
I wonder if anybody is making these in drone size, who cares about a rechargeable battery for a suicide drone with 3 or 4 times the endurance of a rechargeable battery! Even regular drones dropping shit could go for many miles behind enemy lines with disposable aluminum air batteries. They look feasible now for certain military applications like suicide drones or other types that need long range and endurance, just toss the old battery when it gets back.

Lithium batteries have a deeper discharge rate than alkaline batteries. Aluminum batteries have been in development for forty years? Doubt you will see them coming up to power drones.
Over 1.5 million Ukrainian children are at risk of developing depression, anxiety, and other psychological problems due to Russia’s brutal war,
If the West actually cared about the plight of the Ukrainian people, or wanted to actually see The Ukraine decisively prevail, they would allow the Middle East to provide for all of India's energy needs. The Ukrainians know that Indian and Chinese money is fueling Putin's effort.

Ignoring India's benefit from Russia's isolation is odd. What the US really wants is to remain the sole global superpower. Our gov't is doing all it can to limit the growth of PRC. So now the EU is free from Putin's energy goad and it's looking like a US-China cold war. In 10 years EU or India or both could be also contending for superpower status.

Russia will be a Vassal state to PRC.
What the West is doing, is assuring that the fight continues. Zelensky makes desperate and sincere arguments as to why he should have a lot of advanced weapons.

He ought to save his energy.

Europe does not want massive amounts of adanced weapons and munitions sent to The Ukraine. The US can't just send massive amounts of materiel that would likely amount to far more than what has already been given to them out of the budget. Furthermore, if they had these weapons, one of two things would happen:

1) Ukraine would win, and even retake territory that was annexed in 2014, including Crimea and then what? Theyhave never been democratic. They have never been known for Western sensibilities. They are known for authoritarianism and corruption. They have little energy. OK, they have food. So you'd have an extremely formidable Ukraine, trained in the use of the most advanced weapons in the world and with stockpiles. Who actually wants that?

2) They lose somehow and Russia acquires state of the art military tech at the very time when Russian control of Crimea becomes indisputable. So they'd have a warm water port, maintain control of energy infrastructure and decades of technological advantage would balance. This would be absolutely unacceptable. This would be the end of American dominance of the earth. Putin and Xitler would begin to supplant the entire US sphere of influence immediately.

Clearly, the first of those two options is prferable to the second, but far more preferable still, is to drag this out and watch Russia become a vassal state to PRC. The struggle will then be between the two spheres of influence, US and PRC. We could still get PRC to step into a Formosa invasion quagmire. However, don't forget about Russia's nukes.
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Xi Jinping’s plan to annex Russian territory is there for all to see
The long-debated agreement on “Power of Siberia 2” (POS2) – a massive pipeline project to pump gas from Western Siberia to China via Mongolia – has become emblematic of the one-sided and slightly abusive relationship between China and Russia since the start of the Ukraine war. It is not good news for Moscow.
Ahead of Xi Jinping’s recent visit to Russia, Putin boldly announced that the pipeline deal was ready to be signed off, prematurely labelling it “the deal of the century”. But Xi, unmoved by such excessive zeal, declined to sign anything. No mention whatsoever of POS2 appears in the official statements Xi made during the meetings. In the final joint communiqué, all a disappointed Putin could comment was that more work still had to be done “on study and approval”.
It is in this context that we should read Xi’s parting words to Putin – oracular and ominous – that referred to “changes coming, such as haven’t been seen for a century”

What the West is doing, is assuring that the fight continues. Zelensky makes desperate and sincere arguments as to why he should have a lot of advanced weapons.

He ought to save his energy.

Europe does not want massive amounts of adanced weapons and munitions sent to The Ukraine. The US can't just send massive amounts of materiel that would likely amount to far more than what has already been given to them out of the budget. Furthermore, if they had these weapons, one of two things would happen:

1) Ukraine would win, and even retake territory that was annexed in 2014, including Crimea and then what? Theyhave never been democratic. They have never been known for Western sensibilities. They are known for authoritarianism and corruption. They have little energy. OK, they have food. So you'd have an extremely formidable Ukraine, trained in the use of the most advanced weapons in the world and with stockpiles. Who actually wants that?

2) They lose somehow and Russia acquires state of the art military tech at the very time when Russian control of Crimea becomes indisputable. So they'd have a warm water port, maintain control of energy infrastructure and decades of technological advantage would balance. This would be absolutely unacceptable. This would be the end of American dominance of the earth. Putin and Xitler would begin to supplant the entire US sphere of influence immediately.

Clearly, the first of those two options is prferable to the second, but far more preferable still, is to drag this out and watch Russia become a vassal state to PRC. The struggle will then be between the two spheres of influence, US and PRC. We could still get PRC to step into a Formosa invasion quagmire. However, don't forget about Russia's nukes.
The best option is #1, for Ukraine to win and join NATO and the EU....This would bring Russia to it's knees and the Russian federation would dissolve and China and the US would divvy up the spoils.
Moldova has started joint military exercises with the United States and Britain Джерело: https://censor.net/ua/n3408351

Military exercises "JCET 2023" are aimed at joint training and exchange of experience between soldiers of the Moldovan, Romanian, American and British special forces, as well as increasing the level of operational interaction between the participating contingents. Джерело: https://censor.net/ua/n3408351
Arms aid to Ukraine is being massively expanded
Berlin wants to multiply spending on military aid to Ukraine in the coming years - from three to more than 15 billion euros today.
It’s Time to Bring Back the Polish-Lithuanian Union
A political construct created nearly 700 years ago offers solutions for Europe today.

Imagine that, at the end of the war, Poland and Ukraine form a common federal or confederal state, merging their foreign and defense policies and bringing Ukraine into the EU and NATO almost instantly. The Polish-Ukrainian Union would become the second-largest country in the EU and arguably its largest military power, providing more than an adequate counterweight to the Franco-German tandem—something that the EU is sorely missing after Brexit.

For the United States and Western Europe, the union would be a permanent way of securing Europe’s eastern flank from Russian aggression.
The legend known as "Predator" and the Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine armed forces...
It’s Time to Bring Back the Polish-Lithuanian Union
A political construct created nearly 700 years ago offers solutions for Europe today.

Imagine that, at the end of the war, Poland and Ukraine form a common federal or confederal state, merging their foreign and defense policies and bringing Ukraine into the EU and NATO almost instantly. The Polish-Ukrainian Union would become the second-largest country in the EU and arguably its largest military power, providing more than an adequate counterweight to the Franco-German tandem—something that the EU is sorely missing after Brexit.

For the United States and Western Europe, the union would be a permanent way of securing Europe’s eastern flank from Russian aggression.
has anyone asked Poland or Lithuania if they have any interest in this idea?
has anyone asked Poland or Lithuania if they have any interest in this idea?
I think the EU kinda makes it moot, they do all those things except for an EU army and that might come after this war, a NATO like force. After the Russians are destroyed and gone from Ukraine and Belarus is also liberated, I don't see much need for a NA military presence in Europe, once Germany and the others are done rebuilding their militaries. If Belarus goes so does Kaliningrad, the Baltic is a NATO lake and Turkey and Ukraine would control much of the Black Sea and access to it. The prosperity of both Turkey and Germany are tied to Ukraine winning the war, Germany for NG and oil, Turkey for both energy and European traffic for Erdogan's pet canal project that would offer a sea shortcut to Europe from the middle east and Asia via the Suez Canal.