My eyes open more when i smoke!Are you cool hand Luke or “Oh Gee-Whiz Johnny! It’s bursting into flames!! ooooh the humanity!
conspiracy crap doesn’t go with weed bro chill
Magnetic field is in balance because of all the planets ant we happen to be in a perfect spot for life...if any planet spontaneously combusted or collided with a big enough asteroid to change its trajectory/rotation and put it out of wack with the rest, there’s a good chance we would be effected(not sure how fast), and almost certainly in the xenocide type of collateral damage. Cock roaches and kieth Richards would probably be there’s that.
New tek cock pump?
I have the opposite effect generally...krak break?My eyes open more when i smoke!Smoke break! I'll Be Back!
Loses their *depressed, content, focused, etc. day and exchanges it for a short period of confusion at the idiocy of quite a few people that don’t seem abnormal when they speak at first , and you could even say some must be at least a bit intelligent from what you see around most of their life’s content, but then they make some comment explaining how it’s possible to sail (or fly), completely AROUND the (flat) world by some magic trick and then you realize.......damn....they’re retarded.
Now we’re on the same page.Krak is spelt Crack.. that shit is wack
No im talking about Marijuana do you want to try some? Maybe some lsd gel tabs hmu!
You must be tickled pink
This one is my fav. Both people in the top picture would also have to look up.
Flat earth employers. DuhFucksakes how do these flat earth idiots find employment
Fucksakes how do these flat earth idiots find employment
Start a thread about how lockdowns don't work. That's where the hot money is these days.Panama Canal is a farce.
Water density is the same everywhere right?
How can I get paid to fool the world??