Voters blame president most for slow economic recovery

All I can say is he should have worked on the Economy first! Not his political agenda.
Health care was never the biggest issue.

Lets see if my timeline is correct
The stimulus plan was passed.......when?
The healthcare plan was passed.......when?
show your true intelligence Chesus, tell us how many jobs the stimulus created and how they got that number?
True but when you hit all the large employers with new medical cost and promise to raise taxes they aren't going to just start spending money. Hell I am a little guy in all this and I am even leery of another 4 years of uncertainty.

Your presumption is that there will be 4 years of "certainty" should Romney get elected. What makes anyone think that they will get such certainty from a guy who has yet to tell us how is going to do the things he is promising?
Right direction huh!

When more workers end up on federal disability than enter the workforce, we are heading in the wrong direction my friend.

For the life of me, I can't see why you lefties put so much stock in an inexperienced community organizer, hell any idiot can run on a platform of giving out free shit!

The guy has 4 more years of experience then his opponent.
Obama and the Demonrats had two years without any opposition and failed to fix the economy after promises and spending nearly a trillion. All we have are failed solar energy companies and more debt. The Messiah failed to deliver. That makes him a false prophet.

I'm not trying to defend Obama here. No politician wll "fix the economy" unless they get government out of it. Eventually government meddled with "economies" fail...there is nothing special about America in that regard.
well 2 years to fix the 8 before doesnt seem fair. Sure, hes no messiah, but atleast we are moving in the right direction.

U want a fast recovery? drop all the regulations on businesses (like the republicans want) and then what? hope corporations dont fuck us again? no thanks. i choose regulations, slow recovery, and firm ground to walk on.

Big corporations could not exist without the aid of a big government. You are chasing your tail. Stop and lie down when you get too dizzy.
i really realllllllllllllly dont hope you mean obamacare.

the thing is we pay taxes on everything for everything. the last thing i wanna remove is a tax to make people heathy.

it sucks we have to pay to make others healthy, sure. but i shouldnt be healthier becuase i have more money. it sucks its gonna cost 5 trillion or whatever to make people heathy, but ITS THEIR HEALTH. we cant place a price on our health, and the health of the ones we love.

Lets lower taxes in other places, and raise them in other places. Same with spending.

Why do you believe in using force are you a violent person? isn't it "healthy" to let people make their own decisions about their own life?
I'm not trying to defend Obama here. No politician wll "fix the economy" unless they get government out of it. Eventually government meddled with "economies" fail...there is nothing special about America in that regard.

No economy can be divorced from the government which it presides over. You cannot get government out of an economy when that government taxes, prints money, guarantees contracts and monitors commerce.