
Last train home - the one with the bodies. A new batch of intercepted phone calls

May 16, 2022 They don't know what they are doing in Ukraine. They are sent to fight with bare hands. They are scared...
But they still hate everything Ukrainians because they were told to...
A new batch of intercepted phone calls
NATO weapons found in Donetsk battlefield & trenches

NATO weapons found in Donetsk battlefield & trenches
19,719 views May 16, 2022 A large number of weapons provided by NATO countries has been found in the city of Avdiivka in Donetsk, apparently left behind by Ukrainian soldiers who had departed the area in a hurry.

Exclusive footage shot by China Global Television Network (CGTN) correspondent Dmitriy Maslak on Sunday showed the weapons seized by local militia included German anti-tank rockets, U.S.-made M72 LAW anti-tank rockets and grenade launchers.

A box loaded with 82mm mortar bombs was labeled "Embassy of Ukraine" and "Czech Republic" and also featured contract numbers, dates and the serial numbers of products.

"They mainly use howitzer D-30, mounted anti-tank grenade launchers, tanks and all possible armament, such as 40 mm grenades. Often they send drones to scout each corner," said a militia officer who gave his code-name as "Jeweler".

Before the conflict broke out, the militiamen say they worked across a diverse field of jobs from miners to taxi drivers and IT professionals. However, they said they were compelled to take up arms in order to protect their hometowns from destruction.
Last train home - the one with the bodies. A new batch of intercepted phone calls

May 16, 2022 They don't know what they are doing in Ukraine. They are sent to fight with bare hands. They are scared...
But they still hate everything Ukrainians because they were told to...
A new batch of intercepted phone calls
fucking monsters...i've lost all respect, all sympathy for the russian people. that bitch has a very appropriate name, nastia....fucking nasty assia...i hope the Ukrainians move into russia and decimate their entire army, these disgusting animals masquerading as people deserve whatever they get. she talks about nazis, while emulating their behavior...fuck the entire motherfucking country, i hope they break up, and it's a bitter and bloody thing that kills half of them.
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fucking monsters...i've lost all respect, all sympathy for the russian people. that bitch has a very appropriate name, nastia....fucking nasty assia...i hope they Ukrainians move into russia and decimate their entire army, these disgusting animals masquerading as people deserve whatever they get. she talks about nazis, while emulating their behavior...fuck the entire motherfucking country, i hope they break up, and it's a bitter and bloody thing that kills half of them.
They only played the worst examples, it is propaganda after all, but not lying. They are additional proof of atrocities too and atrocities bring in aid and supplies like nothing else, as other countries are horrified and pissed along with their public. This could be a lesson for others in modern conflict, aside from making your enemy fight fanatically, it cause them to receive outside aid and support.

Speaking of atrocities and stupidity, I figure many of the gun barrels on the Russian artillery are worn down or out from firing countless rounds at civilians and cities. This will reduce their range and accuracy as they try to defend themselves from Ukrainian artillery that can shoot back from further ranges too. They wasted ammo and gun barrels on murdering civilians and destroying as much as they could. Now this hoard of whip driven savages is up against a superior professional military with better weapons. Artillery was the Russian game, let's see how they do in this gun fight, cause that is what it will be, a gun fight.
We know its Ukrainians..Its Ukraine. Russians were also blocked at Kherson and Melitopol and Mariupol. If Putin's goal is to have access to all of the old Soviet Black sea then he has it in his sights hasn't he?
More like the goal is to land lock Ukraine. Ukraine needs to ship stuff out of the country to pay for the war and the war has reduced the GDP by half. The West is trying to do the same thing to the Russians but by sanctions. Russia also would like to have a land bridge to the other countries to the west of Ukraine in order to restore a mini-USSR.

While DIY-HP-LD has no problem up-selling the Ukrainians the war still can be difficult for them. The number of causalities battered about is that an attacker will lose three men to one who is defending. And this was the case in the early part of the war as the Russians were not prepared for a real war and the Ukrainians were ready to fight one. The lack of weapons hindered the Ukrainians but also gave the Russians the illusion that they could just waltz in and take the country. Now that The Russians realize life is not so rosy the goal is to produce a 'win' for the home crowd. They still could pull it off but it would take Russia getting serious and putting the county on a war footing and not just a 'special operation'. Does Putin have the political capital to do that?

He is (and who can trust polls in Russia?) more popular not than in quite some time, the energy sector is raking in the cash. If nothing really changes in the next month he may have to turn the country into a war economy and spit out armaments. Mariupol is a big thing because of the steelworks and the Ukrainians are mucking it up. Even militarily, as long as there are Ukrainians there the Russians have to have troops there.

As long as the fight is outside the cities the Ukrainians can kick out the Russians but they will pay a cost if they have to do a street by street battle as the defender always has the advantage. Especially in the regions that the separatists held for so long. If the Ukrainians did the Russian method of turning the place into a parking lot they could do it with less casualties. The place will be mined up to the hilt once they get there. Putin could make it to Odessa and eastward but it would come at a heavy cost and it might destabilize Russia. He could get what he wants but may be deposed for his efforts. At the moment the Russian media is saying everything is fine, everything is going according to plan. But once it is really known what it took, there better be a good return on investment otherwise our present day Napoleon may find himself removed from power.
More like the goal is to land lock Ukraine. Ukraine needs to ship stuff out of the country to pay for the war and the war has reduced the GDP by half. The West is trying to do the same thing to the Russians but by sanctions. Russia also would like to have a land bridge to the other countries to the west of Ukraine in order to restore a mini-USSR.

While DIY-HP-LD has no problem up-selling the Ukrainians the war still can be difficult for them. The number of causalities battered about is that an attacker will lose three men to one who is defending. And this was the case in the early part of the war as the Russians were not prepared for a real war and the Ukrainians were ready to fight one. The lack of weapons hindered the Ukrainians but also gave the Russians the illusion that they could just waltz in and take the country. Now that The Russians realize life is not so rosy the goal is to produce a 'win' for the home crowd. They still could pull it off but it would take Russia getting serious and putting the county on a war footing and not just a 'special operation'. Does Putin have the political capital to do that?

He is (and who can trust polls in Russia?) more popular not than in quite some time, the energy sector is raking in the cash. If nothing really changes in the next month he may have to turn the country into a war economy and spit out armaments. Mariupol is a big thing because of the steelworks and the Ukrainians are mucking it up. Even militarily, as long as there are Ukrainians there the Russians have to have troops there.

As long as the fight is outside the cities the Ukrainians can kick out the Russians but they will pay a cost if they have to do a street by street battle as the defender always has the advantage. Especially in the regions that the separatists held for so long. If the Ukrainians did the Russian method of turning the place into a parking lot they could do it with less casualties. The place will be mined up to the hilt once they get there. Putin could make it to Odessa and eastward but it would come at a heavy cost and it might destabilize Russia. He could get what he wants but may be deposed for his efforts. At the moment the Russian media is saying everything is fine, everything is going according to plan. But once it is really known what it took, there better be a good return on investment otherwise our present day Napoleon may find himself removed from power.
I'd like to think my assessment is optimistic, but still realistic, when you look at the situation. They don't need to reduce the Russian army to 0% to defeat it 50% might be enough for a collapse on a front. I've state in some detail my reasons for my assessment and the time table is more optimistic than many of the experts, but like the chief of Ukrainian intelligence, I think it will be largely over inside Ukraine by fall or early winter. They lost 30% of the force the started with and are continuing to attack and take loses, that is in less than 80 days. Vlad can't get any significant men to the fight in time and as far as I can tell much of the equipment is junk and he lost 80% of his elite forces by some estimates.

I also don't believe the Ukrainian offensive losses will be as great as the ratio for the Russians because of the superior range of the artillery and the extensive use of drones of various kinds. Also the tactics the Ukrainians use are smarter and more flexible.

I find this particular war fascinating for several reasons, I usually don't pay too much attention to the various conflicts. However this one is about the fight for liberal democracy, is historic, will change the map of Europe and the geopolitical situation dramatically. It will also change how wars are fought and why, for some places reserve forces will increase in importance for defense. New technologies are being used and it is kinda a proxy for a NATO soviet fight that many theorized about for decades and a place where ideas are put to the test.

That's aside from it being a crime against humanity and a human tragedy on an epic scale. It also an example of hubris blundering, incompetence and corruption on an epic scale too! This war is one that will make a difference for the future, others don't matter so much.

now time to cut them off, and go after Izium where supposedly there is 25% of the russian forces stationed.....aka the next phase of the counter attack....take Izium and the russian will be left holding they're balls
One needs to ask those who support Putin's war, why they are in the west? I can understand those who don't, perhaps it's a job keeping those who think it's ok there.

This is what happens when they have free access to information and can act freely. The same thing happens in America with Trumpers who watch foxnews and normal folks.
Russians in Germany clash over the war in Ukraine | DW Documentary

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More like the goal is to land lock Ukraine. Ukraine needs to ship stuff out of the country to pay for the war and the war has reduced the GDP by half. The West is trying to do the same thing to the Russians but by sanctions. Russia also would like to have a land bridge to the other countries to the west of Ukraine in order to restore a mini-USSR.

While DIY-HP-LD has no problem up-selling the Ukrainians the war still can be difficult for them. The number of causalities battered about is that an attacker will lose three men to one who is defending. And this was the case in the early part of the war as the Russians were not prepared for a real war and the Ukrainians were ready to fight one. The lack of weapons hindered the Ukrainians but also gave the Russians the illusion that they could just waltz in and take the country. Now that The Russians realize life is not so rosy the goal is to produce a 'win' for the home crowd. They still could pull it off but it would take Russia getting serious and putting the county on a war footing and not just a 'special operation'. Does Putin have the political capital to do that?

He is (and who can trust polls in Russia?) more popular not than in quite some time, the energy sector is raking in the cash. If nothing really changes in the next month he may have to turn the country into a war economy and spit out armaments. Mariupol is a big thing because of the steelworks and the Ukrainians are mucking it up. Even militarily, as long as there are Ukrainians there the Russians have to have troops there.

As long as the fight is outside the cities the Ukrainians can kick out the Russians but they will pay a cost if they have to do a street by street battle as the defender always has the advantage. Especially in the regions that the separatists held for so long. If the Ukrainians did the Russian method of turning the place into a parking lot they could do it with less casualties. The place will be mined up to the hilt once they get there. Putin could make it to Odessa and eastward but it would come at a heavy cost and it might destabilize Russia. He could get what he wants but may be deposed for his efforts. At the moment the Russian media is saying everything is fine, everything is going according to plan. But once it is really known what it took, there better be a good return on investment otherwise our present day Napoleon may find himself removed from power.
i have no doubt it will be a bloody, horrific fight, but this isn't a war like any other that has ever been fought...that makes it hard to accurately predict anything. russia has never had these kinds of sanctions levied against it. they've never had this kind of world sentiment against them. they've never had NATO arming their opponents, and supplying them with intelligence and logistic information...
they've relied on their now badly tarnished and trashed reputation, and had impressive victories against camel herders with a few rocket launchers and out dated a.k.s...they've been the bully on the block, and now one of the kids they've been pushing around picked up a 2x4 and smacked the fuck out of them, and it hurt...and the kid is still smacking the fuck out of them, and doesn't look like they're going to quit till they make the fucking bully run home to mama.

even if they succeed in temporarily occupying part of Ukraine, they simply do not have the men to keep it, and there is no way Zelenskiy is going to allow them to at this point. if putin would have negotiated in the first two or three weeks of the war, he might have kept Crimea, but now there is no fucking way...the only peace will come when they drive the last russian from Ukraine, and i think they'll do it, before years end.
oh shut up Lush....sheesh
i wonder how many sanctions Santa still has in his bag? looks like belaruss is getting coal in it's stocking this year...

Russians in Germany clash over the war in Ukraine | DW Documentary

fuck each and every fucking russian on the entire fucking planet who supports putin. send the cocksuckers back to russia, get them the fuck out of any freedom loving country in the entire world, because they'll only try to take it over if allowed to stay.
the German government should start investigating any pro putin russians in their country, and deporting them straight to moscow...or hell, which ever, they both seem about the same to me.
i wonder how many sanctions Santa still has in his bag? looks like belaruss is getting coal in it's stocking this year...
Unfortunately for him his own army and perhaps majority of his citizens don't! No fucking way would you drag the Belarus army into that meat grinder and the grinding will start the moment they cross the border. They watch the real news, know the competence of the Ukrainian army and know they are about to get swamped with American weapons. Better to stay home and have a coup, than die in Ukraine while revolutionaries take over back home anyway. Besides they could ally with Ukraine in a heartbeat and might, if Russia gets the snot beat out of it enough.
I met my best friend in grade one in 1972. His Mom was born in Odesa and their family came to Canada in the early 30s, where they settled for a while in Humboldt, Saskatchewan, then moved to Ontario to farm. I worked for them in tobacco for a couple years. She died a few years ago at 90, proud to still live at home, drive and not having to give up smoking. I'm glad to have known her.


Unfortunately for him his own army and perhaps majority of his citizens don't! No fucking way would you drag the Belarus army into that meat grinder and the grinding will start the moment they cross the border. They watch the real news, know the competence of the Ukrainian army and know they are about to get swamped with American weapons. Better to stay home and have a coup, than die in Ukraine while revolutionaries take over back home anyway. Besides they could ally with Ukraine in a heartbeat and might, if Russia gets the snot beat out of it enough.

technically Lush isn't the president of Belarus, he stole the election....like the orange avenger tried to do.....the real President resides in the baltic states somewhere
and pooty is shitting his shorts at the moment.....
Putin: Finland, Sweden joining NATO ‘does not pose a direct threat to Russia’
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday that Finland and Sweden potentially joining NATO “does not pose a direct threat to Russia,” in a seeming reversal of his former condemnation of NATO expansion.

“As far as expansion goes, including new members Finland and Sweden, Russia has no problems with these states — none. And so in this sense, there is no immediate threat to Russia from an expansion to include these countries,” Putin said, according to Reuters.

Putin’s aversion to the western alliance is one of the root causes of his invasion of Ukraine, which had expressed an openness to joining it in the future. The war, however, has in fact greatly increased the attractiveness of NATO to Sweden and Finland.

In other words, "If I could afford to send troops to the north west to rattle Finland and Sweden I would. But after this 'special operation' they would only get laughed at anyway."
Putin: Finland, Sweden joining NATO ‘does not pose a direct threat to Russia’
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday that Finland and Sweden potentially joining NATO “does not pose a direct threat to Russia,” in a seeming reversal of his former condemnation of NATO expansion.

“As far as expansion goes, including new members Finland and Sweden, Russia has no problems with these states — none. And so in this sense, there is no immediate threat to Russia from an expansion to include these countries,” Putin said, according to Reuters.

Putin’s aversion to the western alliance is one of the root causes of his invasion of Ukraine, which had expressed an openness to joining it in the future. The war, however, has in fact greatly increased the attractiveness of NATO to Sweden and Finland.

Putin addressed NATO expansion at the Collective Security Treaty Organization summit, a meeting of a military alliance between six states formerly parts of the Soviet Union: Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

He also said, however, that movement of troops or weapons into new NATO states would cause Russia to react.

Putin’s comments come as Finland and Sweden both recently announced their intentions to officially apply for membership in NATO.

Last week, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov offered a very different stance from Putin’s, saying that Finland joining NATO would “definitely” pose a threat to Russia.

“As we have said many times before, NATO expansion does not make the world more stable and secure,” said Peskov.

In other words, "If I could afford to send troops to the north west to rattle Finland and Sweden I would. But after this 'special operation' they would only get laughed at anyway."
