Weed in Canada has ZERO value

Looks pretty damn good to me. I'm surprised the price is that low. Stuff like that still goes for 850+ in my neck of the woods... unless there was a recent price slash with a "4th wave" starting.

Whats your take on the future of the legacy market once borders open up and things go back to somewhat normal. I'm sure it will take some time to clear out the stock piles of bud sitting around.

I haven't seen much for $850 seems to be 400-600 then 900-1100max if its really good and you're ok with moving 2-3lb per week to online dispensaries.

I'm not even sure anymore about the borders, there's people who you'd think would do this no matter what because of the groups they belong to but lots of them quitting makes me think its gonna be much different than before COVID. For me if the US moves the border opening one more time on Sept 21 now way will I keep my shop open. Even if the market was to get a little more active, enough people quit growing that it would take 6 + months for the store to get back to maybe 60% of what it was. By then I'd have a better change paying off my CC debts to keep it running with a $18/hr job lol
Can we all say " shit show "
I agree Aqua...the border opening won't be what we used to get from it. Too many US growers now...they can supply themselves mostly imo. Maybe some business still...but much less in my mind.
If you don't some GREAT weed right now....your fucked.
Plus we aren't far from the big outdoor schwagg harvest. Then the great give-a-way to friends and neighbor's.
Thus cutting out local sales even further.
Some folks are happy with outdoor at the price.....next to free.
I may live in the middle of nowhere but I only have a year and a half left of a mortgage at $400/mth.
You're in alberta, right?
With some land (space) around, and can garden (for food)? And a $400/mth mortgage.

I don't know exactly what the area is like, your situation and other factors, but it doesn't *sound* like a bad situation. You basically have a house you own, with land.

Maybe I'm missing something. It doesn't sound like you like the area.
to be more competitive, is it as simple as offering more strain variety per ounce? seems like there needs to be a shift, and that BM cannabis can stay a couple steps ahead of retail stores.

first, if a consumer buys anything from an eighth to a pound, a grower/seller typically bags up one strain. and that's what you tend to get at retail. but if quality BM cannabis is offered as like 5-8 strains per each ounce, seems like the oz holds more value; because, no matter what, a regular smoker's tolerance turns top shelf into meh within a few days unless they can mix up their nugs throughout the week.

and second, if retail caps purchases at say 1 oz, BM should offer 2 oz bags of multiple strains, all for less than retail. fewer middleman (sellers who don't grow), more caregiver-like growers who grow for a dedicated # of consumers like a subscription.

currently, i have the luxury of prohibition keeping prices relatively high ... and it's easy enough to be a standout among the trash out here. but I'm already rolling out the multi-strain per ounce approach, so that my regulars are basically subscribers ... it's no longer really transactional as it is an ongoing subscription since they can't consistently get the variety ... and definitely not at my price.
to be more competitive, is it as simple as offering more strain variety per ounce? seems like there needs to be a shift, and that BM cannabis can stay a couple steps ahead of retail stores.

first, if a consumer buys anything from an eighth to a pound, a grower/seller typically bags up one strain. and that's what you tend to get at retail. but if quality BM cannabis is offered as like 5-8 strains per each ounce, seems like the oz holds more value; because, no matter what, a regular smoker's tolerance turns top shelf into meh within a few days unless they can mix up their nugs throughout the week.

and second, if retail caps purchases at say 1 oz, BM should offer 2 oz bags of multiple strains, all for less than retail. fewer middleman (sellers who don't grow), more caregiver-like growers who grow for a dedicated # of consumers like a subscription.

currently, i have the luxury of prohibition keeping prices relatively high ... and it's easy enough to be a standout among the trash out here. but I'm already rolling out the multi-strain per ounce approach, so that my regulars are basically subscribers ... it's no longer really transactional as it is an ongoing subscription since they can't consistently get the variety ... and definitely not at my price.

About 20% of my friends are "connoisseurs" that might have more than 4 strains on hand, the rest just want good weed (and that's a high dub or low trip to them) for cheap.
Can someone list these "grades" from worst to best? What they mean, and how the hell you quantify them? I'm sure one guy's "trips"(?) is another guys ... "schwag", or "quads"(?). Also is this just canada's terminology for cannabis? I don't think I've ever seen even an attempt at describing or explaining this hilarious scale. "Mids", hahaha.

Side note:
I'm tryna find a cut of the "Purple uncle Larry's niece's grandfather's sweedish neighbour's postman's illigitimate wedding candy gorilla ayahuasca god fruit" (the wackadoodle version 3.6.1 cut, late 2021 remix; featuring diamond terp-sauce nectar crystals), if anyone can help me out.

Edit: "breath". I forgot to add "breath" in there. I think it goes right after the "candy".
Can someone list these "grades" from worst to best? What they mean, and how the hell you quantify them? I'm sure one guy's "trips"(?) is another guys ... "schwag", or "quads"(?). Also is this just canada's terminology for cannabis? I don't think I've ever seen even an attempt at describing or explaining this hilarious scale. "Mids", hahaha.

Side note:
I'm tryna find a cut of the "Purple uncle Larry's niece's grandfather's sweedish neighbour's postman's illigitimate wedding candy gorilla ayahuasca god fruit" (the wackadoodle version 3.6.1 cut, late 2021 remix; featuring diamond terp-sauce nectar crystals), if anyone can help me out.

Edit: "breath". I forgot to add "breath" in there. I think it goes right after the "candy".

Quads = PGR's like Cycocel or super dense tops lol, that's why I don't buy "quads" 90% guaranteed PGR's and heavy pesticide usage. I'm only going by what I hear but what I posted today would be a low trip according to others.

Whats funny is untill about 2009/10 never head the work "quad" Just A AA AAA
Can someone list these "grades" from worst to best? What they mean, and how the hell you quantify them? I'm sure one guy's "trips"(?) is another guys ... "schwag", or "quads"(?). Also is this just canada's terminology for cannabis? I don't think I've ever seen even an attempt at describing or explaining this hilarious scale. "Mids", hahaha.

Side note:
I'm tryna find a cut of the "Purple uncle Larry's niece's grandfather's sweedish neighbour's postman's illigitimate wedding candy gorilla ayahuasca god fruit" (the wackadoodle version 3.6.1 cut, late 2021 remix; featuring diamond terp-sauce nectar crystals), if anyone can help me out.

Edit: "breath". I forgot to add "breath" in there. I think it goes right after the "candy".
I hate the rating system...so stupid in my opinion. Look...smell....taste (smoke)....decide....done.
A good look is a pretty good indicator.
I must add though that I don't buy.
Buying online is a different story.
You're in alberta, right?
With some land (space) around, and can garden (for food)? And a $400/mth mortgage.

I don't know exactly what the area is like, your situation and other factors, but it doesn't *sound* like a bad situation. You basically have a house you own, with land.

Maybe I'm missing something. It doesn't sound like you like the area.

Not missing nothing. I hate it up here and have for years. Can't afford to go anywhere else so stuck for now. Wife grows lots of veg and raises chickens and I have lots of freedom to grow my plants or go shooting in my back yard but there's nothing up here and the fishing sux.

One little lotto win and I'm in the wind!

Not missing nothing. I hate it up here and have for years. Can't afford to go anywhere else so stuck for now. Wife grows lots of veg and raises chickens and I have lots of freedom to grow my plants or go shooting in my back yard but there's nothing up here and the fishing sux.

One little lotto win and I'm in the wind!


You described my dream location up until the last bit about fishing sucks. I'm in the burbs about 30mins outside of Vancouver. Use to love my city but it's changed so much and IMO for the worse. There are so many amenities within minutes from my home but I'm not interested in any of it except for the food lol. Great fishing within an hour's drive. Here even an hour outside of Vancouver is gonna cost you a million bucks for something decent.
You described my dream location up until the last bit about fishing sucks. I'm in the burbs about 30mins outside of Vancouver. Use to love my city but it's changed so much and IMO for the worse. There are so many amenities within minutes from my home but I'm not interested in any of it except for the food lol. Great fishing within an hour's drive. Here even an hour outside of Vancouver is gonna cost you a million bucks for something decent.

I was born in Vancouver at the Grace in '54 and grew up in Richmond until '74 then moved out to the valley and went back to high school for a semester. Damn near flunked out being the only guy in school old enough to go to the liquor store. Very popular with the jocks and the ladies so didn't do a lot of homework. :)

My grandpa started taking me fishing in the Vedder when I was 4 so I have all his old tackle and rebuilt his flyrod my sister ruined. Hope to put a trout on the end of it if I can make it out to the valley to visit my 94yo mom and other family and take her up to the cabin for thanksgiving and my b-day. Haven't been up there for 17 years when I drove out on my 50th b-day. With Covid cases rising there and really bad here now in Alberta I'm getting worried it may all be shut down again when I want to go in early Oct.

I should have never left the valley to come up here to work in the patch in '01. I would have had a small shack somewhere out in the Chilliwack area for sure and at least had places to go and great fishing close at hand.

Fly fishing salmon, trout and steelhead in the upper Chilliwack, Harrison or Coquihalla rivers was a full time pursuit for me and I used a lot of sick days to wet a line. Wasn't opposed to bottom-bouncing a spin-n-glo with the bait casting rod either. Fishing salmon in the belly boat is a riot too.

Now I'm homesick. And depressed. :(

Not missing nothing. I hate it up here and have for years. Can't afford to go anywhere else so stuck for now. Wife grows lots of veg and raises chickens and I have lots of freedom to grow my plants or go shooting in my back yard but there's nothing up here and the fishing sux.

One little lotto win and I'm in the wind!

When you say there's nothing up here, what do you mean?
You described my dream location up until the last bit about fishing sucks. I'm in the burbs about 30mins outside of Vancouver. Use to love my city but it's changed so much and IMO for the worse. There are so many amenities within minutes from my home but I'm not interested in any of it except for the food lol. Great fishing within an hour's drive. Here even an hour outside of Vancouver is gonna cost you a million bucks for something decent.
I thought it sounded fairly close to what I'd like too. The situation (space, privacy, wilderness, away from city, that stuff), if not the specific region/area.

I do not want to live in a city. Personally, I'm not interested in dining out and stuff either really.
Are you guys referring to there not being enough "entertainment" type stuff close to where you are. I'm just trying to understand, get some insight.
I can't eat fish :/
Ok today's surprise, had a chance to get this GGC (Gods Green Crack) for $650 Shitty phone pics on with flash one with out. Was talking to one guy yesterday who use to sell OZ for 140-200! before covid and hes now $100 full bore per OZ lol


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When you say there's nothing up here, what do you mean?

I thought it sounded fairly close to what I'd like too. The situation (space, privacy, wilderness, away from city, that stuff), if not the specific region/area.

I do not want to live in a city. Personally, I'm not interested in dining out and stuff either really.
Are you guys referring to there not being enough "entertainment" type stuff close to where you are. I'm just trying to understand, get some insight.
I can't eat fish :/

I like the city to some extent but would prefer to live in a place like Hope BC or myabe Yale BC as its kinda central to Vancouver and to the Interior. Being in the Surrey/North Delta since 99 has gotten tiresome. Use to love going to Vancouver doing photpgraphy all day in my 20's but fucking hate it now lol
Quads = PGR's like Cycocel or super dense tops lol, that's why I don't buy "quads" 90% guaranteed PGR's and heavy pesticide usage. I'm only going by what I hear but what I posted today would be a low trip according to others.

Whats funny is untill about 2009/10 never head the work "quad" Just A AA AAA
I honestly don't get the "system" still though, haha. So, from top to bottom it's; AAAA (quads), AAA (trips), AA (soon to be "dubs", I guess), A? What the fuck? Where the fuck does "mids" fit in there, and how is the worst grade grade A? I guess it's mids?
Mostly rhetorical, but if anyone actually knows...
Different by region too probably. Weird.