VP Debate Tonight.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Keep repeating it. Maybe someone will start to believe it and you'll finally have the validation you've always wanted.



New Member
How does one "disagree" with homosexuality. How do I go about disagreeing with a biological reality? This is more, ever more evidence that conservatives have definite problems with embracing reality. "I disagree with the moon, so it must not exist"
LMAO biological reality? Show me conclusive proof to support this foolish claim.

Speaking of supporting your claims, remember you were going to give some proof of Americans paying an effective tax rate of 60-90% when the economy was doing so well?


Well-Known Member
But we can't let those folks have all those "special" rights now can we.
His "boyfriend" gave him everything he wanted him to have...nothing. He made his wishes perfectly clear. He didn't want the gold digger to steal his property. Trying to blame me or society at large for that is simply you being so eager to prove you're a libtard that you're willing to rob the dead to reward a gold digger. It appears you are the one eager to deny the right of a gay man to do what he wishes with his property. Shame on you.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
LMAO biological reality? Show me conclusive proof to support this foolish claim.

Speaking of supporting your claims, remember you were going to give some proof of Americans paying an effective tax rate of 60-90% when the economy was doing so well?
there are several gay genes, most people have a few, and like genes that determine behavior or sex orientation, its a matter of genetics, not "choice", some people are bisexual, that is not the same thing as gay, and likely a genetic predisposition too.


New Member
there are several gay genes, most people have a few, and like genes that determine behavior or sex orientation, its a matter of genetics, not "choice", some people are bisexual, that is not the same thing as gay, and likely a genetic predisposition too.
Dude, where in the hell did you hear there are "gay genes"? LOL

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Dude, where in the hell did you hear there are "gay genes"? LOL
the fact that some people are born heterosexual and others Homosexual has to do with genetics, its not magic pal, genetics and our environment(and how they interact) determine almost all of our traits, if you think its a lifestyle choice, then you might be a gay man in denial.


New Member
the fact that some people are born heterosexual and others Homosexual has to do with genetics, its not magic pal, genetics and our environment(and how they interact) determine almost all of our traits, if you think its a lifestyle choice, then you might be a gay man in denial.
LOL Nice try, I'm not asking for an elementary biology lesson pal, I asked canndo and now I'll ask you since you took the microphone, show me some conclusive data to back up your claim or own the fact you have no clue!

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
LOL Nice try, I'm not asking for an elementary biology lesson pal, I asked canndo and now I'll ask you since you took the microphone, show me some conclusive data to back up your claim or own the fact you have no clue!
i doubt data would change your opinion, you already scoffed at the idea of biology having the answer. i guess when logic fails, the Babble tell us the truths!

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
there are several gay genes, most people have a few, and like genes that determine behavior or sex orientation, its a matter of genetics, not "choice", some people are bisexual, that is not the same thing as gay, and likely a genetic predisposition too.
wow! . . bringing the science . .eh . . impressive, use of words


Well-Known Member
He does this shit all the time. I just ignore it. I picture some nasty assed, greasy haired, pimply faced loser fapping to his own words. This how he gets off. Who am I to deny him his only way of relief? I may be preventing another theater massacre by a sexually frustrated psychopath.
he has never denied being a virgin.


Well-Known Member
I missed the debate, been busy.

Tried to read the first 10 pages on my phone but it was all bickering.

Who won ? Joe

And sorry for being lazy and not reading the entire thread but I gotta go & thanks
pretty much a draw, but in my impartial opinion, joe came out slightly ahead. a righty is saying the same, so i feel like it's safe to say he came out slightly ahead.

it'll go down as basically a wash though.


Well-Known Member
His "boyfriend" gave him everything he wanted him to have...nothing. He made his wishes perfectly clear. He didn't want the gold digger to steal his property. Trying to blame me or society at large for that is simply you being so eager to prove you're a libtard that you're willing to rob the dead to reward a gold digger. It appears you are the one eager to deny the right of a gay man to do what he wishes with his property. Shame on you.
how does one plan on being murdered in a hate crime?

"sorry joe, i can't play poker tuesday. i'm going to be violently assaulted by a bunch of repressed whiny dicks led by chief whiny dick and 40 year old virgin, red1966. we'll have to reschedule for after the hospitalization"


Well-Known Member
LOL Nice try, I'm not asking for an elementary biology lesson pal, I asked canndo and now I'll ask you since you took the microphone, show me some conclusive data to back up your claim or own the fact you have no clue!
check the twin studies, clayton.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Not true, I love science. The only one babbling is you my friend, so let's see that conclusive data.
sorry, *Bible* not 'Babble', my southern accent didn't translate well lol. i don't think it is as simple as you imagine, we clearly haven't found a singular cause to what dictates sexual orientation and gender identity, the evidence as to whether its caused by hormones, environmental causes or simply genetics. there are many debated ideas, overlapping and conflicting.

what do you think causes these traits in humans and the rest of the natural world? because if we are going to find out, it would help if we observed nature, in which homosexuality is common, especially in the higher intelligence mammals like dolphins, elephants, apes, felines, dogs and bears, birds


Well-Known Member
His "boyfriend" gave him everything he wanted him to have...nothing. He made his wishes perfectly clear. He didn't want the gold digger to steal his property. Trying to blame me or society at large for that is simply you being so eager to prove you're a libtard that you're willing to rob the dead to reward a gold digger. It appears you are the one eager to deny the right of a gay man to do what he wishes with his property. Shame on you.
when you next have a clear head have a look back thru this thread. what i think you'll find is a permanent record of your own fustration an eternal view into your mind

*for everyone else* imagine anyone you know taking this much time to question another persons sex life...

would you say they have got something invested in it?