So what happens if in a few years Taiwan wants make 1000 fighter and bomber drones with AI and starlink control to fend off Chinese aggression? Or South Korea wants the same? Will we need Elon's permission? Does Elon make these calls, or does the president and the state department?
So what happens if in a few years if Taiwan wants make 1000 fighter and bomber drones with AI and starlink control to fend off Chinese aggression? Or South Korea wants the same? Will we need Elon's permission? Does Elon make these calls, or does the president and the state department?
Military doctor said about especially dangerous methods of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Vuhledar
Under Vuhledar, the use of ammunition with spherical submunitions that penetrate the human body was recorded by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). This was told by the commander of the Mobile Medical Group of the Special Purpose Medical Detachment (MOSN) of the Russian Armed Forces with the call sign "Coach".
“The Armed Forces of Ukraine near Ugledar began to use dangerous ammunition with damaging elements,” RIA Novosti reports the words of a military doctor. He added that the elements are made in a spherical shape of the same size, which, when they penetrate the human body, cause a serious damaging effect.
Earlier it became known that the Ukrainian army uses banned chemical weapons. The Investigative Committee of Russia has launched an investigation into the use of chemical weapons by soldiers of the Ukrainian army, RT reports .
This military doctor has not yet seen porcupine quills.
All duck hunters use such prohibited submunitions.
... ammunition with spherical striking elements that penetrate the human body. - A really dangerous method, there has never been such a thing that would penetrate.
Ukraine has tested a new jet drone, reminiscent of Iranian developments
Testing of a new jet-powered drone has begun in Ukraine, and footage from drone testing has appeared on Ukrainian and Russian Internet resources.
Kyiv has long dreamed of developing attack drones capable of delivering strikes at ranges of over 1 kilometers, somewhat similar to Iran's Shahed attack drones. At the end of last year, it was reported that Ukrainian developers managed to create such a drone, but there were no pictures or videos of its tests.
Now Ukrainian resources are publishing footage of tests of a Ukrainian jet-powered drone. This UAV, by the way, also resembles Iranian UAVs, but not Shahed, but Arash-2. It is possible that he is a clone of the Iranian drone, but we cannot confirm this. The characteristics of this drone are not published anywhere, from the known - only the assumption that it is able to overcome these very "desired" 1 thousand kilometers.
The drone was developed by the design bureau of experimental rocket science NAURocket, working at the National Aviation University of Ukraine.
Kyiv has long been hatching plans to strike deep into Russian territory with the help of drones, several attempts have already been made, including with the help of Soviet-designed Tu-141 Strizh jet UAVs. There is no doubt that over time Ukraine will adopt long-range UAVs. Another question is whether Russian air defense is ready for such raids?
I guess the bright folk at Military Review (Russian Rah Rah site) missed the propeller at the back of the drone. I guess they saw the rocket assist and somehow figured it was jet propulsion. I am starting to feel discouraged by the Russians.
In the final year of World War I, the United States armed its forces on the Western Front with pump shotguns. Germany wasn’t pleased
On July 21, 1918, German soldiers captured a U.S. soldier from the 307th Infantry Regiment, 77th Division, near Baccarat, France. He was carrying a weapon they had never seen: a Winchester Model 97 pump-action shotgun. On September 11, near Villers-en-Haye, the Germans captured a U.S. soldier from the 6th Infantry Regiment, 5th Division, who was also carrying a Winchester Model 97.
On September 15, 1918, the German government officially protested the use of the shotgun in a note verbale—an unsigned diplomatic note—transmitted to the Spanish Embassy in Berlin, then to the Swiss Embassy, and eventually to the American legation in Berne, Switzerland. The note asserted that the use of shotguns by U.S. forces violated Article 23(e) of the 1899 and 1907 Hague Conventions and warned that any American captured with a shotgun or shotgun ammunition would be executed.
The U.S. gave its forces pump-action shotguns in World War I. Why did Germany, which weaponized chlorine gas, claim they violated the Hague Conventions?
Elon built it, he didn't dream it up, but now that he has, they will come and some are very powerful and have "special needs" where national interests are concerned, up to and including public domain, if those, "needs" are not accommodated. Needs like having a branch of the government like the NSA control a portion of the network with secure communications and blocks of contracts that are none of starlink's business, top secret communications from embassies and such are involved as well as covert CIA operations. Then there are the state department implications and use by NATO and other American allies or international users, and even terrorists using them for drone control.
Is USA running out of ammunition?
Even at accelerated rates it would still take six and half years, according to the DoD. All in all, the US can continue to supply Ukraine with arms and will not run out in the foreseeable future. More than 100mn small arms ammunition have been supplied, but the US produces 8.6bn of rounds a year.Jan 19, 2023
Reminds me of the periodic hysteria over the ammo supply here in US. People seem to forget we are a *major* arms & munitions supplier to the world: with the right deal beckoning, why should ammunition manufacturers go out of the way to supply domestic sales that are small compared to what a war zone demands?
That's exactly why he used Trump and his comments about NATO as an opportunity to promote his idea. Easier to sell it when a Trump is in power. And since it's the republicans who put him there, it extends to all of them. Younger generations grow up with a very different image of the US and EU then baby boomers and their children.
Much of that sums up the EU and national governments of many others states and the problems they have pretty well.
The housing crisis is a problem throughout the EU. Berlin is one of the most popular cities but it's even worse in Amsterdam and London. Kids can't move out, couples can't move in together, people can't follow their job and move to the city. Rates continue to go up so high more houses become out of reach for most people, except investors. Solving the housing crisis would make the top 10%, those who hold most of the wealth and thus power, lose billions.
Hardly anyone wants to be a teacher in this corner of Europe, especially in major cities. Being a teacher doesn't mean what it used to. It means picking up parenting where the actual parents stopped, usually right after they taught them how to not shit in their pants. Plus they got to educate the parents now too, the anti-vaxxing parents who don't want their kids to wear masks, muslim parents who don't want their daughters to join sex education or swimming class. In return for their efforts they get threats, stress and crap pay.
That said, increasing the national defense budget should be a lot easier for them to do than solve these 21st century problems in the capital. If they don't, it would be a lack of will, not a lack of money or competence.
Wow,guess an ocean doesn't change 21 century issues,same in US,housing(lack of affordable,rising rents)and teacher issues(low pay+assuming parental duties) are top of list here also. I just can't put my finger on how powerless and unsupported teachers are concerning disruptive,ill behaved children. I got hit by teachers in early-mid 70's when I got out of line and didn't consider it a big deal,didn't complain to my parents(they would have supported the teacher and wouldn't have considered lawsuits) and figured I deserved it.I'm not sure constant praise and everybody gets a trophy parenting builds properly prepared adults.The term "children should be seen and not heard " was popular in my childhood now it seems a lot of them are over diagnosed w/ADD,manic depression,etc. I certainly like children but I don't get a lot of what's happening now. Back to the housing,one particular thing burnt into my memory is as a child I saw a lot of big families of 4,5,6 children live in a 3 bedroom w/one bathroom HAPPILY,now I see a one child couple in a big ass home w/3 bathrooms and they have seemingly more issues,sign of the times I guess.
The U.S. on Monday issued a top-level advisory telling American citizens to leave Russia immediately and cease travel to the country as Russia’s war against neighboring Ukraine continues, citing risks of harassment and wrongful detention for Americans specifically.
The 2nd article makes the point that this is the 3rd mass exodus from Russia in the last ~100 years: during & after the October Revolution & the Bolshevik/Menshevik mess, after the fall of USSR, and now.
The destabilizing effects will be felt for another hundred years, in Russia, in Europe, and wherever those masses of refugees settle.
What American in their right mind would be in Russia at this moment ( even lower tier pro athletes in Russian leagues making extra $).Any American citizen in Russia is basically a walking trading card waiting to be scooped up by the FSB for dropping gum on the side walk.
Russia doesn't count the missing/deserters in Ukraine as KIA's so they don't have to pay survivors benefits to their families. So, many KIA's are left to rot in the field and are listed as missing. Russian POW's report being ordered to leave the wounded where they lay, they have no medical personnel in the field. Getting wounded in Ukraine is tantamount to a death sentence.
Not surprising,I think we place more value on our pets than the Russians do on actual HUMAN BEINGS,Russian military doctrine remains unchanged in more than a century,"Follow the man w/the rifle,when he is killed pick up the rifle and go forward to you are killed,then the next man picks up the rifle".I don't even think Russia considers it war until 1/2 million casualties are suffered.
So what happens if in a few years Taiwan wants make 1000 fighter and bomber drones with AI and starlink control to fend off Chinese aggression? Or South Korea wants the same? Will we need Elon's permission? Does Elon make these calls, or does the president and the state department?
That's why I've previously mentioned my extreme discomfort w/US Gov/ Billionare tycoons collabs,at the least nat. security overrides should have been placed upon Elon's Starlink venture. No way in hell he can be calling the shots over Starlink usage in a war w/ nat. security implications, sorry Elon the US govt. is commandeering your Starlink network in the name of nat. security,write it off your taxes.
Not surprising,I think we place more value on our pets than the Russians do on actual HUMAN BEINGS,Russian military doctrine remains unchanged in more than a century,"Follow the man w/the rifle,when he is killed pick up the rifle and go forward to you are killed,then the next man picks up the rifle".I don't even think Russia considers it war until 1/2 million casualties are suffered.
They're getting close to that...shouldn't be long, at the rate they're throwing logs on the fire. Best estimates are about 200K so far, and they're throwing more at Bakhmut at an insane rate, and lining up to come during mud season again...they apparently never learn a lesson that would teach others in one lesson.
They're getting close to that...shouldn't be long, at the rate they're throwing logs on the fire. Best estimates are about 200K so far, and they're throwing more at Bakhmut at an insane rate, and lining up to come during mud season again...they apparently never learn a lesson that would teach others in one lesson.
What a terrible fate,to be a young adult male born ina Russian fam. of regular means, Russia had a shitty life expectancy per capita prior to all this,now I'm sure yrs. will be shaved off of that number surely. Between Putin's adventure and rampant alcoholism combined w/shitty living conditions I'd bet your av. Russian male barely makes 60.
i'm so fucking sick of hearing about russia's antique nuclear arsenal. sink those ships, every damn one of them, before they have a chance to do a damn thing.
oh yeah...they're pulling out all the stops....even the Biolabs BS too......along with them blaming us for the NortesStream as well (yes i saw the article), they are also trying to blame UA for chemical weapons as well......the cow plop is big with pooty