Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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a little behind been busy trying to catch up with tractor and backhoe repairs
Yes, I remember that you do earthworks. This is a good business, we have a very demanded and expensive work.

Only such land as in Ukraine you have not seen.)) The best land in the world for crop production.

Potatoes and tomatoes grow perfectly.)))
If one of you works in the CIA or in Masad)), then I would like to voice a proposal to your management)))

I came up with the following scheme: if you turn the research from a University of Alaska University professor to the other side and provide the media with their calculations that any building above 25 floors in New York, if it is set on fire, then it collapses after two hours of burning, like House of cards.

This information should be placed on CNN, BBC and Radio Free Europe GDR))), as well as send signals to aliens in space. And I assure you that real estate in New York will fall in price several times. After that, you buy all the real estate in New York for a penny ... I only need 10% of the profit.))) This is a little for such an idea!))) After all, the studies of professors are a priori true. Their conclusion is clear: three buildings in New York caught fire, and three buildings collapsed exactly two hours later. Scientists have determined exactly the consequences of the fire!

a couple of autos and two old bag seed regs from early 1970s stock that been grown over the years to keep the stock alive.
By our standards, such a technique would be good for business. American technology - reliable technology!

You do not know what shit Russian cars and equipment.))) We only know how to make tanks and fly into space.)))

Damn, I once had a Russian car, it's just awful!))) In less than a month, I had to fix it.))) It broke constantly .. Not because of technology ... the parts were of poor quality, even new ! Constantly breaking, even new ones ...

If you had a Russian tractor, then you would really miss your ... 70s release.)))

Studebaker, Willis, after the Second World War, when these cars got the lend-lease. The difference with domestic cars was many times. Therefore, they copied everything from you and produced similar cars, only Russians. These cars were noticeably better than the old ones ...

food is corn ,radish ,tomato,squash ,cucumber,okra andfew other odds and ends.
food is corn ,radish ,tomato,squash ,cucumber,okra andfew other odds and ends.
Of all this, I do not know okra. Everything else is growing with us too.

Why don’t you grow potatoes?

I already told once: in the 18th century, Peter the Great brought potatoes to Russia. He forced them to grow and eat this ... Because the peasants did not eat the roots, but the berries that were on the bush of potatoes. There have been cases of mass poisoning.))
Tverskaya Street is the heart of Moscow. This street overlooks Red Square.

Most of the commercial real estate on this street belongs to the "Chechen business". Yes, these are the very terrorists who captured the theater in Moscow and "blew up" the buildings in Budenovsk.

Do you think that in the USA it is different?))) You are mistaken, my friends !!!

PS in Moscow, the price per m2 of real estate is practically no different from prices in New York.
Look at the photo

this is Ramzan Khadyrov, president of Chechnya

is he with his father


This is his father. During the war of Chechnya with Russia.
was the leader of the Chechens.


Then he seemed to make peace with Putin, but he was soon killed. His place was taken by his son.

If you watched Fahrenheit 9/11, do you find similarities?
This guy is a partisan, and they applaud him because they are partisan. The old world Europe leaders all want to seem cultured and aloof and play America as the dumb brute, but while they applaud the film they are acting with the US behind the veil. Hollywood has truth but like anything powerful it is used to sell lies, like statistics.

At the end, you can't trust people with the agenda. I do not trust the right wing guys either. You like movies, you should watch "The Good Shepherd". It is about spy games.

Buildings don't fall from fires because of fire protection systems developed over many years. I can accept that when a plane, 747, hits a building and explodes it damages the building, even those fire protection systems and weakening the sports of the building in general. Then after 2 hours burning at 1500F, further degradation, how resilient is it? Math in this case would be approximate, but i believe there is enough of error here for it to be possible.

I see you examine many buildings, but not much video of the real buildings falling...have you looked at that? Can you show something in that video that defies physics? I don't know if they are online...

I think in the end, no matter what we think we will never know for sure.

I wish they would all switch to cannabis.
that defies physics?
Video is not needed, just Einstein in its purest form))) Equivalent to mass and energy.))) That's what scientists have been struggling with for almost 20 years to prove something. What do they want to prove? And for what? And most importantly, to whom? If this were not abnormal, then why prove twenty years?

Bro, I already feel intuitively, I have life experience, I don’t even need physics or mathematics. When a powerful blow occurs in any part of the object, it is not difficult to determine the points of adhesion ... and it is also not difficult to imagine how this object will fall if the energy turns out to be equivalent to the mass.)))

I saw negligent construction workers breaking the technology in order to make money more, poured concrete over several floors, without the necessary time for the concrete to harden. As a result, several floors collapsed like skyscrapers. It was a terrible sight, but the collapse did not go beyond the damp floors. It is very similar to the fire when the supports weaken. But here is one mistake: the fire never spreads evenly, somewhere the foci, somewhere less, somewhere even less. In any case, when ignited, the building will not burn evenly (in the video of the towers we see that one side of the building burns clearly below the others). Therefore, the supports will weaken unevenly. In any case, with such a height of the building, it will fill up on its side in the end! This is my intuition, implicated in life experience related to construction. I don’t need a video, I saw a lot with my own eyes in life! And what professors expect is a bare theory!

Did a plane crash into the third building?
If you believe that the three world trade center buildings collapsed due to airplanes and fires you are a fool.

It was obviously controlled demolition. Mossad, CIA were both involved.
The criminals who perpetrated this blood sacrifice would very much like for you to end the conversation. They get away with the murder of 3,000+ people not to mention the millions killed after the illegal wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, etc.

I believe nothing that comes out of the news media or governments. They are the terrorists.

You want to honor the 3,000 dead? Then speak up and fight and demand these criminals be brought to justice.
The criminals who perpetrated this blood sacrifice would very much like for you to end the conversation. They get away with the murder of 3,000+ people not to mention the millions killed after the illegal wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, etc.

I believe nothing that comes out of the news media or governments. They are the terrorists.

You want to honor the 3,000 dead? Then speak up and fight and demand these criminals be brought to justice.
I respect your opinion, it is noble!

As for Russia, such people here do not live long! Bro, but I need to put my son on his feet. I’m not in a position to fight like Don Quixote with windmills. They will still defeat me! Among my relatives, I hide my real opinion on this or that question, because my opinion is extremely different. I used to argue, but then I realized that people close to me are starting to turn away from me. I stopped expressing my opinion, it hurts me. Only here I can do it .. on the Internet. As well as my passion for groving, there my thoughts are criminal in our country. I'm glad I'm still free, Bro! I tell you honestly!
I respect your opinion, it is noble!

As for Russia, such people here do not live long! Bro, but I need to put my son on his feet. I’m not in a position to fight like Don Quixote with windmills. They will still defeat me! Among my relatives, I hide my real opinion on this or that question, because my opinion is extremely different. I used to argue, but then I realized that people close to me are starting to turn away from me. I stopped expressing my opinion, it hurts me. Only here I can do it .. on the Internet. As well as my passion for groving, there my thoughts are criminal in our country. I'm glad I'm still free, Bro! I tell you honestly!

I understand. It seems inevitable. Enjoy the little time that we have on this Earth with your family and your son.
My father says to me: 'Son, enjoy life, because life is so f*****g short.'

But somehow, I do believe that one day soon the sheep may wake up and hold the wolves responsible.
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I respect everyone's right to have an opinion, and most do not offend me. I disagree with everyone also, I did not mean to offend!

Can you talk about drying and curing Sedan?

Do you chop and hang the whole plant or branches or just buds?
How long do you dry? How can you tell they are ready to cure?
Do you wet or dry trim?

Also do you flush? That is where in the last week or so you only give water no nutrients. So many people disagree about this.
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