Was Trump stupid for claiming credit for "the vaccine" , will Democrats use that to fuck him in his fat ass as their own vaccine regret intensifies?

Got it, so we agree that Bush was a war mongering fascist. Not sure why you felt the need to take any emphasis off of that.
You simply cannot stop lying.

The above neatly fits into the subset of straw man argument called Loaded Question.
W is a war criminal that led to a bunch of kids getting blown up for reasons they didn't understand. Fuck that asshole.

It was very very weird that the Democrats picked up the Iraq/Afghanistan war and ran with it.
I didn't take it. I think its a bloody good photo.

I don't get drunk very often. Wasn't last night. I even told you what i was drinking last night.

You think Bush wasn't a war mongering arse hat to?

View attachment 5193985
You posted photos of past presidents posing together and Michelle Obama with Bush to make a point that all parties are the same.

I don’t know what you call that in Australia but here in North America we call that weak sauce.
It was very very weird that the Democrats picked up the Iraq/Afghanistan war and ran with it.

It was not very weird that Ron Paul stood virtually alone amongst "mainstream" politicians and decried all the foreign empire, the war on drugs and personal liberty.

It was not very weird that all the fake divide politicians whether playing the role of Democrat or Republican (owned uni-party actors) did little to none of the above.

Bush (Cheney) , Clinton, Romney, Obama, et al pretty much all war mongers and murdering drone supporters.
You posted photos of past presidents posing together and Michelle Obama with Bush to make a point that all parties are the same.

I don’t know what you call that in Australia but here in North America we call that weak sauce.

All politicians ARE the same, in that they think they can run your life better than you and they are willing to have you killed, for your continued civil disobedience to their policies.

All politicians participate in a coercion based system that doesn't care whether you, as an individual consent or not, coincidentally that is the same mindset of a rapist. Removal or discarding your individual consent to get what he/she wants.

You support that. You should be ashamed.
You posted photos of past presidents posing together and Michelle Obama with Bush to make a point that all parties are the same.

I don’t know what you call that in Australia but here in North America we call that weak sauce.
They are the same. They are politicians and work for whoever pays them the most. OK one party is further right than the other conservative party but other than that they are two conservative parties controlling Americans life and backed by often the same donors money.

America has been drifting further and further to the right because they are both conservative parties. Both parties are war mongering for profit.

Weak sauce is a very lame saying. Guess it's nice and conservative language.
