Voters blame president most for slow economic recovery

actually, 63% blame the slowness of the recovery on anyone but the president. do you know what a minority is?

It found that 66 percent believe paltry job growth and slow economic recovery is the result of bad policy. Thirty-four percent say Obama is the most to blame, followed by 23 percent who say Congress is the culprit. Twenty percent point the finger at Wall Street, and 18 percent cite former President George W. Bush.
It found that 66 percent believe paltry job growth and slow economic recovery is the result of bad policy. Thirty-four percent say Obama is the most to blame, followed by 23 percent who say Congress is the culprit. Twenty percent point the finger at Wall Street, and 18 percent cite former President George W. Bush.

had no idea 34% was a majority.

go back to working for dad.
had no idea 34% was a majority.

go back to working for dad.

If you split a pie into 4 portions it is. Now I could lump 3 out of 4 of a pie chart and say that 80% of Americans don't blame bush for the current economy, or 95% don't believe its republicans fault at all but that would be a liberal style misleading statistic now wouldn't it?
If you split a pie into 4 portions it is. Now I could lump 3 out of 4 of a pie chart and say that 80% of Americans don't blame bush for the current economy, or 95% don't believe its republicans fault at all but that would be a liberal style misleading statistic now wouldn't it?

are you going to cry or something?
What did anyone expect from a community organizer?

"community Organizer"

isnt that another euphenism for
"he is stirring up the blacks"

because that is how they used to refer to Martin Luther King

Which is funny

Because Jesus was a community organizer as well
"community Organizer"

isnt that another euphenism for
"he is stirring up the blacks"

because that is how they used to refer to Martin Luther King

WTF Barack Obama called himself a community organizer, are you calling him a racist too? LMAO
You little chicken shit lefties have so worn the race card out, it's not funny!
Everyone's still reeling from the attacks on community organizing last night. Something, by the way, that Obama did more than 20 years ago, from '85-'88. He served Catholic parishes on the South Side, ran an office with a dozen employees and a budget of $400,000, had real accomplishments. Just got the email from Obama campaign manager David Plouffe:
"Community organizing is the foundation of the civil rights movement, the women's suffrage movement, labor rights, and the 40-hour workweek. And it's happening today in church basements and community centers and living rooms across America."
But most have been silent about another aspect of McCain's campaigning--an increased willingness to invoke a new lexicon of racist code words, aimed at stoking bigotry among white voters.
While McCain and the other Neanderthals in the Republican Party can't get away with calling Obama a criminal or a welfare cheat, they're using new terms to get the point across--he's Black, he's urban, and he's out of step with the "rest of us." And the us, of course, are "hard-working white Americans," as Hillary Clinton put it toward the end of her failed bid to win the Democratic presidential nomination.
Last month's Republican National Convention was a cesspool of thinly veiled racist invective aimed at Obama. Sarah Palin, the Republicans' vice presidential candidate, sneered about Obama's history as a community organizer. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani likewise derided Obama for his work "on the South Side of Chicago."
A few hours before McCain gave his acceptance speech, Republican bigot Lynn Westmoreland, a member of Congress from the former slave state of Georgia, referred to Michelle and Barack Obama as "uppity," saying, "Just from what little I've seen of her and Mr. Obama, Sen. Obama, they're a member of an elitist-class individual that thinks that they're uppity." Given an opportunity to clarify, Westmoreland said, "Yeah, uppity."
"As a native of the South," said political commentator David Gergen, "I can tell you, when you see this Charlton Heston ad, 'The One,' that's code for, 'He's uppity, he ought to stay in his place.' Everybody gets that who is from a Southern background."
WTF Barack Obama called himself a community organizer, are you calling him a racist too? LMAO
You little chicken shit lefties have so worn the race card out, it's not funny!

So what is "BAD" about being a community organizer
You use it as a term of derision

Come on now
Tell us
Why being a community organizer is a bad thing
Facts people Facts.

In January 2009, before President Obama had even
taken the oath of office, annual spending was set to total 24.9 percent of gross
domestic product. Total spending this year, fiscal year 2012, is expected to top
out at 23.4 percent of GDP.

Here’s another interesting fact. Taxes today are
lower than they were on inauguration day 2009. Back in January 2009, the CBO
projected that total federal tax revenue that year would amount to 16.5 percent
of GDP. This year? 15.8 percent.

One last nugget. The deficit this year is going to
be lower than what it was on the day President Obama took office. Back then, the
CBO said the 2009 deficit would be 8.3 percent of GDP. This year’s deficit is
expected to come in at 7.6 percent.

Except that 2009 was the year that our GDP fell some $1 trillion from the year prior, so OF COURSE its going to make the numbers seem less. But of course the numbers aren't less, they are actually more. Even though the recession started in 2008, the bulk of the decline in the size of the US economy occurred in 2009.
But most have been silent about another aspect of McCain's campaigning--an increased willingness to invoke a new lexicon of racist code words, aimed at stoking bigotry among white voters.
While McCain and the other Neanderthals in the Republican Party can't get away with calling Obama a criminal or a welfare cheat, they're using new terms to get the point across--he's Black, he's urban, and he's out of step with the "rest of us." And the us, of course, are "hard-working white Americans," as Hillary Clinton put it toward the end of her failed bid to win the Democratic presidential nomination.
Last month's Republican National Convention was a cesspool of thinly veiled racist invective aimed at Obama. Sarah Palin, the Republicans' vice presidential candidate, sneered about Obama's history as a community organizer. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani likewise derided Obama for his work "on the South Side of Chicago."
A few hours before McCain gave his acceptance speech, Republican bigot Lynn Westmoreland, a member of Congress from the former slave state of Georgia, referred to Michelle and Barack Obama as "uppity," saying, "Just from what little I've seen of her and Mr. Obama, Sen. Obama, they're a member of an elitist-class individual that thinks that they're uppity." Given an opportunity to clarify, Westmoreland said, "Yeah, uppity."
"As a native of the South," said political commentator David Gergen, "I can tell you, when you see this Charlton Heston ad, 'The One,' that's code for, 'He's uppity, he ought to stay in his place.' Everybody gets that who is from a Southern background."

Everyone's a racist Dukie.

Calling people racist is the only thing you have, the only thing you'll ever have and not one single person on this forum agrees with any of your race baiting posts except the other race baiting posters.
Dude, being a housewife is not a bad thing either but it doesn't qualify someone to be POTUS.

not what i asked
I will repost for you

So what is "BAD" about being a community organizer
You use it as a term of derision

Come on now
Tell us
Why being a community organizer is a bad thing
not what i asked
I will repost for you

So what is "BAD" about being a community organizer
You use it as a term of derision

Come on now
Tell us
Why being a community organizer is a bad thing

I'll tell you what you cowardly little man, you show me where I claimed being a community organizer is a "bad thing" and I'll answer away, until then STFU.
All I can say is he should have worked on the Economy first! Not his political agenda.
Health care was never the biggest issue.