Ways to fuck your neighbor WITHOUT jail time


Yup im new. I must not be too good at reading. Exactly zero ass. I guess after reading id suggest someone elses neighbor, cause the odds are better. But the jailtime in the title threw me. Worried about jailtime for that is pretty f'n greasy. The dick fireworks are too funny.

Welcome. Yeah, anybody can fuck anybody else that they want. It just comes down to legality and morals and all that foofoo stuff.
Reminds me of what a bum once told me. He said, "I can't beat Mike Tyson. I know that. I can't beat Mike Tyson". Pulls out the rustiest Swiss army knife you've ever seen and continues "But I can kill Mike Tyson."

True story.
I don’t remember what I was searching for to come across this thread but I’m glad I did. LMAO

I have two questions:

1. Did the OP ever get his horn scraped?

2. Has there been any talk about making this thread into a motion picture or Netflix series?
So I have 3 sets of neighbors.

To my left are an older couple, who I don't want to fuck.
To my right is a younger couple (mid 30s) with a young daughter approximately 9 months older than mine. I don't want to fuck them either.
My problem neighbors are BEHIND my property BEHIND a wooden fence. I do want to fuck them. How can I fuck them and not go to jail? The obvious answer is roofie them and fuck them but I don't want the cops called on me. Please help and make me smile.

Sign them up for solicitors/useless items
The one who got tired of his packages being stolen that was good

I cant find the video, but I think the guy loaned an experimental device out to someone. Apparently it was just a loaner, but never was returned. Months later, the thing called home with the gps flagged location. Bit of investigation, and it was same person he had originally loaned it to. Long short, he described some of the stuff he did as payback for non return. Signed them up for stuff etc. Making living at that address a miserable experience.

Neighbours can be tricky, and it is scary how things can escalate. Sometimes it pays to be aloof, and low profile.
Generally if they leave me alone, I won’t even talk to them, I had a neighbour call on me about my vehicle being parked in front of their house, they chalked my tires. I called and told them I live on that street due to it being a company vehicle the address was different, but they said if it was registered to that street you never have to move it so I parked my personal vehicle in front of her house and partially blocking their already narrow drive way and left it there for almost a month

Needless to say they left me alone after that
When thier sleeping spray weed and grass killer through the back yard.only in strips and spots so they still haft to mow it.keep it about 6 inches from the fence so the grass still grows along the fence line.