Walmart's Now Ex-CEO To Pocket $113 Million Pension


Umm... bro? Someone seems to have stolen your fucks...
cite the post then please.

because for some odd reason, i have grow pics dating back nearly 5 years.

First NoDrama, now beenthere? Oh my gosh! Would have never seen it coming! You are meaning to tell me they are bold face liars? No way! Never would have guessed.

Would you look at that! I mean would you just look at it.
First NoDrama, now beenthere? Oh my gosh! Would have never seen it coming! You are meaning to tell me they are bold face liars? No way! Never would have guessed.

Would you look at that! I mean would you just look at it.

Someone sure has a Crush!!
Dude, I really hope you are Buckies soc, cause the boy crush thing you got going on with him is getting creepy.

Seeing as you have just been outed by your own lies, I can't believe anything you say either. I wish I could, but I can't, because, well you know... you lie. A lot.
And not one of them are lies, how about you claiming to grow for 5 years? LOL

each and every one of those was a lie that you were duped into believing and started spreading independently, meaning you were spreading lies.

you hapless dimwit.
each and every one of those was a lie that you were duped into believing and started spreading independently, meaning you were spreading lies.

you hapless dimwit.

I told you that neither of you lazy putz's could come up with a single lie I've told, another Bucky FAIL
LOL I told you dumb fucks you couldn't prove shit.

still waiting on that citation of how i've only been growing since november of 2010 or so, instead of march of 2009 when i actually did start growing.

go ahead, find the post and put it here, or just admit to being th liar you are.

can you infer what i am implying?
Damn, and just think, you only started growing in 2010 and three years later you're a millionaire. Only in America!

LOL I told you dumb fucks you couldn't prove shit.

You are funny bro. When backed in a corner you just get stupid. Umad. You know it.

You don't have a job, you're not a millionaire as you claim, and you are pretty much a full time liar like your buddy NoDrama.