
They bomb from higher altitude during the day than at night to avoid ground fire. Seriously, with enough commercial drones alone they can do a lot of damage to the Russians day or night for cheap as dirt. Now the new artillery we gave them will really shine, it will allow guys using commercial drones to go 5 miles further than the Russians can reach while under the umbrella of their own guns. The military drones will target any jammers or detectors in the area they can find, the artillery will eliminate them and the commercial drones using cheap bombs with units move in and go to work. Other drones call down fire on Russian positions. These drone guys can be used to bait Russian artillery too and the Ukrainian counter battery radar (Thanks Sam) can locate them for the long range artillery to destroy instantly.

oh the uaUA n the ground are using these with great accuracy, i saw another it was a night time, basic bunker next the drone id it, and then AU sent in mortors right on the next
Turning MLRSs into precision weapons just involves putting a laser seeker head with fins on the front of the rocket, like they do with dumb bombs. Ya just need access to the tech or a friend who will make them for you to your specifications, screw them on to the missiles and fire them at the targets one by one, as the drone designates a new target with it's laser.
Exclusive: Intense fighting continues at site where Ukrainians blew up two Russian pontoon bridges, satellite image shows
The Ukrainians are continuing to pushback a Russian advance across the Siverskyi Donets River near Bilohorivka, a satellite image from BlackSky shows.

The fighting is taking place along the same bend in the river where the Russians constructed two pontoon bridges, which the Ukrainians blew up.

The satellite image, taken Thursday afternoon, shows large plumes of smoke rising from a dense forest just west of the river. Fighting also appears to be occurring in the area where the Russian pontoon bridges were deployed.

Smoke is obscuring much of that area, but through it, an object — a possible third Russian pontoon bridge — is seen bridging the river. The object seen crosses the entire river; drone photos of the first two destroyed pontoon bridges show they no longer cross the body of water.

Serhiy Hayday, the Luhansk regional military administrator, said on Wednesday the Russians are continuing to try to construct bridges across the Siverskyi Donets River. He also said that the Ukrainians have repeatedly blown them up.

Reinforcing failure, a fundamental military mistake, the second time around the Ukrainians will be better through practice and will have even more resources ready.

So if China is helping the Russians track Ukrainian drones made in China, haven't they taken a side?

I have thousands of hours in all kinds of aircraft on my PC, over say 30 years or so.... I would fly the shit out of a drone
Turning MLRSs into precision weapons just involves putting a laser seeker head with fins on the front of the rocket, like they do with dumb bombs. Ya just need access to the tech or a friend who will make them for you to your specifications, screw them on to the missiles and fire them at the targets one by one, as the drone designates a new target with it's laser.
"just need access to the tech or a friend who will make them for you to your specifications"?

I'll head over to Princess Auto and pick up the stuff I'll need, have it ready for you over the weekend.
This former Estonian soldier and reservist, gives the news from a Eastern European perspective. These appear to be good allies to have and even a small country like Estonia could destroy many Russian BTGs, Finland could destroy many more. He mentions cellphone data in the video used to locate Russians that was not shown, however this map was posted on this thread a few pages back. A chart at the end shows how much everybody is contributing militarily, so far the UK is talking a bigger game than they are delivering.

So if China is helping the Russians track Ukrainian drones made in China, haven't they taken a side?

I have thousands of hours in all kinds of aircraft on my PC, over say 30 years or so.... I would fly the shit out of a drone
Which is why I think the gaming industry actually produced some useful people militarily wise.

China is watching and waiting to see what happens this next month. I had an article about it, think it was even from a Russian news source. The Chinese see the next month as pivotal and do not want to rush in to back the loser. There is no advantage for them to jump in either boat at this time so might as well stall.

So if China is helping the Russians track Ukrainian drones made in China, haven't they taken a side?

I have thousands of hours in all kinds of aircraft on my PC, over say 30 years or so.... I would fly the shit out of a drone
They do it as a service to find lost drones, however, a firmware modification or turning off the wifi will disable it. There are several ways of dealing with the issue and I'm sure someone is working on modifying or replacing the firmware the drones and controllers use. They aren't deliberately harming the Ukrainians, but they aren't helping either, I think they will suffer for it greatly too. The drone and FPV/RC hobby world are heavily in Ukraine's favor and a boycott would be easy to get off the ground.
They do it as a service to find lost drones, however, a firmware modification or turning off the wifi will disable it. There are several ways of dealing with the issue and I'm sure someone is working on modifying or replacing the firmware the drones and controllers use. They aren't deliberately harming the Ukrainians, but they aren't helping either, I think they will suffer for it greatly too. The drone and FPV/RC hobby world are heavily in Ukraine's favor and a boycott would be easy to get off the ground.
Yes the operators explained some of the steps they use now to prevent the Russians from hitting launch spots with artillery. etc.
"just need access to the tech or a friend who will make them for you to your specifications"?

I'll head over to Princess Auto and pick up the stuff I'll need, have it ready for you over the weekend.
Not if you use a preexisting design and can buy off the shelf components, it can't be done instantly, but it can be done using previous designs. For instance in this use the seeker head would be locked until the missile was in terminal flight. It might be useful to do if for instance ya had a lot of soviet launchers laying around and were making new rockets for them, just use the same rocket design, upgrade the propellant and add a seeker head that might also be used to guide a variety of other munitions with adaptors. Could be something worth looking into, these things are expensive, but I figure they can be made cheap or for reasonable costs in reality.

By friend I mean country like Canada or America or the UK etc this is a national effort, not an individual one, or a company in Ukraine working with the government.
Not unless the Americans go nuts and the way they are going they might. We would probably ship the Uranium abroad to a partner state and they ship back the concentrated. Just a tactical nuke as a spark plug in a shipping container full of lithium deuteride fusion fuel would make a Helluva bang!
No actually. You need external compression from a purpose-designed implosion trigger. Thermonukes rely on a fission spark plug (separate from the trigger and set alight by trigger neutrons) showing that even x-ray photon gas from outside the fusion stage is not enough adiabatic compression. Once upon a time, I was well-read on the topic.
Blowing bridges might not keep the Ukrainians at bay, they can control the far side with long range artillery, drones and small units crossing in boats. Some bridges like those shown at the beginning of the video can be temporarily replaced with pontoon sections from captured Russian bridges for the section blown. America probably anticipated this and supplied bridging equipment prepositioned for NATO in Europe already.
Russians blow up bridges as they retreat

Nato moving into Russia will start the nukes flying in both directions. As far as the rump states that form, each would want a nuke or two in order to fend off any attack by foreign forces. Why did Libya fall? Because their fearless leader gave up his nuclear ambitions. Why is NK untouchable? They have them. The sates may not have a legitimate reason for having them but don't think they will happily hand them over in all cases.
i'm not talking about before russia starts to seriously fall the fuck apart, just before all the greedy little fucking oligarchs start to gather them up to sell to the highest bidders...and as far as what they want, tough fucking shit, there's no way in hell there can be a dozen or more states with nuclear weapons, threatening their neighbors over imagined slights and ancestral arguments...they'll give them up or die defending them. they won't have the launch codes, so they won't be able to use them anyway, until they had a chance to reprogram all of them, which i don't suppose is an easy process
Yeah, go ahead and suck Vlad's asshole now that he's on the ropes or soon will be. That will go over like a turd in the punch bowl with America and Ukraine, this asshole has no credibility, his reluctance to help made him a nobody. A ceasefire would allow the Russians to reorganize and reinforce. Leave Ukraine all of Ukraine and they will stop shooting at Russians, unless they shoot back, that's the peace you will get, good luck trying to get another. He might have his tongue hanging out for Russian gas and oil today, but next year he might want to get it from Ukraine. Another peace at any cost from a country that nearly enslaved itself for the second time, first to Hitler and now to Putin. There was no Lebensraum for Germany in Russia then and there is no oil and gas to be had there today.

Scholz had better watch himself in associating with Vlad, or some wag will call him a schweinhund, or pig dog, meaning if ya run with the pigs ya get the stink on ya.
Scholz in call with Putin +++ EU pledges €500 million in additional military aid | Ukraine latest

No actually. You need external compression from a purpose-designed implosion trigger. Thermonukes rely on a fission spark plug (separate from the trigger and set alight by trigger neutrons) showing that even x-ray photon gas from outside the fusion stage is not enough adiabatic compression. Once upon a time, I was well-read on the topic.
I wasn't talking about stuffing a warhead in a shipping container with fusion fuel, it would be a design. Add more fusion fuel with the right design and the bang gets bigger neutrons can be greatly increased by a variety of methods. Any tactical nuke can be converted into a thermonuclear device.

I'm no expert though, but the knowledge is out there and the last time I checked physicists were a creative bunch.
I see Finland contributes just .2% of it's military budget to Ukraine, while Sweden contributed 1.3%, however Finland lies between Sweden and Russia, places like Latvia and Estonia who are NATO members gave over 30%. Now that they have security guarantees from two nuclear powers, the UK and US, they might contribute more Ukrainian aid as perhaps the swedes will. They will be NATO members, Turkish resistance won't last long and was to keep the Russian oil and gas flowing. In practice it really means nothing, Vlad can't attack anyway so the point is moot. Turkey needs Ukraine and a western Ukraine will mean much more trade and importance of the Black sea and Turkey controls access. Russia interfering with future trade on the Black sea would mean a very bad day for Russia, with both Ukraine and Turkey hammering them allied together.
'Extraordinary humiliation': Ex-CIA director speaks about key moment for Putin
136,953 views May 13, 2022 Experts analyze Russian President Vladimir Putin's motivations for invading Ukraine. Fareed's Zakaria's documentary "Inside Putin's Mind" airs Sunday, March 15 at 8pm ET on CNN.
Snowflake? Seems you come here with a predetermined agenda, don't you comrade?

I'm so glad we got rid of that racist from here!

I am literally shaking and shidding right now, I can't stand it when people are disrespectful like that!!

I came here to find out about how to grow herbs on my cotton farm, not to see a nazi sympathiser being racist.

All the best