
Ukraine defends Kyiv from Russian assault as both governments signal possibility of talks

Russia proposed Belarus as neutral venue for summit, while Ukraine wants Poland

The Russian and Ukrainian governments on Friday signalled an openness to negotiations even as authorities in Kyiv urged citizens to help defend the capital from advancing Russian forces in the worst European security crisis in decades.

Ukraine and Russia will consult in the coming hours on a time and place for talks, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's spokesperson, Sergii Nykyforov, said on social media, offering the first glimmer of hope for diplomacy since the invasion began Thursday.

Poland huh...that's cool. Would like to see Geneva imo. Israelis have been mentioned too...in this.
Poland huh...that's cool. Would like to see Geneva imo. Israelis have been mentioned too...in this.
It might be a good sign, if he invades the whole country, it will be a humanitarian and PR crises of epic proportions. They will fight like Hell, are well armed and there are 250K of them, also urban warfare is a meat grinder. If he leaves a rump of a country he will face continued armed insurgency and a base for the government in western Ukraine. The sanctions will cripple Russia, make the average oligarch shit and put the average Russian in the poor house bigly. Clamp down hard enough and there could even be food shortages, Russia, a huge country with lot's of arable land, paradoxically imports lot's of food too.

It will be hard for Vlad to get his ass out of this one, he could have big trouble with Ukraine, even Kazakhstan an ally refused to send troops when asked and won't recognized his declarations on the two Ukrainian provinces! There are demonstrations in Georgia, other republics too and in Moscow and other Russian cities. This ain't the old soviet union, these are largely independent states who feel threatened by this shit, Vlad has loose control in many places.
Another nightmare taking over where Trump left off fucking up my head.

Putin Chooses a Forever War - The Atlantic

Putin is a madman that will not be going away soon.

What to do?
or kill yourself?

The latter seems more attractive every time I read the news :(

Anyway, I am whistling/singing this tune thinking about how everyone can get on Zoom playing instruments & see how far we can get around the world.

There's a show that does it & it's pretty cool.

We could YouTube it & get billions of viewers & sell it for beaucoup bucks!

I can play tin whistle & I remember reading somewhere that @schuylaar play's a mean banjo

Just a thought

Good song

Could be worse, you could be paying Canadian prices for that shitty vodka. I always forget booze is really expensive up there. View attachment 5092413
Russian Standard?
Is that something to aspire too?
The thought of drinking that shit makes me get a headache & slightly nauseous.
I remenber when Stoly came to the States & it was a big deal.
Get wacked on that shit & see what you feel like the next day.
Ever have that severe a headache that the beat of your heart hurt?


Drink a 1/2 liter of that & you'll find out.

You want vodka

Goose is good

This is foolproof

Another nightmare taking over where Trump left off fucking up my head.

Putin Chooses a Forever War - The Atlantic

Putin is a madman that will not be going away soon.

What to do?
or kill yourself?

The latter seems more attractive every time I read the news :(

Anyway, I am whistling/singing this tune thinking about how everyone can get on Zoom playing instruments & see how far we can get around the world.

There's a show that does it & it's pretty cool.

We could YouTube it & get billions of viewers & sell it for beaucoup bucks!

I can play tin whistle & I remember reading somewhere that @schuylaar play's a mean banjo

Just a thought

Good song

Excellent song...used to have that on a cd while heading to the coast with a doobie..and sing along with it....good fishing trip in those days..
Murdoch again? You went like two whole days as well..

I find it flattering that rather than debate and disprove my points a few people chose insults instead. Makes me wonder why they cannot dispute my comments.

I have, when this whole shit story started, how's that atomic thread...js
Pre 1992 SA was pretty sweet...
there are small areas that only changed minimally from the 80s till now.
The main thing that changed is that our government hates meritism.

But I don't want to get into a racial superiority talk as I don't believe in it. And I see in hindsight that my words could be misconstrued.

If I am going to say anything racial, it is that my reading of history is anything to go by, if you want a group to disappear, let it fight a similar group.
Russian vodka is piss anyway.
Fucking gasoline tastes better & is probably safer
Polish/Swedish are the only one's worth drinking
The French make a pretty good one too.

I can’t believe there isn’t a good Irish vodka. All those potatoes and alcoholics on that island…

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Vodka is one of the few types of alcohol that I dont like, the only broad category really, other than that it's just a few random brands. Seagrams gin tastes like soap, southern comfort tastes like puking, feckin Irish whiskey is some sorta death (might be better now).