
That might be one of those deals that he should have kept quiet. poot-poot's fly boys will find out soon enough.
They are afraid now and this and the other shit pouring in will make them more afraid. When the Ukrainians get the upper hand in offensive operations, that might trap thousands, the Russian air force will try to come to the rescue, they will be ordered to by desperate commanders. The Ukrainians will be ready, this has also been anticipated.
No I don't miss your point, but you might have missed mine. The point of it all is not to insult Russian prisoners, but to divide Russians against Putin by assigning blame where it belongs, on him. People cussing them in a barely understood dialect might be amusing, but they know Russian curse words too, or will make it a point to learn them. So they wear nice Tee shirts while cleaning up rubble this spring and summer while causing Vlad major headaches because they will be all over the news. They might even be paid to do it, from his money.
If you have a Russian part, the Russian-insulting and Ukrainian-empowering component is shot.
I see a psy-ops value there that you do not. So, with respect, don’t tell me you get me unless you demonstrate it.
TY. My memory is not what it once was. Was it about Japan taking a big section of China with the aid of nukes?
What I remember is, unfortunate manufacturing defect in a Japanese car led to a trade war led to a shooting war led to a senior airline pilot avenging hid dead brother by laying a fuel-heavy jumbo on the Capitol. The Japanese had ICBMs that were neutralized bu commandos.
What I remember is, unfortunate manufacturing defect in a Japanese car led to a trade war led to a shooting war led to a senior airline pilot avenging hid dead brother by laying a fuel-heavy jumbo on the Capitol. The Japanese had ICBMs that were neutralized bu commandos.
Not the one I was (partially) remembering. In it the Japanese had made bombs but they were having to fly them in with bombers. There was some doubt if they would be able to fly away. And who knows. It might not even be Clancy. I gave up on him long before he gave up writing.
Not the one I was (partially) remembering. In it the Japanese had made bombs but they were having to fly them in with bombers. There was some doubt if they would be able to fly away. And who knows. It might not even be Clancy. I gave up on him long before he gave up writing.
I don’t recognize that as Clancy, or the other bigs like Dale Brown.

I am left cold by Clancy’s post-2000 coauthored stuff.
And Dale walked so far around the bend he had his own ass on the front sight.

But for you to state I am understood when I am not is more than that. It is incorrect, while you’re telling me that does not matter.
My apologies. I'm sure the Ukrainians will know what to put on the Tee shirts and how to insult the Russians. My ideas don't matter, not much here does.
I don’t recognize that as Clancy, or the other bigs like Dale Brown. . . . . .
For most of my life I remembered everything. Like the plot to every book or movie I had ever read or seen. Every conversation I had had . Even most of the shit I had thought. Like Monk says, it's a blessing and a curse. But then when the wife had a chance at the big brass ring I agreed to stop smoking and growing. Starting in 2004, for the next 12 years I was straight. (well, closer to 11 really. I had a couple ounces in the freezer. . . . Then when I knew she was retiring, I got a little head start on a crop. . . . .) My memory was one of the casualties of that. And as far as all the bad shit, not sorry it is gone.
Labeling Vlad a war criminal has implications, none of them good for Vlad.
Keep digging Donald! The war has divided the republican base, with white Christians using guns, guts and glory, defending liberty The lunatics who follow Trump are becoming isolated and this war will be a big part of their destruction. A majority of republican voters are all in for Ukraine, even foxnews lost reporters and the news department there must hate Tucker's guts. Tucker could get death threats now, you know how many are on the right, when they get excited!
Your ideas matter (to me, I said so days ago) and so do mine. A bit less nihilism?
I talk strategy, negotiations and ways of ending this shit too, not just the combat and tactics stuff, the technology used too. When someone mentions switchblade drones, I like to post something to give folks an idea of what they are and how they alone could end much of the slaughter of innocents in the cities. They don't need a no fly zone, they need hundreds of switch blade drones and they are quick and easy to learn. Some Ukrainians have probably been trained in this already by NATO.