Wbs Tek...1st Time

how did u do it without a pressure cooker this last time?
it will be spawned to what was mentioned in the first post,and also i am going to try to spawn some to some semi done compost...
thanks for stopping by

Wow im late with this sry dude!

SO i got by without a cooker by getting those pre sterilaized cakes.....most of them didnt turn out but the ones that did i ate.

this is the tek i used for my coco,except i added some hydrated lime
spawning tomorrow when it cools down
everything looks good so far. Sterilization is definitely the key. I screwed a batch up and I did everything using latex gloves and equipment sterilized with Lysol...still got contaminated. It's easy to do, but you got a pressure cooker, so you should be good.
everything looks good so far. Sterilization is definitely the key. I screwed a batch up and I did everything using latex gloves and equipment sterilized with Lysol...still got contaminated. It's easy to do, but you got a pressure cooker, so you should be good.

yeah...i feel i did good
6 out of 6 jars no contams
i used a crockpot to pasteurize the substrate
sounds like you are on your way then. It will happen fast too. I was getting a 1.5oz flush (dry) every week or so. I got three to four flushes before the nutrition vanished from the compost. I did get spore prints. Do you plan on taking them? Wax paper is what I have mine on
sounds like you are on your way then. It will happen fast too. I was getting a 1.5oz flush (dry) every week or so. I got three to four flushes before the nutrition vanished from the compost. I did get spore prints. Do you plan on taking them? Wax paper is what I have mine on
ill probably do grain to grain or liquid culture
if/when i decide to stop for a while then i will take prints
how did u rehydrate ur substrate for the other flushes?
ill probably do grain to grain or liquid culture
if/when i decide to stop for a while then i will take prints
how did u rehydrate ur substrate for the other flushes?
My substrate was mixed in with my compost after my filter bag turned white and I sprayed my tupperware container daily with a bottle of distilled water. I kept it moist at all times and once a flush was removed, another would grow in it's place.
My substrate was mixed in with my compost after my filter bag turned white and I sprayed my tupperware container daily with a bottle of distilled water. I kept it moist at all times and once a flush was removed, another would grow in it's place.
o,i see
man,im so stoked about this
stay tuned....
well after the substrate cooled i spawned my birdseed
here is how i did it:
the materialsdancing tiger 002.jpg
i put some substrate in the bottom and added 1 jar,then broke up the mycelium and mixed it togetherdancing tiger 003.jpgdancing tiger 004.jpgdancing tiger 005.jpg
then i did it againdancing tiger 006.jpgdancing tiger 007.jpgdancing tiger 008.jpg
and againdancing tiger 009.jpgdancing tiger 004.jpgdancing tiger 010.jpg
then i put foil over the top with air holesdancing tiger 011.jpg
i made 2 tubs without casing
thats it!
hopefully i did everything right