Gives ya the lay of the land and Vlad's influence in some central Asian republics, Serbia voted for it, as did the other former Yugoslav's. Many of the abstentions don't mean much and Vietnam owes an old debt to Russia. Some of them are an issue though, China and India should be running from Vlad like he's on fire and about to explode, India abstained though
So I'd say 93 more or less liberal democracies, up against 24 totalitarian states, some of which which Iran are semi democratic and some have grudges and history of their own. 58 abstentions for a variety of reasons, many of them former colonial possessions, but are still liberal democracies like Barbados or even Brazil, if they get rid of the current idiot.
Looks like the liberal democracies, though some are flawed, outnumber the authoritarians and dictators by a lot. Even places like Russia have elections, though they are mostly meaningless, they have the form, not the substance.