Weed in Canada has ZERO value

I like the city to some extent but would prefer to live in a place like Hope BC or myabe Yale BC as its kinda central to Vancouver and to the Interior. Being in the Surrey/North Delta since 99 has gotten tiresome. Use to love going to Vancouver doing photpgraphy all day in my 20's but fucking hate it now lol
In my mind, I assume BC is probably one of the best regions to live in canada. Talking about the actual geographical location/climate etc. But, so do probably the rest of people in canada. So, having looked into it only breifely, and not too recently, I also assume I could never afford to live anywhere in BC.
In my mind, I assume BC is probably one of the best regions to live in canada. Talking about the actual geographical location/climate etc. But, so do probably the rest of people in canada. So, having looked into it only breifely, and not too recently, I also assume I could never afford to live anywhere in BC.

Costal BC and Kelowna regions are expensive. BC Interior, Northern and Central are not bad but for sure cost more than Alta, Mn, SK etc and Atlantic.

Unless someone was going to pay me $50/hr I would never leave BC. You can be in a different biome with in 1.5 hours drive, if you like outdoors and travelling this is the place to be.
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I honestly don't get the "system" still though, haha. So, from top to bottom it's; AAAA (quads), AAA (trips), AA (soon to be "dubs", I guess), A? What the fuck? Where the fuck does "mids" fit in there, and how is the worst grade grade A? I guess it's mids?
Mostly rhetorical, but if anyone actually knows...
Different by region too probably. Weird.

Its fucked up lol it has nothing to do with the end user ie smokers but with middle men.
This is why I love BC and this is just the tip of it.



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When you say there's nothing up here, what do you mean?

Nothing as in sweet fuck all. No decent places to eat for 50 miles. Clubs the same. Swimming pool, 100 miles. The movie theatre an hour away still shows stuff on betamax. ;)

Junk food restaurants, Timmies, walmart etc all an hour's drive.

I hate cities too but wish we were closer to a larger one like even Grande Prairie that's 2 hours away. Edmonton is about 6 hours. I haven't lived in a city since I left Calgary back in '82 but I was 20 something then and it was mostly a great time to be there.

A big part is since the wife went thru menopause we live like roommates and I've still got a lot of arrows in my quiver that need to be nocked. perv.gif

Not a lot of targets for archery practise in our vicinity and everybody knows everybody else's business.

Ok today's surprise, had a chance to get this GGC (Gods Green Crack) for $650 Shitty phone pics on with flash one with out. Was talking to one guy yesterday who use to sell OZ for 140-200! before covid and hes now $100 full bore per OZ lol

Looks decent enough. Does one hit make you want a dozen more like crack? ;)

I like the city to some extent but would prefer to live in a place like Hope BC or myabe Yale BC as its kinda central to Vancouver and to the Interior. Being in the Surrey/North Delta since 99 has gotten tiresome. Use to love going to Vancouver doing photpgraphy all day in my 20's but fucking hate it now lol

A lot has changed for sure out there. I grew up in Richmond on Lulu Island in the Fraser River next to Van in the 50s - '74 then moved out to an acreage in Aldergrove just a mile from the border and 3 miles from the border crossing. Was out in Ditchmond about 6 years ago to visit a dying buddy and the old neighbourhood looks very much the same with single family homes on ever shrinking large lots. We had 3 acres as did most around us when I was a kid but I don't recognize downtown at all anymore. Reminds me of Chinatown in Vancouver and that elevated train looks so bizarre running down #3rd when downtown used to be the little Time Square plaza and the cop shop. A buddy's folks owned the old Landsdown horse track and now it's the Landsdown Mall lol. Still a lot of farmland and blueberry bogs east of downtown all the way to Queensborough and Steveston was still a working fishing port when I lived there but now is tourist central. I used to set pins at the bowling alley when I was 13 and got to be quite the pinball wizard on all the free games I played when it was slow. Not a bad bowler either. Can really see the other side now. Walk into any mall there and I'm a very visible minority and don't really feel like I'm wanted. A lot of Hong Kong money in there and they aren't very friendly to their Chinese Canadian cousins either. The same feeling hit me when I moved up here to a predominately French Catholic rural area as well. I care a lot more for the valley than Richmond so it doesn't really matter to me. Change is inevitable and I'm not one of those old farts who rails against it.

I was looking at a place in Hope many years back. Nice little house on 4 acres with the back yard ending in the forest with woods all around so almost total privacy. If I could have found a decent job out there or even in Chilliwack I would have bought it and wish it had of worked out. Went for a job interview up in Stewart, BC on the Alaska border in Oct '92 to do environmental monitoring at the big gold mine up there. Didn't get the job but got Hyderized at the Glacier Inn in Hyder before I left and they let me keep the rental car for an extra day to do some excellent salmon fishing just out of Terrace on the Lakelse River. Caught all 5 species of salmon in a day and a half and lots of them mostly on the fly. Had to feed a pink to a grizzly to make my escape. He wasn't very big but bigger than me so I heaved the fish past him and after looking at each other for half a minute that seemed like an hour he turned and went after the flopping fish while I slowly wandered around the corner out of sight then ran like a dog shot in the ass upstream a half mile. Kept my eye out for him but never saw him again. So much food that time of the season they aren't out for my skinny carcass.

I would have moved there in a heartbeat. Salt water at my door and fabled salmon and steelhead rivers all around. For me, heaven on earth. Still want to end my days in Campbell River. Got a cousin out there will have a cheap room for me and his wife is a great cook.

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I honestly don't get the "system" still though, haha. So, from top to bottom it's; AAAA (quads), AAA (trips), AA (soon to be "dubs", I guess), A? What the fuck? Where the fuck does "mids" fit in there, and how is the worst grade grade A? I guess it's mids?
Mostly rhetorical, but if anyone actually knows...
Different by region too probably. Weird.

I don't get that shit either. What I would consider quads would likely be most stoners mids as I'm into pot for the medicinal effects I get from it and a buzz that makes me smile gives me a little 'happy'. Not into huge hot-knife or bong hits that knock you on your ass anymore. Still have the hot-knives and bong handy just in case the mood hits me tho. :)

Earlier the middle joint of my left middle finger felt like there was a needle stuck in it and had bugged me all day. Don't know why I didn't think of it earlier but gave it run with this topical I made with CBD oil mixed in with DMSO in a little 10ml roll-on applicator. 10 min later and didn't hurt a bit. This stuff works like a hot-damn so I picked up a dozen more applicators today and ordered a 16ox bottle of 99% DMSO at the farm supply for $16.99. A 60ml/2oz bottle of 90% at the health food store is $13.99 so 8x as much for $3 more. Can get the gel too but I'm not sure if it would stay as a gel after heating to mix in the CBD oil. The roll-on works well. I should do a writeup in the extracts section maybe.

This is why I love BC and this is just the tip of it.

A buddy and I went up the east side of Harrison lake to meet some buddies that were camping up there with a 15ft runabout. Little campground right across from where the outlet for the power generator is dumping water coming down from Stave Lake. Lots of fish get chewed up in that run and when the generator is working the fish are biting around there. We had belly boats so buddy ran us over tehn picked us up before it got dark while they trolled for big lakers. We got more than a few and some huge rainbows too on flies and a spoons cast with a light spin rod. Crashed in the car and did it again the next day in the rain and it was even better.

Found some good sized beaver ponds up that way with nice trout in them too.

YES TO THIS ! I'm interested :weed:

Alright. It's a bit late at 3:17am but I have a few pics and an hour of Downton Abbey rerun to watch yet so see if I can do it quick. I have a write up all done it seems. Typed it out for a buddy here in a PM and copied it to a text file so that part's mostly done. Still sitting in my task bar.

I make a new sig for it so you can find it easy.

On 2nd thought I'm fading fast so will have to do it tomorrow when I get the chance. Got the parts today and promised to fix the heat in the shop so that's job 1.

Over and out.

Mature "legal" markets like Holland surely prove this. Coffeeshop weed is great and has been for decades. People still grow their own, but really don't need to.
Coffeeshop weed in the Netherlands costs about the same as black market weed in the neighbouring countries (that would be around USD 12 per gram at least; that's USD 330/oz). If, say, Germany, would ever get around to liberalizing the market, about half of the current BM price would probably be taxes.

So, yes, people don't need to grow their own in the Netherlands, but it still is very profitable; you will probably have to export the stuff, however.

I think in the Netherlands the weed is not officially taxed, because it's not officially legal (only "tolerated"). The coffeeshops probably pay a hefty tax some other way which keeps prices high.

And I don't see this changing much even in the medium term. Most EU countries haven't even gotten around to liberalizing, let alone legalizing weed. If they do, they will want to collect. The black market will remain, and it will still be huge. I do not see how the authorities could crack down on a black market for weed when growing for private consumption is legalized; you can no longer fight the providers efficiently.
Quads = PGR's like Cycocel or super dense tops lol, that's why I don't buy "quads" 90% guaranteed PGR's and heavy pesticide usage. I'm only going by what I hear but what I posted today would be a low trip according to others.

Whats funny is untill about 2009/10 never head the work "quad" Just A AA AAA
Your right all quad growers are unethical that I know. The stuff they use too kill mites is nuts and nova nova nova for PM. I saw your pic of death bubba and man that’s rough. I’m complaining about 6-800 for my light dep! Everyone likes the fact my light dep is pesticide free and true soil grown. People always says it’s best outdoor they ever had. And if I didn’t tell them it was outdoor they would never known. But if you tell them some don’t want it. I tricked those people and gave them some in winter after it cured more. They loved it. This cycle will pass but just depends how deep your pockets are or how you can budget on crumbs. Many people will drop off and if you rely on a middle man your never gonna make it.
Nothing as in sweet fuck all. No decent places to eat for 50 miles. Clubs the same. Swimming pool, 100 miles. The movie theatre an hour away still shows stuff on betamax. ;)

Junk food restaurants, Timmies, walmart etc all an hour's drive.
Hahaha. Fortunately I don't care about any of these things. Not the "entertainment", not the junk "food".
The amenities, sure - certainly if one isn't setup to produce/acquire all the food, and any other necessities they'd need.

Also, what's DMSO?
Also, what's DMSO?

Simply stated DiMethyl SulfOxide is a solvent that can carry a variety of substances through the skin and has been used on it's own for pain relief tho when blended with the appropriate medications can be much more effective. Used a lot in veterinary work for relieving sore joints in horses and other critters. Back in the 70s and 80s it was quite the thing with older folks for joint pain but was eventually banned or restricted in Canada quite likely from pressure the pharmaceutical companies put on the gov't as they couldn't profit from it. The same thing has quite likely extended the time line for getting pot legal for medicinal purposes.

I'm working on a write-up in the Concentrates forum atm.

Health care, fire depts., education, you know, stupid bullshit. :dunce:

So you use a 3 month old post out of context for . . . ?

I was replying to someone else complaining about paying taxes to support programs like that which I fully support. You forgot to mention mental health care which the lack of support for has got us into most of today's societal problems. If the rich paid their fair share then the burden wouldn't fall so heavily on the shoulders of the ever dwindling middle class but the rich own our governments so that will never happen until sanity returns to politics.

I'm not holding my breath for that.