Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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I came across this video recently.

I have two questions:

1. Where does such insight as Nostradamus come from two months before the virus is detected? (Forum date October 19.)

2, Why the economic crisis began with the first sick, and not when it spread.

The only president who spoke out about the virus in a different way is Lukashenko, the president of Belarus. The same communist. He forbade the closure of enterprises and said that this virus is a fiction! Politicians of any rank, in any country in the world only profit from the virus - these are his words!

Who was right I with Lukashenko or all the rest, time will tell!
There is still such an opinion among the Russians.

Do not be alarmed, I saw it on the Internet, no more!

This is a joke.)))))))))))))

PS I have repeatedly put forward this theory, it is to those who read me from the beginning.) These are my stupid thoughts.)))
Please stay safe, if you go on a ventilator, you have maybe 15 to 30% chance to survive (with great complications after).

Being overweight (15kgs or more)
heart disease
older than 60
If you tick more than 3 of those on the list, your chances are very slim to come out of this without harm if you get this disease and your immune system is not able to keep you going... (ultimately it is the immune system that kills you).

When this happens you are going to be alone, no family allowed to see you. It is a terrible way to die. Normally of heart or total organ failure.
It is already this way in a number of places that are not even near showing a flattening of the curve.
Bro, thanks for the recommendations, but I will please you a little. Both Africans and Russians have very persistent genetics. You because you were tormented by enslavers for hundreds of years, and we, because we were constantly tormented by life. After the Second World War, there were practically no men left in the USSR, but those who remained were the most persistent, the most daring, the most powerful and cunning, they gave birth to a generation of our fathers and mothers. I think that it’s very difficult to break a Russian person if he is a person.

I recall the 86th, when the nuclear reactor in Chernobyl exploded, I lived a few hundred kilometers from the explosion. I didn’t notice anything!))) Ten years later I found out what panic was in Europe then. I will not be surprised that in Europe in the spring of the 86th everybody wore gas masks.))) Information for consideration!

My son lives in Portugal on the border with Spain and basically does not wear a mask, I support him! Let the mask be worn by superman or clowns in the circus!
We’ll drink, we’ll have fun. And death will come - we will die!

What is the difference in the perception of the crisis by European and Russian?

Europeans wonder why the Russians are so joyful on holiday? After all, the country is in a terrible crisis. Read the internet. Watch TV.

And the thing is that the western man in the street evaluates the crisis by stock summaries, interest rates, a television screen, the Internet and other abstractions and is discouraged.

But the Russian is wondering: will he starve tomorrow? And he answers himself: no.
Will he be expelled from housing? And also - no.
Does he have enough money to drink and eat? Yes, of course!

Well, then what is the crisis?
Everything is good. You can take a walk. That's the holidays.

primary source

Almost everyone in a position of power today is guilty brother. Who deserves to be in power? Not anyone that wants it.

There is chaos on the world now with this virus. I don't think the rich planned it, they dying too. but of course they've manipulated things in their favor with money, but that is true of rich in every country and every political party.

I can't defend the leadership, but what had Bill gates got to do with it? I have heard many things, but what i believe is this virus came from bats in China. Have you not seen the Chinese doctor they tortured for warning about it?

I hope you're staying safe, and praying peace on your family! We are hunkering down in place "safe at home".

I have not seen pictures if your grow in some time, I hope you are able to continue to grow and your business increase. I enjoyed your sons videos, but haven't seen any in a while.

Unfortunately I don't have great health, I mean I am doing well enough on account of not smoking and drinking, but have heart, cholesterol and a screwed up back so I'm not very fit either. 95% of people will be fine... I'm sadly already high risk of sudden death without getting sick.
You think that I am healthy)))) No, that’s not so .. More precisely, I guess that it’s not, because I was at the doctor’s last time ... this is when I got into a car accident .. fifteen years ago. After that, I have never been to a hospital or clinic. It’s probably hard for you to believe, but it is.

The whole problem lies in the immune system, and your back hurts or not, it doesn’t matter.

In Belarus during the USSR there was such an acrobat in the circus the name Dikul. You know those people who fly without trap under the canopy on the trapeze. At the bottom, only the mesh is stretched. . So: this Dikul fell once from under the dome and fell down. He broke his spine and was paralyzed. Doctors could not do anything to make him start walking. But Dikul did not give up; he developed a method based on willpower. Starting small, he began to train his body through pain. He performed a miracle, the doctors were in shock!

He himself created and developed a method for the rehabilitation of people with a violation of the musculoskeletal system. He healed himself and now heals people.

He is now 70 years old.

Do you believe that this person was bedridden and could not walk?

This is the power of spirit, and the power of will!

Do exercises in the morning, douche with cold water after charging, this is the easiest way to strengthen the immune system. Only charging should bring you real tension - it’s either push ups or pull up on the bar. To the last so that his hands would be cowardly I’ve been doing this for a very long time. Then a cold shower .. Only in Africa it’s probably not as unpleasant as ours.)) Sometimes you get up in the morning, when it’s -30 degrees outside, you don’t want to get out from under the covers, not that the shower is cold))) But I force me still do it! This gives me strength, not only health, but also overcoming various life difficulties.
I can't defend the leadership, but what had Bill gates got to do with it?
The forum, which took place two months before the coronovirus was detected in China, was organized by the Bill Gates Foundation.

This virus was not detected until December 2019.

In 1999, Bill Gates created an organization to cleanse humanity, then began to popularize vaccinations around the world. Ten years later, a virus occurred. He left his post at Microsoft to do virology more closely. If someone says that Bill Gates is engaged in charity, then it’s like a prostitute suddenly wants to become a nun, this is nonsense! Or Putin suddenly became a Buddhist monk in the Shaolin monastery.)))

is this virus came from bats in China. Have you not seen the Chinese doctor they tortured for warning about it?
Yes, I talk with the Chinese from Mars Hydro, they say that there is practically no virus there.

No, I heard another version that the batman from Los Angeles is the distributor of the virus. Lol

Before that there were pigs, birds ... etc. Every year 650,000 people die from ordinary flu, but for some reason no one thinks about it.

We are hunkering down in place "safe at home".

Yes, we also have all the enterprises closed, but the streets are crowded.))) We can’t sit at home.)) Retirees were forbidden to ride on public transport, retirees raised a riot.)) The response was the cancellation of free travel for retirees in public transport. But still they travel by public transport. They are not allowed in - they attack the drivers.)) Bus drivers are shocked, they do not know what to do.

I hope you're staying safe, and praying peace on your family!
Thanks bro! You and your loved ones are also in good health!

I have not seen pictures if your grow in some time, I hope you are able to continue to grow and your business increase. I enjoyed your sons videos, but haven't seen any in a while.
As soon as the first signs of the virus appeared in China, as if by the command of the gods)), the economic crisis immediately began. For some reason, this immediately affected Russia and Ukraine. Immediately, from December! Now even my relative, a millionaire, is fighting for his business; he is on the verge of bankruptcy. He no longer finances my son, everything has to be paid to me, but I don’t know how to live this month myself, not that my son can help! These are the things, Bro.)) Therefore, now in the room I’m not all right. I will show the photo to you later. There was no video, because it transferred to flowering only in March ...

But I wanted to say something else: do you remember how a few days before 9/11 shares of aviation companies fell sharply? Why did this happen in advance? How and who came to this?
Here we see a similar situation, nothing happened in December, and the economy has already begun to collapse.
Brother Sedan, I hate to hear that things are not going well :( i think the world is feeling this impact, and it is the common man that always pays the highest price. People are shocked here about the small indignities we face, and the way things are going and it is the poor that suffer (even though the poor in America are not very poor). Hopefully when things settle you well be able to get back on track.

I don't knew, it's hard for me to believe anyone can plan anything big so i don't buy into most theories about things, but have put some thoughts below! I don't know anything so just trying to encourage thought. You have made me think !

This is the power of spirit, and the power of will!
Do you know of Wim Hof?

prostitute suddenly wants to become a nun
Maybe he's guilty for past sins? He has certainly mellowed, I would think Besos or Ellison are more ruthless now.

I talk with the Chinese
If the party says there is no virus, do you think that anyone you talk to in China will say there is a virus?

Every year 650,000 people die from ordinary flu, but for some reason no one thinks about it.
Exactly! Flu has a death rate of .1%, covid-19 is 3%, but have similar parentage...corona virus was discovered in the 60s, this is just a new strain like SARS or MERS.

few days before 9/11 shares of aviation companies fell sharply
I have not seen this but will look.

Take care!
I don't knew, it's hard for me to believe anyone can plan anything big so i don't buy into most theories about things, but have put some thoughts below! I don't know anything so just trying to encourage thought. You have made me think !
Knowledge is a burden. If you know a lot, you sleep badly, so say the Russians. You’re doing the right thing, that you don’t think, you can go crazy from this. When you fully understand what is really going on around, it hurts a lot.

Do you know of Wim Hof?
Just read on Wikipedia. No, I did not know before this brave man. But just like everything else in life, it once was ...

I know Parfiry Ivanov, he is Ukrainian and my compatriot and our hero.


Information from Wikipedia:

“From the age of 35, Ivanov, following his idea of health and immortality, gradually abandoned clothes and shoes until he began to go barefoot all year round, wearing only shorts. In winter, he demonstrated the extraordinary ability of his body to endure any cold and frost. In everyday life practiced dousing with cold water, for a long time without food and water, successfully engaged in healing according to his system, spreading his teachings. Ivanov’s “experiment” lasted for 50 years ...........

During the capture of the “Red Sulin” by the Wehrmacht, Ivanov was in the occupied territory, where the Germans conducted experiments on cold tolerance over him...."

Maybe he's guilty for past sins? He has certainly mellowed, I would think Besos or Ellison are more ruthless now.
If the party says there is no virus, do you think that anyone you talk to in China will say there is a virus?
)) Yes, in the 86th party also said that there is no Chernobyl,))) and everyone believed in it and did not regret it, everything remained as before.

Now everything is so bloated by the media that it is more like a plague in the Middle Ages. Human fear can be manipulated very simply by those people who are already tired of everything in life, and they want to be Greek Gods now.

Exactly! Flu has a death rate of .1%, covid-19 is 3%, but have similar parentage...corona virus was discovered in the 60s, this is just a new strain like SARS or MERS.
All the richest people in the world are in one secret organization .. The gods of Olympus are called this organization.))) They, at the expense of unlimited resources, manipulate the world economy and the world order as they wish. I watched the operation of the Maidan, it was a very similar situation, I also watched the operation "Perestroika", it was very similar. When these people and their ideas appear on the horizon, for me it immediately becomes clear! Because pain, sorrow and chaos always come for them! I’m already familiar with the handwriting; I have met him more than once!

I have not seen this but will look.
If you are familiar with the laws of physics, then do not look anywhere. Houses do not fall so from a side impact - it was a directed explosion and airplanes - it was just a surroundings! Such an operation in the heart of the United States is simply impossible to carry out without coordination with the US intelligence agencies. You imagine how many explosives there were in these huge houses. to knock them like this ?! I am a civil engineer, I understand what I'm talking about for sure!
Before I get into the responses from above, that is a beautiful grow bro! Is that you or one of your students? It looks like much learning has been going on since the last setup :)

I hope things are going well for you! They are giving away money here, but in my state people that have lost work are out of luck. It's really weird times, and impacting the poor the worst, as usual.

When you fully understand what is really going on around, it hurts a lot.
You misunderstood a bit brother Sedan, I do think a lot, I just don't tell myself that what I think is the right thing ... or to say it better I try to allow that I might be wrong ;) Don't worry, I'm really as arrogant as others here, I'm just pretending to be humble.

Parfiry Ivanov
I saw some things from him, I think he was able to do incredible things but I don't know about his beliefs. I do like that Wim Hof had it measured by science that he turned his body alkaline.

Human fear can be manipulated very simply
I agree brother, all human emotion is manipulated by bad people.

richest people in the world
I have no doubt that they conspire :) I do doubt how much their self interest would allow them to work together, especially for the ones that make it to that level.

Houses do not fall so from a side impact
AH, finally we talk about the building! I looked at the airline stock thing, there were some people that shorted airline stock, is that proof that someone knew? I'm not sure...people short Tesla too. And I'm sure that the people planning it knew it was going to happen...would it make sense for the bad guys to make money off it?

As far as the building falling I think you misunderstand the timing. The airplane hit the building and exploded into fiery mess and left all the fuel burning in the burned for two hours, at a high jet fuel temp, and melted the supports...the weight of the top of the building falling brought the rest of the building straight down. Same for second tower. I don't agree with some of the inconsistencies in the stories and the physics of the third, smaller building that wasn't hit by a plane BUT:

I have a relative that served as a Lieutenant in the New York Fire Department during this time. He was at the site the day of the attack, and many days after. There was never any evidence of any explosives or planned fracture points.

There are some other conspiracy theories here: wikilink

Much love, Brother Sedan! Stay safe!
As far as the building falling I think you misunderstand the timing. The airplane hit the building and exploded into fiery mess and left all the fuel burning in the building..
There is such a science: the resistance of materials, I don’t know what it is called in English. I studied it at the university. You do not learn this at your universities?

How much kerosene needs to be poured onto a building several hundred meters high, made of steel I-beams, the size of a railway carriage, so that this metal melts below, so that the building falls so clearly down? How much fuel is there in a Boeing? To melt steel to a melting point several hundred meters from the epicenter of ignition? Why do not the tall old buildings that they want to blow in order to free up a place in the city simply doused with kerosene and set on fire?

Why does it take so much engineering and financial resources to blow up a small building? Let me remind you that the melting point of steel is 1500 degrees Celsius! Where does this temperature come from, 100 meters from the burning Boeing tanks?
No, I did not attend the explosion, but I watched a Hollywood film with the participation of Nikolos Cage, in which it was shown about the second explosion, which was below! Why does your friend a fireman from New York not know about it, but does Hollywood know? That with a side impact, even if it burns for 2 hours, the building will fall on its side and damage half New York .. anyway !!! What are you talking about, namely: that the steel supports are weakened due to melting along the length of several hundred meters .. evenly from several thousand liters of gasoline))) to fall clearly in the middle ?!))) Albert Einstein would be very surprised learning about this.))) Those who invented this should be given the Nobel Prize !!! More precisely, those geniuses who run Boeing with napalm))) Yes, what kind of napalm is there ... the tool is much more active - aliens, so that everything turns out like in the video! This is a miracle of engineering technology! Bro, I’m probably arriving in the Middle Ages))))
I saw some things from him, I think he was able to do incredible things but I don't know about his beliefs. I do like that Wim Hof had it measured by science that he turned his body alkaline.
Bro I can’t judge it so simply, but I know that human possibilities are unlimited, only for this a person needs to go through pain! Now the concept of life is directed back - everyone wants to get high and be superhuman))) .. Cocaine to help them))) That's what the world has turned into! Strong people are morally destroyed, and what you see is people with big money who want to show themselves super-strong at the expense of the media! Editing and directing will make Superman out of any person!
I know for sure one thing, in order to tumble down a building several hundred meters high clearly in the middle, you need to be an explosive technician of the highest qualification. It is necessary to organize and calculate a clear sequence of explosions located in clearly defined places in the SUPPORT of the building. Otherwise .. anyway !!! This will not happen, even this Boeing burned for two days!
))) You did not understand that there were these two hours before the explosion below ?! It was time to evacuate people so that there were not 100,000 victims, but only 3,000 .... This is your government that has taken care of the citizens of the USA, it has taken care of you!

As well as a perfectly planned directional explosion. These were two buildings, planes hit from different angles, but the buildings fell edentally, they fell clearly in the middle!!!! This is the concern of the US government so that other buildings are not affected ..
Yes, we have science here :). In material science the term for a metals ability to absorb energy under stress is called 'resilience'. When the plane hit the building the fuel was not hundreds of meters from where it was burning? It burned where the plane hit...which exploded, and destroyed the building fire protection and systems, even blocking the stair wells. Kerosene doesn't have to melt steel, just weaken it past the resilience point already being damaged by the plane hitting. The hundred tons of the top of the building did the rest. As you say, maybe this is not possible by science. To know that for myself I would require a full study with math :)

Bro I don't know anything, Bush and his buddies could have planned things (I don't think they that smart), and they definitely used it to start a war. Many people were saved, my uncle part of that, but no one above where the plane hit was saved. My family and others believe one way very strongly, so i don't argue, I come on internet forums and show people how dumb I am :)

Much respect brother Sedan!
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