
One thing about Winston though, the wings on his uniform were real, he could fly, helped found the RAF and did back when it was real dangerous. Also the medals on the uniform were earned, but in another era. Winston had balls and that's one of the reasons he is compared to Zelenskiy.
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Sending the army in to wipe out a coal miners strike wasn't his finest hour tho. :(

Churchhill joke.

He and his wife were visiting the royal grounds and his wife was with the man in charge of the animals. As they were observing the chickens she commented about the busy rooster and asked how often he jumped the girls. "Dozens of time each day", he replied. "Make sure you let Winston know that when he comes by", she said.

Later when he was with Winston he pointed out that the rooster was so busy and told him his wife said to say so. "So", asks Winston, "Is it always with the same hen? "Oh no", replies the man, "A different bird each time."

"Make sure you point that out to the wife the next time you speak to her." Says Winston with a twinkle in his eye.

Might have to get a Royal Enfield with a sidecar instead. Only single wheel drive tho so not as good for off-road and just a 500cc one-lunger for power. Driving across Canada on a Russian bike might be a bad idea for the next decade or so. :D

Would be a gas but if I can't get started in a couple years I probably won't be able to do it at all. Getting old sux.

Get started this year then.
Russian bike should be fine, most people won't even know what it is let alone where it was built.

Do you know why Lada's have rear demisters?

To keep your hands warm when your pushing it.
Going north might be easier than going south, blow some bridges over a remote river in Siberia and they can cut off western Russia from the east and take the whole eastern part. If the economy is in the toilet, some regions may want to break away, like with the bullshit the Russians pulled in Ukraine. If people figured their standard of living would rise quickly, you never know, China would not need to invade, just install a puppet government. They would then would invite China in and form a defense alliance. That's how Vlad thinks and how it might go down, in some of the central Asian Stans too, some of which have oil...
Anything is possible w/Mr. Xi running things,I have to give the benefit of the doubt to the Chinese as a relatively peaceful people,they haven't started too much shit the last 100 yrs.(maybe because they were weakened during this period maybe not).But I would prefer a less iconic,less nationalist leader over there than Mr. Xi.he is 100% down for the commy party cause and I'm troubled by his motives. With a billion mouths to feed who knows,the Belt/Road thing is a scam to indenture poor countries so China can commandeer their ports,build bases,or steal their fishing grounds.The Chinese eat everything that ends up in the net they drag and their territorial waters have been so decimated they have to go elsewhere,that's why they claim all the China sea as theirs and are muscling everybody in the area.Now that he has basically torn up the term limits for leadership of China we have to deal w/him till death and he might end up w/a few loose screws as he ages a la Putin,I have no beef w/the Chinese people in general and hopefully hostilities are not inevitable.

At a different media briefing in the same venue, a reconnaissance officer called Vladimir who had been captured told a group of international reporters, "Our government told us we need to liberate the civilian population. I want to tell Russian servicemen: lay down your arms and leave your stations, don't come here. Everyone wants peace here."
Vladimir then went a big step further, saying: "I want to tell our commander-in-chief to stop terror acts in Ukraine because when we come back we'll rise against him."

after this mess looks like ol pooty gonna have problems domestically....hehe
All I know is that if Putin is still in power when POW's are repatriated firing squads might run out of ammo,these poor bastards might want to consider asking the Ukranian's for citizenship or amnesty because they certainly can't go home.
Somethings never change, like paranoia. Reportedly the mad midget has fired many of his personal staff and is using food tasters. He's terrified of being poisoned, that's why he won't let anyone anywhere near him, hence the 50 foot long meeting tables with him on one end and any he's speaking with on the far end. Sad little shirtless mad midget on a shetland pony.
Not a sophisticated well-oiled machine. The Russian army has already lost 10% of their equipment according to U.S. and NATO estimates.

"On Wednesday, Ukrainian officials reported that a fourth general, Maj. Gen. Oleg Mityaev, the commander of the 150th motorized rifle division, had been killed in fighting.

Two American military officials said that many Russian generals are talking on unsecured phones and radios. In at least one instance, they said, the Ukrainians intercepted a general’s call, geolocated it, and attacked his location, killing him and his staff."
I figured they would be geolocating Russians stupid enough to be using cellphones and at the beginning I thought they had electronic means of dealing with drones. It has become apparent though that any RC hobbyist flying a cheap RC foam airplane with some plastic explosive could make a real contribution! I'm not even sure if they need something as sophisticated as a switch blade killer drones, but they will be very useful. Enough switch blades can stop much of the slaughter of innocents by taking out Russian rocket launchers many miles away. They gave them 100 and I think it was for this purpose, to stop or reduce the bombardment of cities. He probably only has less than 100 big rocket launchers in the country attacking cities.

The Russians lost 4 generals because they were forced to lead or go to the front in many cases, but they must be pretty stupid to be talking on cellphones in a war zone in this day and age, especially when the Ukrainians control the networks. When was the last time the US lost a general in combat? America has fought many wars over the last few decades. Four generals in 3 weeks, ain't good.
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'Everything is a target for them': Zelensky's appeal after civilians struck in Mariupol
KYIV, UKRAINE -- Survivors began to emerge Thursday as authorities worked to rescue hundreds of civilians trapped in the basement of a theatre blasted by Russian airstrikes in the besieged city of Mariupol, while ferocious Russian bombardment killed dozens in a northern city over the past day, the local governor said.

The strikes the previous evening had left a large section of the grand, 3-three storey theatre building in the center of Mariupol collapsed in a smoking ruin, according to photos released by the city council. Inside, hundreds of men, women and children -- up to 1,000 according to some officials -- had taken shelter in the basement, seeking safety amid Russia's strangulating 3-week siege of the strategic southern port city.

Rescuers worked to clearing rubble that had blocked the entrance to the basement, despite new strikes reported elsewhere in the city Thursday. Miraculously, the shelter stood firm, officials said. "The building withstood the impact of a high-powered air bomb and protected the lives of people hiding in the bomb shelter," Ukraine's ombudswoman Ludmyla Denisova said on the Telegram messaging app Thursday.

She and Ukrainian parliament member Sergiy Taruta said some survivors had emerged. "People are coming out alive," Taruta wrote on Facebook, though he did not say how many.

It was not known if there were injuries or deaths among those inside. Another lawmaker, Lesia Vasylenko, who was in London in a delegation visiting Parliament Thursday, said there were reports of injuries but no deaths.

At least as recently as Monday, huge white letters on the pavement in front of and behind the theatre spelled out "CHILDREN" in Russian to alert warplanes of those inside, according to images released by the Maxar space technology company. The Russian defense ministry denied bombing the theatre or anywhere else in Mariupol on Wednesday.

The strike against the theatre was part of a furious bombardment of civilian targets in multiple cities over past day. Also struck in Mariupol on Wednesday was a municipal pool where pregnant women and women with children were taking shelter, according to Pavlo Kyrylenko, head of the Donetsk regional administration. Hours later, there was no word on casualties in that strike.
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The last couple three weeks I have been using a fire finding site that uses the NASA satellites to keep an eye on the Chipola Complex Fires. It's a great tool. Never thought of using it track the fighting.

All I know is that if Putin is still in power when POW's are repatriated firing squads might run out of ammo,these poor bastards might want to consider asking the Ukranian's for citizenship or amnesty because they certainly can't go home.
Last night on the BBC they were talking about what happened when the first POW videos were posted. The sister of one of the boys went to their base, and the folks would not tell her anything. His mother said after what he said, he could not come back to Russia, so to her, it was as if he were already dead.
Might have to get a Royal Enfield with a sidecar instead. Only single wheel drive tho so not as good for off-road and just a 500cc one-lunger for power. Driving across Canada on a Russian bike might be a bad idea for the next decade or so. :D

Would be a gas but if I can't get started in a couple years I probably won't be able to do it at all. Getting old sux.


way too spendy, imo, but looks pretty bad ass for a dirt bike :lol: