Well-Known Member
all get him for you moash... thanks for the imput mojo!!! +1
graciasall get him for you moash... thanks for the imput mojo!!! +1
lol i still like that too, whats up with the gangster in your avatar bro is that you?gracias
ill get u back sir
haha...i just noticed ur location
nah,that is a pic of a friend that passed out on the couch one night.....i tagged him up with permanent marker with and entered it fdd's contest, i still like that too, whats up with the gangster in your avatar bro is that you?
thanks for that mojo!!!after full colonization its best to let them sit for 4-7 days for "consolidation"...this gives the myc time to fully colonize the middle of the jar...hope this helps
a 1/4 shit i would die... i go frickn bonkers on an 1/8... 2 grams is the magic # for me...
good to have u
rep for stoppin by
update:i will be spawning in a few will follow
thats gravyAwesome bro
Im also about to spawn 5 of my jars very soon they appear fully colonized already
cool manyou have inspired me to do this again. I have got some spore prints I took from the Ban Phang Ka, so all I need is substrate and compost. I am thinking of ordering Puerto Ricans online. Yours look great Moash. What strain are they? I know you have probably said it, but I am too lazy to look.
thanks. any feedback is appreciatedcool man
post pics here if u want
my strain is dancing tiger
i checked out ur other thread for u
puerto ricans online huh??? weepa!!! sounds like a mail order sex have inspired me to do this again. I have got some spore prints I took from the Ban Phang Ka, so all I need is substrate and compost. I am thinking of ordering Puerto Ricans online. Yours look great Moash. What strain are they? I know you have probably said it, but I am too lazy to look.