
Easy to not give a fuck when those wmds aren't going to land on you. I live like 300km from the russian border and a kilometer from a navy base. I give a fuck.
i live 25 miles from the oak ridge nuclear facility and in the middle of a huge tourist area, we're definitely on the list of places to get hit if they throw shit at the US, and he'll try, if he can. i wrote that fully expecting there to be fallout, litterally, on the US and perhaps on my area...the alternative is to let him continue to do this shit till he runs out of men and money, and that is exactly what he will do. if they win in Ukriane, how long till they come for Moldova, or Poland, or Finland? because they WILL come, until they live in a rusky mir....so you want to gamble a little and stop him now, or do you want russian soldiers kicking your door in and taking your wife, your kids, yourself to be "reeducated" in a couple of years?
His house, he can do as he pleases with it, looks fine to me, no money for renos required. It's also up to the families who want to live there.

Tell ya what, look at the houses the council members live in and compare them to this, do they live in shitholes?
it's a plot by the council to NOT have Ukrainian refugees living in their area, saying that imminently suitable houses are not up to their standard, when their own homes are probably not as nice as that houses garage...they want to help the Ukrainians, they just don't want them living in their neighborhood
Russia on the move in Belarus.....now the question is where they going....hmm

The Ukrainians know and I'll bet every single unit and vehicle is potted on some google earth map, by them and others, from satellites, drones, reports and intercepted communications. NATO is probably sharing everything with the Ukrainians, the Russians have no secrets, they know their orders and they know their timetable. They will be waiting and striking while they are still on the roads, the second round will be ten times worse for them.
The Ukrainians know and I'll bet every single unit and vehicle is potted on some google earth map, by them and others, from satellites, drones, reports and intercepted communications. NATO is probably sharing everything with the Ukrainians, the Russians have no secrets, they know their orders and they know their timetable. They will be waiting and striking while they are still on the roads, the second round will be ten times worse for them.

they should send the Bela detachments that helped UA after them, cause some real havok
We are in the seventh week of the war now and Vlad might not be able to start his big drive in the east for a month, especially if the Ukrainians blow up Rail bridges inside Russia. So it will be 3 months or close to it that the Ukrainians have had to build an army and massive reserve, organize resistance and arm it near everywhere and receive tons of new advanced weapons from more than just NATO. They have nearly destroyed much of Vlad`s army there now and wounded the rest, grinding it down daily with increasing numbers of trained troops. By the time Vlad shows up in the east, he might be counter attacked and driven back before he can line up his ducks and they wait for him from new positions that they withdraw from when Vlad begins his assaults along IED lined roads encountering ambush after ambush while being destroyed on the roads by artillery and mortars. They will pay for every mile of their advance with blood, the Ukrainians falling back as required while pounding them all the time. This time they will be ready and will have the weapons to do the job, they will have had near 3 months of all out effort and organization and you can see that organization in action in news reports and videos.

The Ukrainians made major investments in education for decades, while the Russians cut it in favor of the military (sound familiar), you are seeing the results in a new generation of leaders and citizens. They are much different than the Russian now, more so than in the past, educating the populace and leveraging the smarts of the people with training leads to better results and societies, long term investments are more of a sure thing. This has also lead to a cultural divide with Russians and a more western out look and looking people.

Ukraine would be the largest country in Europe with an educated population 2/3 the size of Germany and full of natural resources, great rivers and even black sea ports. They have natural gas, mostly in the east and if developed further might help out Europe a lot for a few critical years. In 5 years they won't fear Russia and could be in bilateral defense agreement with neighbors like Turkey, who get 90% of their grain from Ukraine and the Islamic world gets most of it. Turkey also wants canal traffic and a dynamic Ukraine shipping grain out and receiving Asian containers for Europe might give the Turks the traffic they seek for the canal, financing too. Russia has diminished in importance, militarily and economically and will be for a long time to come. The Turkish canal is a pet project of the local strongman.
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this would be a real good time for those belarusians that oppose the war to blow up some more railroad tracks, like any of them that go toward eastern Ukraine
Blowing up a rail bridge over a river in Russia will do the job and bringing down a half dozen in Russia would cripple Vlad's offensive in the east, or delay it at least. It takes a long time to replace a downed rail bridge, many are in isolated locations far from roads. Tracks can be replaced in hours, bridges not so much, so sabotage teams infiltrating into Russia or choppering in at low level. Do it all at once and take out strategic Bridges as far from the Russian start line as they can. He will have to drive his half worn out tanks a hundred extra miles while eating fuel and breaking down on the way. Tanks need their tracks rebuilt after a few hundred miles and these might be half worn out or more. Everything will need to go by truck and Vlad has few of those.
Bosnia....voted to suspend.....wait what?? :shock:

View attachment 5114638
Gives ya the lay of the land and Vlad's influence in some central Asian republics, Serbia voted for it, as did the other former Yugoslav's. Many of the abstentions don't mean much and Vietnam owes an old debt to Russia. Some of them are an issue though, China and India should be running from Vlad like he's on fire and about to explode, India abstained though

So I'd say 93 more or less liberal democracies, up against 24 totalitarian states, some of which like Iran are semi democratic and some have grudges and history of their own. 58 abstentions for a variety of reasons, many of them former colonial possessions, but are still liberal democracies like Barbados or even Brazil, if they get rid of the current idiot.

Looks like the liberal democracies, though some are flawed, outnumber the authoritarians and dictators by a lot. Even places like Russia have elections, though they are mostly meaningless, they have the form, not the substance.
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Bosnia, Serbia, and India are the ones that surprised me...especially Serbia and Bosnia...those 2
They probably get a lot of EU and American aid. This war means small countries can be armed with anti tank weapons at least and organized reserve forces. If the government is worth a fuck or even if it's not, they will defend their homes and volunteers won't be an issue. These are defensive weapons and if everybody stays in their lane fine, invade with an old soviet tank army and they are dead from reserve minutemen mostly with NLAWs and such from local armories. It will be enough to deter aggressive bigger neighbors and make it too painful at least.

Ukraine might not be in NATO in 5 years, but that doesn't mean NATO won't have warehouses of logistics for them ready to go at the drop of a pin and all preplanned.
Gives ya the lay of the land and Vlad's influence in some central Asian republics, Serbia voted for it, as did the other former Yugoslav's. Many of the abstentions don't mean much and Vietnam owes an old debt to Russia. Some of them are an issue though, China and India should be running from Vlad like he's on fire and about to explode, India abstained though

So I'd say 93 more or less liberal democracies, up against 24 totalitarian states, some of which which Iran are semi democratic and some have grudges and history of their own. 58 abstentions for a variety of reasons, many of them former colonial possessions, but are still liberal democracies like Barbados or even Brazil, if they get rid of the current idiot.

Looks like the liberal democracies, though some are flawed, outnumber the authoritarians and dictators by a lot. Even places like Russia have elections, though they are mostly meaningless, they have the form, not the substance.

I was wondering about India's role..aren't they kind of democratic..? FFS Switzerland decided to de-neutralize itself in this.