Wbs Tek...1st Time

i sure would like to see some pics of this process bro.. sounds interesting.. and where do you get the supplies needed?
i sure would like to see some pics of this process bro.. sounds interesting.. and where do you get the supplies needed?
i would post pics but there is really nothing to see at the moment except a jar full of wild bird seed...i guess i should have shown the soak and sterilization process...
ill show that after these jars colonize and i need more,which shouldnt be too much longer
just about all the supplies r at walmart,depending on the tek being used
whoda thunk it?? all those crazy nights i was eating nothing more than bird seed...

this is real exciting to me cause im 40 and i never knew what shrooms were made from...
whoda thunk it?? all those crazy nights i was eating nothing more than bird seed...

this is real exciting to me cause im 40 and i never knew what shrooms were made from...
i may be wrong,but i think shrooms grow from decomposing woody materials such as half digested hay in horse/cow poop,coco coir,wood ,etc...
im not too hip on the whole subject yet
there r also other teks that use brown rice flour(for cakes),rye grain,card board,etc....(for spawning)
i always thought it was cow dung also i guess in its natural form it is? but its real exciting that you can make it so many different ways im gonna start doing more reading on the subjuct also... thanks so much for getting me interested...
keep up the good work here! What will you be casting into for fruiting??

Ill try rye seed next tek but first need a presure cooker!

keep up the good work here! What will you be casting into for fruiting??

Ill try rye seed next tek but first need a presure cooker!

how did u do it without a pressure cooker this last time?
it will be spawned to what was mentioned in the first post,and also i am going to try to spawn some to some semi done compost...
thanks for stopping by
yea that was funny... and up until last friday that was me,,, 6 days sober now and feals great witt is comming back and i can count to 5 again... wooohooo!!!
a few pics of one of 4 poo-trays I have goin'...this one was spawned via wbs Nov 10 with a ratio of 6:1 spawn to poo/verm...lookin' like it'll be ready to fruit by Sunday...they sure love shit...;)))

so six parts spawn to one part poo? or six parts poo to one part spawn? im a silly stoner and just dont understand lol
that looks awesome man
ive read that the stringy growth like that is good to have
r u going to case it?

nope...no casing for me...I have the time to mist and fan...I also use an ultrasonic in my martha...keeps the boomers boomin'...and I boom once in awhile as well...;)))
nope...no casing for me...I have the time to mist and fan...I also use an ultrasonic in my martha...keeps the boomers boomin'...and I boom once in awhile as well...;)))
i also have an ultrasonic fogger that i will have in there
rep to u man when my 24 hrs is up