Budley Doright
Well-Known Member
Paula? Is that you? Welcome to RIU.
what's it like living in an alternate universe? how do you travel back and forth to this one?All the bloodsuckers gutting your nation own stock in Ukraine , the same bloodsuckers gutting America are gutting Russia.
You're not invited to the puppeteer pedophile party
Watch your ass
sure they are...they are owned by different people, have different reporters, different editors, operate in different cities, compete with each other...and essentially all report the same facts, which corroborate each other, but YOU know the truth....NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN is all fabricated lies 24 7
do you know whether or not the people of russia want to be a part of a liberal democracy? maybe they aren't interested in our "dream"...if you try to force it on them, are we any better than they are, trying to force their policies and plans on Ukraine?NATO needs to move from an defensive organization to a proactive offensive one. Not a direct confrontation, but make it clear the mission is the democratization of Russia, support massive large scale clandestine operations, in Belarus and Kazakhstan and overt ones in Georgia and Ukraine. Destroy as much as possible in Ukraine, drive him out of Ukraine, reduce his military power by half to 70%. After his army is destroyed and Ukraine taken there should be trouble in Belarus and while he's busy there, Georgia takes back it's stolen territory. Wear him down and clean him out of equipment and money, go for the throat, but do it in a smart, slow methodical way. The best defense is a good offense and it's time to get offensive with Putin. Intelligence agencies will do most of the heavy lifting along with the foreign services of NATO countries and other allies. Attack Putin economically to the max and cause him as much trouble expense and arms as we can, Vlad wanted to play geopolitical power and spy games, I say take the gloves off, play smart and play much more aggressively. Vlad is paranoid anyway, so let's bring him back to normal by giving him something real to worry about. You ain't paranoid, if they really are out to get you.
If they go after fuel trucks his tanks and other equipment becomes useless, sitting targets a few artillery rounds around them and they will bail out and run in a hurry. Then the Ukrainians can scoop up the equipment or the Russians can try to destroy it while being shelled by long range artillery. So the switchblades, DIY killer drones, long range artillery and guerillas planting IEDs at night with night vison equipment will all have a priority target, Vlad only has so many tanker trucks.
Hitting rail bridges inside Russia will also cripple his logistics, maybe they are holding off on that until he gets enough shit in the country to destroy, then they might do it to cut them off from resupply. Unless he's stupid, he should have all those critical railway bridges near the border guarded, but I think he is that stupid. Taking out several key railway bridges will fuck the Russians and cut them off from resupply. If they can attack fuel depots in Russian cities, they can land special forces and explosives near a railway bridge in the middle of nowhere inside Russia. Do it all at once and they won't be able to react, besides, it will take more Russian troops to guard the railway brides inside Russia. Logistics is the key to winning the war and particularly the fuel supply, the last time the Russians ran out of fuel, the Ukrainians got a lot of abandoned tanks out of the deal. A tank without fuel is a target, mobility is the key to survival these days, the crews will run, if attacked with artillery.
Has the war in Ukraine given NATO new purpose?
BYE FELICIANa, I guess I'm leaving now, demon baby.
All democrats serve the Antichrist who plays with preschoolers in the park urinal with uncle Joe.
Tell us about that slab in Michelle Obamas panties
More like a mentally ill moron, a lot like some of the state hospital types ya see at Trump rallies and at the capitol on J6. Suckers who don't have a grasp on reality anyway, the weak minded, Trump fleeces them by the millions. If a subnormal socially retarded moron like Trump can take their money then they are stupider than he is, or something like tribalism and bigotry turned them into idiots. With such people fear and bigotry equal power. If they are already bigots, yer 90% of they way to getting them to fuck themselves while lining yer pockets with their and lobbyist cash. It's as easy as blowing a dog whistle, even better when ya blow it into a bullhorn.
More like a mentally ill moron, a lot like some of the state hospital types ya see at Trump rallies and at the capitol on J6. Suckers who don't have a grasp on reality anyway, the weak minded, Trump fleeces them by the millions. If a subnormal socially retarded moron like Trump can take their money then they are stupider than he is, or something like tribalism and bigotry turned them into idiots. With such people fear and bigotry equal power. If they are already bigots, yer 90% of they way to getting them to fuck themselves while lining yer pockets with their and lobbyist cash. It's as easy as blowing a dog whistle, even better when ya blow it into a bullhorn.
The Jews will replace youYou got some nerve posting fabricated lies to destroy this nation after lucifers minions gutted it as you endorse CNN corporate beast system brainwashijng operation after proven record breaking democratic election fraud and vaccination genocide.
You support the serpents of Ukraine and piss on your own border run down by hordes of serpents coming to rape
America. USA is finished because of sellouts like you.
Time to enter eternal death, demonspawn
It has to be a democracy of some kind with independent courts, a benevolent dictator won't do, once he's gone, who replaces him? Not many Russians are against the will of the people, they've been running a sham democracy for a long time, even the Soviet Union had "elections". They have the form of democracy, but not the substance now, the ruling party is popular because there are no alternatives, they are dead or in prison. No open and free media, if there were, a fluent Russian speaker like Zelenskiy (former Russian TV celebrity) would have destroyed Vlad in his own back yard on TV after a month of war. Vlad knows this and it's why he censored the media so heavily and quickly, why he sent so many kill teams to infiltrate and try and kill him. With out censored media, this war would have torn Russia apart and Vlad would be making a quick exit, one way or another.do you know whether or not the people of russia want to be a part of a liberal democracy? maybe they aren't interested in our "dream"...if you try to force it on them, are we any better than they are, trying to force their policies and plans on Ukraine?
hasn't the US participated in enough regime change and nation building already? why do you think half the world doesn't trust us?
Sacrifice yourself. I triple dog dare ya'.You got some nerve posting fabricated lies to destroy this nation after lucifers minions gutted it as you endorse CNN corporate beast system brainwashijng operation after proven record breaking democratic election fraud and vaccination genocide.
You support the serpents of Ukraine and piss on your own border run down by hordes of serpents coming to rape
America. USA is finished because of sellouts like you.
Time to enter eternal death, demonspawn
Could you please send some of the population control to Florida. Way too many of our old folks wash their hands, try to avoid crowded indoor spaces and when they can't, wear masks. Lots of them have taken the jab and got boosted. Personally I think it is pretty rude that they are not helping out by dying. Just the fact we are known as the "crazy" state, yet Texas and New York have beat us in the dead contest, is embarrassing.. . . . . . . . . just like the kvd jabs wiping out the USA.
We're all being exterminated for population control .
Corporate beast system vaxx genocide