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Offensive operations are dependent on weather and only Russians are stupid enough to attack in mud season and are paying a dear price for it in the east. If the ground freezes enough we could see a limited Ukrainian offensive to position themselves for spring. If they struck south to the sea of Azov and took out the Kerch bridge dividing the Russians and cutting those off in the south west and Crimea from resupply and support.It this foot dragging or confidence that Russia has lost the initiative and Ukraine can take its time to prepare to mount a more complete offensive? Perhaps ending this mess? This is what the Allies did when they invaded France on D Day. By the end of 1943, the Nazis had lost the initiative and could only wait for the Allies to strike at their positions in France. The Allies geared up and when all was ready, moved at the time and place of their choosing. Or is it WW1 all over again?
U.S. officials advise Ukraine to wait on offensive, official says
The unnamed official said the United States was holding fast to its decision not to provide Abrams tanks to Ukraine at this time, and that a major counter-offensive against Russian forces should wait until weaponry and training are in
Other than that, wear them down daily as they are doing now and cause them to absorb large numbers of casualties, while keeping yours to a minimum. Wait until spring and then overwhelm their weakened and depleted army with overwhelming force. If they do this, it will probably cause Russia to strike in the north, ready or not. However new tanks are only required for offensive operations, mines, artillery and Javelins do fine in defense, not many tanks required. Tanks and APCs are needed to take ground, along with a lot of artillery and other support, so wait for spring to kick them out.