
Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
That's nice but it has to pass the Chamber, then the Senate, then Biden has to sign it.

No one is stepping up to join in on these unpopular ideas.
they know that, it's shameless posturing. they've taken a position with their constituents, and now they can't back down, or the hillbillies that put them in office would turn on them like the villagers chasing Frankenstein's monster..


Well-Known Member
The US Pentagon is working a new 'weapon of mass destruction' that involves thousands of drones that strike by air, land and water to destroy enemy defenses


Well-Known Member

Ukrainian troops equipped with devastating HIMARS are waiting for US targeting data before firing on Russian forces, officials say

  • Ukrainian troops usually won't fire their HIMARS without targeting data from the US, officials said.
  • The US-provided HIMARS have been a key weapon for Ukrainian forces throughout the war.
  • Ukraine has repeatedly asked for longer-range missiles to make the weapons more deadly.
The Ukrainian military almost never fires the US-provided High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) that have devastated Russian forces unless they receive targeting data from the US, The Washington Post reported, citing Ukrainian officials.

According to a senior Ukrainian official who spoke to the Post, the targeting process often involves Ukrainian forces identifying a Russian target, requesting more accurate coordinates from US partners, and then waiting to receive said coordinates.

The official said that the US doesn't always send coordinates. In that case, they said, Ukraine holds its fire. As the report explained, Ukraine can still launch HIMARS attacks without US coordinates, but the country is reluctant to waste ammunition by potentially missing the target.

The Department of Defense did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment on report detailing US involvement in Ukrainian military operations.


Well-Known Member
Ukraine gov and military leaders double down

Look at what we did during ww2, America and Britain, armies need discipline. When the war was over most of the sentences were commuted and that is what will happen here. It is more of a threat of accountability and empowers officers and NCOs to maintain discipline. They have a largely civilian army, unused to the discipline required for military life, the Russians are suffering casualties for lack of training and discipline. Liberal democracies will do extra ordinary things to preserve themselves in war and most willingly subject themselves to it for the common good, but they have to have confidence in competent leadership.


Well-Known Member
Look at what we did during ww2, America and Britain, armies need discipline. When the war was over most of the sentences were commuted and that is what will happen here. It is more of a threat of accountability and empowers officers and NCOs to maintain discipline. They have a largely civilian army, unused to the discipline required for military life, the Russians are suffering casualties for lack of training and discipline. Liberal democracies will do extra ordinary things to preserve themselves in war and most willingly subject themselves to it for the common good, but they have to have confidence in competent leadership.
what I read between the lines is that Ukraine is stretched to the limit. I hope I’m wrong.
This line by the human rights lawyer who enlisted in the Ukrainian army explains it to me:

Most brigades are full, Zakrevska said — but some of those in them aren’t fit to fight, and “it is impossible to fire them. Because no one can be fired from the army at all. Only after a verdict in a criminal case.

Ukraine built their army up from 250,000 to 1,000,000 in less than a year while fighting the war. They needed a mechanism to shuffle off unfit personnel without creating drain of talent of officers handling legalities. No appeal means, maybe an officer might come looking for them to see if they can be moved back to the front lines or they just get parked in prison for the duration. Can't fire them. Can just let them go without creating morale issues, so, if a soldier can't handle the job, they have a mechanism for getting them out of the way.

There is apparently a surge of hundreds of thousands of Russian recruits coming at them soon in a new offensive to deal with. Zelensky gave the military a way to clean out people who cause more problems than help. Sucks but some people will be treated unfairly.


Well-Known Member
what I read between the lines is that Ukraine is stretched to the limit. I hope I’m wrong.
In trying to be objective I've looked at some "outside the box" takes on this war and many have stated Ukranian soldier's disillusion at the front pertaining to resupply,reinforcement, etc. While I hope Ukraine prevails against a sadistic regime led by a evil little man,they are controlling their narrative tightly. They will not allow negativity about morale and such to influence the picture they present,which from their viewpoint is understandable considering their reliance upon the West to prosecute this war.The situation in the East is alarming and Russia has turned to a attrition strategy that Ukraine doesn't have the population to play a 1/1 casualty rate,this goes for artillery rounds as well. The spring and summer months will be crucial and the outcome is still in the balance.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
what I read between the lines is that Ukraine is stretched to the limit. I hope I’m wrong.
a country that had already been fighting since 2014, against a country with the largest stockpile of nukes on the planet, that has three times their population, that was supposed to be one of the best armed forces in the world, that has absolutely no problem bombing civilians...
A country that now has to worry about fascist fucks like elon muck cutting off their communications, who have to worry about fascist fucks in several governments throwing monkey wrenches into multiple plans...A country that has had to fight a defensive fight, when they've had a lot of opportunities to take the fighting to the russians, because we and the rest of nato are shamelessly using them, and restraining them because we fear putin's reaction..A country that has had to beg for effective weapons to fight the fight we're too fucking cowardly to fight ourselves?
what makes you think they might be nearing a snapping point? while some asshats keep crowing about bleeding putin dry, the fucking Ukrainians are the ones doing the bleeding...