Ways to fuck your neighbor WITHOUT jail time

When thier sleeping spray weed and grass killer through the back yard.only in strips and spots so they still haft to mow it.keep it about 6 inches from the fence so the grass still grows along the fence line.

What if they have pets? Or the neighbours do?
That’s not good for animals.
I have ear issues, basically tinnitus that reacts to sounds and makes it louder. The dumb neighbor next to me which is like 25 feet away must have got a new dog and the fucking thing is out barking sometimes at 7am and I've also pulled into my driveway at 1am and it will bark. The dog sits at her backdoor and stares at it barking wanting to come in. Her dog is probably 75 feet away from me barking, but it goes right through me. The neighbors next to her can hear the dog way better bc her back door is way closer to their house.. Luckily this disrespectful idiot is moving or she would get threatnened by an anomous letter in the mail... These people that let their dogs stay out and bark are idiots.. What if I blasted music over her fence, same difference.
I have ear issues, basically tinnitus that reacts to sounds and makes it louder. The dumb neighbor next to me which is like 25 feet away must have got a new dog and the fucking thing is out barking sometimes at 7am and I've also pulled into my driveway at 1am and it will bark. The dog sits at her backdoor and stares at it barking wanting to come in. Her dog is probably 75 feet away from me barking, but it goes right through me. The neighbors next to her can hear the dog way better bc her back door is way closer to their house.. Luckily this disrespectful idiot is moving or she would get threatnened by an anomous letter in the mail... These people that let their dogs stay out and bark are idiots.. What if I blasted music over her fence, same difference.

Ear plugs,
And dogs will bark , their signaling to you it’s their property,

I go walk my dogs they don’t bark/annoy anyone

Once they get home they bark at anything, even through the window

I try to get them to stop they’ll listen but if I’m not around they do
It’s instinct for them
I think some dogs can be trained out of it. Clearly a dog barking at door is getting spoiled. Possibly both animals ( human and dog are becoming engrained with a react/reward cycle), need retraining. Both dog and owner. A trainer once said to me that obediance is about training the person/owner.

A dog alerting master to strangers is a good dog. Noticed little dogs are good at waking up the big ones and alerting to intrusion.
So I have 3 sets of neighbors.

To my left are an older couple, who I don't want to fuck.
To my right is a younger couple (mid 30s) with a young daughter approximately 9 months older than mine. I don't want to fuck them either.
My problem neighbors are BEHIND my property BEHIND a wooden fence. I do want to fuck them. How can I fuck them and not go to jail? The obvious answer is roofie them and fuck them but I don't want the cops called on me. Please help and make me smile.

I have one that last night on the otherside of our trailer court that has lots of cars all over yelled at me to slow down i did however she managed to as I was leaving jump out in the street and scream and act threatening....i turned around and asked what the hell was that for? she just went off and the people on the otherside allow their kids to play in the street unattended and there are like 15 cars parked out on the road and its hard to get threough sometimes....i don't feel safe and my anxiety is at its peek. I want to just aggravate her more by doing some horrible stuff she doesn't own the damn park. I can call cps for child neglect as half of them look like druggies and they speed through faster then i was. I want something i can fuck with her bad without it being traceable I can always wait till late at night and take shit in her yard. but i don't know.
I have one that last night on the otherside of our trailer court that has lots of cars all over yelled at me to slow down i did however she managed to as I was leaving jump out in the street and scream and act threatening....i turned around and asked what the hell was that for? she just went off and the people on the otherside allow their kids to play in the street unattended and there are like 15 cars parked out on the road and its hard to get threough sometimes....i don't feel safe and my anxiety is at its peek. I want to just aggravate her more by doing some horrible stuff she doesn't own the damn park. I can call cps for child neglect as half of them look like druggies and they speed through faster then i was. I want something i can fuck with her bad without it being traceable I can always wait till late at night and take shit in her yard. but i don't know.
Welcome to RIU , Karen
ok im new here i was searching for ways to fuck with neighbors without going to jail or being traceable as last neighbor at my last shit hole in town got some heavy threats for going off on me over a post that was not about her. One of my friends that still lived there beat the shit out of her for that crap. But anyways i moved into a trailer park its been ok but yesterday was the line. Everyone on that side of the park has at least 20 cars parked on the street we are not suppose to park there. and allow their kids to run amok in the street when cars do speed through I try to be careful not to hit anyones car. This Karen literally, yelled at me to slow down I did and i looked in my rear view mirror as she jumped out in the road and continued her tirade in front of these kids...i felt threatened so i turned my car around and asked what the hell was all that? and she just went off and I called her out on her shit and she didn't like me calling her a Karen either I tried keeping language clean cause of the stupid kids but she told me to literally get teh fuck out of here and I told her to go fuck herself and go do more crack. After her actions yesterday making me feel threatened I want to do some bad stuff our landlord seems to favor these people over us and some of my good neighbors and allows the garbage going on over there the loud cars etc. So I need help without jail time...I could find some needles and put them in the street in front of her house one night and call the cops like some people suggested or CPS. But I don't approve of getting kids involved but thsi woman is unstable and should not be around children.
ok im new here i was searching for ways to fuck with neighbors without going to jail or being traceable as last neighbor at my last shit hole in town got some heavy threats for going off on me over a post that was not about her. One of my friends that still lived there beat the shit out of her for that crap. But anyways i moved into a trailer park its been ok but yesterday was the line. Everyone on that side of the park has at least 20 cars parked on the street we are not suppose to park there. and allow their kids to run amok in the street when cars do speed through I try to be careful not to hit anyones car. This Karen literally, yelled at me to slow down I did and i looked in my rear view mirror as she jumped out in the road and continued her tirade in front of these kids...i felt threatened so i turned my car around and asked what the hell was all that? and she just went off and I called her out on her shit and she didn't like me calling her a Karen either I tried keeping language clean cause of the stupid kids but she told me to literally get teh fuck out of here and I told her to go fuck herself and go do more crack. After her actions yesterday making me feel threatened I want to do some bad stuff our landlord seems to favor these people over us and some of my good neighbors and allows the garbage going on over there the loud cars etc. So I need help without jail time...I could find some needles and put them in the street in front of her house one night and call the cops like some people suggested or CPS. But I don't approve of getting kids involved but thsi woman is unstable and should not be around children.

I aim to get along or ignore all my neighbors
Life is to short to stress on them
Anger is a very expensive emotion. Better to make friends than enimies. Especially if you are involved with something that violates a zoning ordinance or worse. I recently went to a township meeting to support a neighbor, who was trying to get a variance. I also got a couple other neighbors to go, I’ve been here a long time, and know pretty much everyone. They got the variance, they are new to the hood, a rural area. They are very nice neighbors. You gotta be a good neighbor. If nothing else, it takes you off a lot of radar screens.
Get yourself some acid drain cleaner. I prefer Zep-Flo. Fill balloons carefully. Throw a shitload of them on the roof right and wait. It might take a few weeks but it will come. You can speed up the process with separate balloons filled with water, launched shorty after the acid ones. Best case scenario with less balloons/evidence is doing this right before a light rain.
ok im new here i was searching for ways to fuck with neighbors without going to jail or being traceable as last neighbor at my last shit hole in town got some heavy threats for going off on me over a post that was not about her. One of my friends that still lived there beat the shit out of her for that crap. But anyways i moved into a trailer park its been ok but yesterday was the line. Everyone on that side of the park has at least 20 cars parked on the street we are not suppose to park there. and allow their kids to run amok in the street when cars do speed through I try to be careful not to hit anyones car. This Karen literally, yelled at me to slow down I did and i looked in my rear view mirror as she jumped out in the road and continued her tirade in front of these kids...i felt threatened so i turned my car around and asked what the hell was all that? and she just went off and I called her out on her shit and she didn't like me calling her a Karen either I tried keeping language clean cause of the stupid kids but she told me to literally get teh fuck out of here and I told her to go fuck herself and go do more crack. After her actions yesterday making me feel threatened I want to do some bad stuff our landlord seems to favor these people over us and some of my good neighbors and allows the garbage going on over there the loud cars etc. So I need help without jail time...I could find some needles and put them in the street in front of her house one night and call the cops like some people suggested or CPS. But I don't approve of getting kids involved but thsi woman is unstable and should not be around children.
So you're speeding through a trailer park, full of cars and children and she's the asshole?

lol no. I'd probably give this lady a stroke she can't handle a younger more busty female like me i want to slap the neighbor around but i am refraining.

Get some help for your personality disorder. Your personalization of, and anger for being corrected is the diagnostic sentinel.