

That's right you all say bro! Only elasticity is lost primarily in the place where the plane hit. Accordingly, as in a burning match: at first the upper part of the building loses its elasticity, the lower part does not lose, it will also stand firmly on its supports, there is no weakening there. Therefore, at first, the upper part must deform and fall on its side, the lower part will remain standing.

And on 9/11 we see such a picture (40 seconds in the video)

That's right you all say bro! Only elasticity is lost primarily in the place where the plane hit. Accordingly, as in a burning match: at first the upper part of the building loses its elasticity, the lower part does not lose, it will also stand firmly on its supports, there is no weakening there. Therefore, at first, the upper part must deform and fall on its side, the lower part will remain standing.

And on 9/11 we see such a picture (40 seconds in the video)

Mathematics has nothing to do with it! The plane deforms the supports during the main impact in this very place, where according to the government it was supposed to break down houses - first of all, it weakens the supports - at the epicenter of the explosion. In the video we see that the house begins to fall, as if weakened from below. In any case, this contradicts the laws of physics!
Bro I don't know anything, Bush and his buddies could have planned things (I don't think they that smart), and they definitely used it to start a war. Many people were saved, my uncle part of that, but no one above where the plane hit was saved. My family and others believe one way very strongly, so i don't argue, I come on internet forums and show people how dumb I am
You want to say that the CIA is so dumb that it can’t plan this action on the orders of the government?

When I watched TV news, when it happened, I was really in shock! It seemed to me that with these skyscrapers the empire was crumbling. I just can’t imagine what a deep impression this action made on the citizens of America! Very finely and clearly everything is thought out in all aspects in fact! I am sure that the Arab terrorists certainly could not have performed such an operation; they would not have had enough money!

In Russia, I remember two similar cases, but not so large-scale, is the seizure of a theater in the center of Moscow during the performance by "Chechen terrorists." As well as the demolition of a residential building in Budenovsk. There, too, if you think it over well, then all the traces lead to Putin. This is an ordinary frightening action, aimed at changing public opinion in the country so that they start to fear and stop doubting the government.)) Then there was a war in Chechnya and the people more and more did not like this war. The unrest among the people went. Putin held a couple of actions, after which all the people were ready to go to war with Chechnya. What happened to you then do you remember ?! After 9/11 what happened? Iraq would have been razed to the ground and the Americans were only happy that peaceful cities, together with children, old people and women, were turned into a mountain of corpses! Moreover, you also paid money from your taxes on the bombs that destroyed peaceful, innocent cities! As a result, they didn’t find any terrorists and any nuclear weapons there, they left one grief and suffering for ordinary people .. And the oil is to blame for everything !!!
Mathematics has nothing to do with it!
Everything can be expressed in math. Even the physics you talk about below, is math, brother. Math makes people cold, so i don't like it, but when it is done correctly it does tell the truth. Only statistics lie :)

In the video
I saw the building at :40. It did look like it had help, but proved a building can fall straight down? I understand why you would look at other buildings to understand context, but would you not have to look at the video of 911 buildings to explain how they fell? I don't understand how this video proved anything. If you drop 100ton on a building top, would it not topple straight down?

You want to say that the --- is so dumb that it can’t plan this action on the orders of the government?
First off, I don't talk about the alphabet organizations, no such agencies. But, though there are many injustices that go unnoticed, large government actions tend to be uncovered (for reference see the McNamara report and Vietnam war). Could agencies fool people? Yes, they can and do every day. But people like snowden would report it. Ordinary people, like my family at the site, would not accept cover-up of the deaths of their can see that?

seizure of a theater in the center of Moscow
I saw this at the time! They gassed them and killed everyone, also the hostages, right? Yes, this kind of agency action is plain for everyone to see :)

Americans were only happy that peaceful cities, together with children, old people and women, were turned into a mountain of corpses!
NO! This is very complex subject to be talking between languages, so bear with me in love brother. There are extremes everywhere, but most people want peace and safety, not war and devastation. I think many people are afraid, and they think the world hates America, and maybe has used America. Many of the poor here don't understand why the world thinks all America is the same, rich and fat, when many are lost and alone.

Many people by default defend their country, forcefully and without tact. I have seen Ukrainians do this too ;). I personally regret that any war happens, but they don't surprise me. I was going through a divorce when the towers fell. Her family are all New Yorkers, everyone rallied around and came together. I got back together with my wife. Some good came from bad, but how do you measure that at scale? Only God has the math to explain such.

And the oil is to blame for everything !!!
Yes, the money drives all.

In any case brother Sedan I send you love across the world! I appreciate your teachings and skills! I hope one day to be able to grow again, and use some of your techniques! I also like that you are a conspiracy tracker :) I am a skeptic so it's interesting to me.

I hope and pray your situation improves! And that your son gets to finish school.
My son does not want to go to school, so i don't know what to do with him.

Here we are in lockdown, but i think it's been decided that we're losing too much money and need to get back at it :D
Everything can be expressed in math. Even the physics you talk about below, is math, brother. Math makes people cold, so i don't like it, but when it is done correctly it does tell the truth. Only statistics lie
This is wisely said by you!

We say "cold calculation" or "cold mind" in such cases. This is when a person is guided not by the soul, but by the mind.

PS yes, of course, mathematics and physics are closely related. And you're right, most likely mathematics was the first, and then physics appeared. Mathematics was the first.))) Although in the construction of the pyramids, levers and blocks were used. It is unlikely that the ancient Egyptians were familiar with higher mathematics to calculate this on paper ... no, I'm mistaken, calculate on papyrus.))) Sines and cosines did not appear on the walls of tombs.))) In ancient Egypt, they used physics without mathematics. ))) ... empirically.

I don't understand how this video proved anything. If you drop 100ton on a building top, would it not topple straight down?
Firstly, I am a professional builder. I built multi-storey monolithic buildings. Only in skyscrapers use a steel I-beam for supports, which are welded together, and in lower buildings, like ours (25 floors), reinforced concrete columns are used for supports. So I’ll tell you: when the plane hit, the building wasn’t damaged by the plane itself, because if the plane damaged its supports (steel I-beams), then losing the support, the upper part of the building, the one above the plane, would collapse immediately !! You understand me? That part of the building from above, from which no one survived, was supposed to collapse immediately !!!! This is if we talk about your theory about the weight of 100 tons. No, the plane did no harm to the building with its blow!

Yes, it is theoretically possible if the skyscraper is crushed from above by the press, like an old car and crumpled into a cake. But just like a car and a skyscraper .. it does not break, it bends !! And most importantly: the blow was not from above, but from the side, if the plane could move the building with its blow, then the building would fall on its side!

As for the version that the whole house melted from the fire, this is from the realm of fantasy! If the temperature in the building was 800 degrees, this is the temperature at which steel loses its strength, then all the people below and above would turn to ashes immediately, and they still had the strength to talk on the phone with loved ones! This is at a temperature of 800 degrees Celsius, when steel supports melted.

In order to dump the building like this, this is the first condition of the demolition, it is necessary to mine the BASE! Then the building will fall ... but it will not fall down, but on its side !!! In order for the building to collapse like a house of cards, you need to lay explosives in columns of pillars every few floors and, most importantly, blow up the charges sequentially, a simultaneous explosion will not work.

Bro, my specialty at the university is a bridge engineer! Do you know what I mean?)))

Ordinary people, like my family at the site, would not accept cover-up of the deaths of their can see that?
We also had everything in Budenovsk and Moscow — no one believed that it could be Putin. No matter how hard the opposition tried, providing irrefutable facts, this fact was forgotten somehow.

Bro, this is how the system works !!! The system has no nationality! The schemes are all the same, how to deceive ordinary people so that they believe in it! This is called propaganda. After all, you constantly tell me quotes from the official government report on the occasion of 9/11. Or I'm wrong?)))
I saw this at the time! They gassed them and killed everyone, also the hostages, right? Yes, this kind of agency action is plain for everyone to see
Yes, the Special Forces launched gas, there were civilian casualties. Everyone died - this is exaggerated.

Many of the poor here don't understand why the world thinks all America is the same, rich and fat, when many are lost and alone.
Yes, I know about abandoned cities in the USA, about impoverished villages, about reservations. But still relative, my friend. In Russia, in the outback they live even worse. If you go beyond the Urals, you yourself will understand. In the United States, living standards are several times higher than in Russia or Ukraine.

I have seen Ukrainians do this too
There was a time when Ukrainians turned into beasts with a cloudy mind. It was during the Maidan. I had seen enough of it then .. it’s better not to see this in life, what war makes of people !!! You don’t have to go far, remember the Second World War and the children and grandchildren of Schiller, Goethe .. etc. Who cut, killed, raped, tortured, conducted experiments on
children of old men and women for no reason! This is what war and propaganda of the system make of people !!!
Only God has the math to explain such.
Well said, bro!

Yes, the money drives all.

In any case brother Sedan I send you love across the world! I appreciate your teachings and skills! I hope one day to be able to grow again, and use some of your techniques! I also like that you are a conspiracy tracker :) I am a skeptic so it's interesting to me.

I hope and pray your situation improves! And that your son gets to finish school.
My son does not want to go to school, so i don't know what to do with him.

Here we are in lockdown, but i think it's been decided that we're losing too much money and need to get back at it
Thank you, Bro, for your kind words !!

You and your family all the warmest and brightest more !!!
If you have questions, please contact me, I will help than I can.

It was very difficult for me to raise a child, I thought until the last that nothing will come of my son, he also did not want to do anything. The only thing that helped him in this was his irresistible desire to live in Europe. From childhood he wanted to leave .... In order to succeed, you need motivation, Bro. Talk more with your son on equal terms, do not be fooled by his fairy tales in different ways, be truly honest with him. Take time to communicate more with him. But this is only if he is not 13 years old. After 13 it’s too late, he will not listen to you!

Link to recent study done by University of Alaska Fairbanks. The third tower that was demolished on 9/11 held the offices for FBI, CIA and NSA.

This coronavirus is a huge distraction. Not one word in the news about the recent conclusions.

Link to recent study done by University of Alaska Fairbanks. The third tower that was demolished on 9/11 held the offices for FBI, CIA and NSA.

This coronavirus is a huge distraction. Not one word in the news about the recent conclusions.
Bro, I don’t understand English at such a level ... Forgive me)) I need to send my son to translate it all to me ..

But from what I understood, this is what I was mistaken, it turns out they know in America the material distribution. lol

Directed explosion ...
Israeli mafia, Saudis, American neo-cons are responsible.

Also the citizens of the USA are responsible for their apathy, stupidity, incompetence and fear.
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Have you watched a movie where Stallone escapes from prison? The escape plan, it’s called. It heats up the rivets to 100 degrees and they pop up themselves. It was definitely Sly that planned it all ... You saw how inventive he is.)))
Have you watched a movie where Stallone escapes from prison? The escape plan, it’s called. It heats up the rivets to 100 degrees and they pop up themselves. It was definitely Sly that planned it all ... You saw how inventive he is.)))
I don't watch TV. It is a programming tool used to brainwash the masses.
Life is short. If you can't beat them, infiltrate the organization, join them, and be the change you wish to see in the world.

Do you know what it takes to have a revolution?
No, Israel is the #1 Terrorist responsible for wars across the globe.
This is the first time I hear about this. The country created thanks to Hitler is 30% populated by Russian Jews. I know many of them, I did not see aggression there.

Do you mean Israeli aggression in the Middle East, not in the world?

I don't watch TV. It is a programming tool used to brainwash the masses.
TV and Cinema are two different things, Bro! Another thing is what a movie! I do not accept porn, violence and other things in cinema, therefore I do not watch such films. I look at everything else for entertainment, like a fairy tale .. to relax in the evening after a busy day!

Yes, I also do not watch the news, except for those that interest me for an objective analysis of what is happening in the world. Gathering information for analysis - this will be more accurate.

Life is short. If you can't beat them, infiltrate the organization, join them, and be the change you wish to see in the world.

Do you know what it takes to have a revolution?

No, to penetrate them, I will by no means and never in my life, because most likely, when I penetrate, they will change me, and not I them! I do not want to be like them a priori! Politics is alien to me!

In order to make a revolution, first of all, unlimited financing is needed. For the rest, there is no mystery to me. To revolutionize is nothing more than to organize the construction of a 25-storey monolithic house. Those. create infrastructure and hire workers. The goal is to build a house (to build a brighter and happier life, where there will be no poor and oppressed). For such motivation, including decent pay, anyone will go for a revolution with us.

I think that 10 billion dollars would be enough now to revolutionize Ukraine.)))

10 billion = revolution, here's the answer to your question.))
bridge engineer!
Yes bro! It's Civil Engineer in America, with a specialty in bridges. Mine is Biomedical Engineering, but I haven't worked in that for a long time either.

That's a new grow series video with your son? I will be watching for more. To be honest I'm not sure about Mars quality...but i am sure about your ability...I would think that you will have a good grow with even bad equipment :)

Bro, I don’t understand English at such a level
This study is about the third building that fell, which I mentioned briefly before, not the two Twin Towers...everyone accepts that they burned. You have made some good points though, I will think on this. It would be good to smoke some herb and drink some vodka and discuss it some day my friend!

Sly that planned it all ... You saw how inventive he is
Yes bro!!! LOL, this guy Sly. He wrote so many movies you know?

Agreed on Israel, they are trying to find a place.

Also, I saw what it was like on the inside...more corporate than political...but it did change me in ways I did not like. I'm separating from that as much as possible, if only i could go be a farmer ;)
Yes bro!!! LOL, this guy Sly. He wrote so many movies you know?
Rocky got the OSCAR film, the scriptwriter was Stallone, I already knew that for a long time! As a child, I had a poster hanging on the wall - such is the truth!

I liked him as a person then!))

His last “creation” was Rambo, where he directed and screenwriter, where he caught snakes .. it seemed to me that he had gone crazy because of violence and cruelty. He kills with such pleasure .. it's indescribable! I would not be able to, even in the movies!

You have made some good points though, I will think on this.

Maybe this film will impress you more))))

After watching the Cannes Film Festival, they applauded while standing for 15 minutes.))))

he earned at the box office, $ 255 million. The Daily Telegraph called this film the best documentary of the 21st century.))))

look at it and think

Just remember that this is not Rambo 3, but a documentary !! If there was a lie, then by all laws a journalist will be brought to justice, and not given the “Palm Branch” in Cannes.
Twin Towers...everyone accepts that they burned.


Skyscrapers do not fall from a fire. Therefore, in order to make excuses, it is necessary to find a reason. University professors did a good job! At school, our teacher gave us some evidence that 2X2 = 5; Everything was clearly substantiated in this theorem. Only the most inquiring mind could find a slight mistake there ...

For twenty years, scientists still can not understand why the three buildings fell from the fire? Different buildings, from different fires.))) Is it like killing Kennedy? Or what do you call it? This is a precedent! This has never happened anywhere, only in New York on the same day. This is not Uncle Tom's cabin; she is not from a reed! Even King Kong did not succeed))) .. but how did the Israeli terrorists change the laws of physics in such a way that entire universities have been understanding this for twenty years, and they have nothing but a bare theory !!! But the theory is utopian !! I am sure that if I sat for several days over those calculations of scientists, I would find a mistake !!! This is all fiction! 2X2 = 4, not five and not six !!!
Or in the US are builders unskilled yet ?? Why doesn’t it fall for the rest, but for you ?!



And note also that the main fires along the ventilation or elevator shaft as well as in New York.
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