Open-source researchers have found evidence that Moscow is dusting off Stalin-era tanks — some first deployed more than 70 years ago — and shipping them west, possibly a sign that battlefield losses have led to a shortage of armor for Moscow’s forces on the front in Ukraine.
I wonder what the big military parade will be like on Red Square this May 9th, the victory parade. How will it look when the Russian army is getting the living shit kicked out of it in a blitzkrieg with tens of thousands of prisoners captured after encirclements and getting cut off. I will be just like the summer of 1941 when the German army surrounded and captured hundreds of thousands of Soviets. Boy will it be a parade! If the ground dries out the Russians could be in deep trouble and have suffered major defeats by May 9th. I wonder if the Ukrainians are thinking about that parade too, all those tanks and missiles rolling by would be legitimate military drone targets... A slap in the face and a kick in the nuts, as he runs for Lennin's tomb on victory day...Oh the young...
wow, what a contrast in people, the first guy in the interview video knew the truth, and didn't seem hugely afraid to admit it. he is the first individual in all of these videos that just seems to face it for the unpleasant truth that it is and admit that those in charge will have to be held accountable.Oh the young...
Yeah,it's sick,especially those who espouse our military should be like Russia's,REALLY,their performance is piss poor and their cruelty is off the charts,like I said though the initial fear of the nuke armed bear and it's response to the West overtly aiding the Ukranian's w/lethal weaponry that sends Russian soldiers home in body bags has kind of worn off IMO,while on the other hand the desperation of Putin selling this thing as a existential "all in" conflict combined w/China looming(remember McCartur telling Truman there was no way communist China would intervine) makes this whole thing more escalatory than ever.Russian pilots flew MIGS over Korea,Chinese troops look enough like ethnic Asian Russians to wear Russian uniforms and Russian insignia's can easily be painted on Chinese equipment (just saying).I just wish some republicans would remember that Russia has hundreds of nukes pointed at us before they suck their asses and say they are misunderstood nice guys with hearts of gold. Stupidity will kill you quicker than guts.