Weed in Canada has ZERO value

This might be a dumb comment, but seems Canada is flooded with weed...Wouldnt whoever is growing it need your services/supplies?? Whos growing the weed??

Problem is the price is so low and there's so much weed that for the average farmer is next to impossible to get someone to buy it. If you can't sell it you can't pay your bills and $10K in electrical bills every 3 months ads up fast. The big places go directly to the wholesalers which is another BS thing as I seen my customers be able to buy directly from my suppliers which say oh we don't give out accounts unless you have a store front, well then why the fuck did I just see my customer who I haven't seen for a month load up two skids of coco from you while I was there and he has no fucking store front lol

Smaller person growers is not sustainable between 75 stores in the Greater Vancouver, online stores and Amazon.

I'm slowly liquidating/returning as much stock as I can and just have bares bones but not too low of stock. The suppliers are hitting me with some crazy 30% restocking fees, so even more fuck them lol.

I dont' see the US borders opening anytime soon and even if they did before the end of the year it would take probably 3-6 months for my local customer base to come back even at 50%. I believe there's already two local stores that shut down.

The other thing is trying to look for work after 20+ years is a bit of a culture/life shock lol
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The other thing is trying to look for work after 20+ years is a bit of a culture/life shock lol

With all your business and sales skills/experience you should be able to find a good paying job. Finding a decent boss is another story altogether tho. Don't want some snot-nosed know-it-all punk pushing you into an assault charge. ;) Been there, done that tho the charges got dropped when 3 of my work buddies claimed he swung first. He was twice my size too.

Switching gears can be good too so maybe you'd want to look for something that fits other skills you have and would like to use.

I'd start shopping around now in case there's something you like that you need to take a short online course or something for. I really enjoyed going back to school for chemistry in my 30s but it never amounted to much for work. I was a lot more comfortable in blue collar jobs and they paid better than the low level lab jobs I could find. Dealing with managers always left me angry. So much BS, internal politics and back stabbing in business class for my liking.

The boy's mother took off and left me a single dad not long after I graduated so life kind of got in the way too.

Yep,10 cents for product and 17ish for delivery.
Total around .17 per kw/ hrs

Not proud of it either.

We get the same kind of BS too. Pay more for all the other charges than what the power costs. Ran the numbers a couple months ago and we're paying 26.5¢/kwh here and I can't afford to replace my collection of HID lights with LEDs. Might sell the farm in a couple years and won't likely be able to grow wherever I end up so no use upgrading now.

Nothing to be ashamed of. Not your fault the dirty rat bastards are ripping us off! :)

With all your business and sales skills/experience you should be able to find a good paying job. Finding a decent boss is another story altogether tho. Don't want some snot-nosed know-it-all punk pushing you into an assault charge. ;) Been there, done that tho the charges got dropped when 3 of my work buddies claimed he swung first. He was twice my size too.

Switching gears can be good too so maybe you'd want to look for something that fits other skills you have and would like to use.

I'd start shopping around now in case there's something you like that you need to take a short online course or something for. I really enjoyed going back to school for chemistry in my 30s but it never amounted to much for work. I was a lot more comfortable in blue collar jobs and they paid better than the low level lab jobs I could find. Dealing with managers always left me angry. So much BS, internal politics and back stabbing in business class for my liking.

The boy's mother took off and left me a single dad not long after I graduated so life kind of got in the way too.


Retail sales experience doesn't translate to any meaningful pay and I hate managing people, they piss me off lol and I need to make certain amount of money to cover my budget which is up there now with loading up the CC to keep the shop going. Also having lots of animals that I've had to 11 years is a huge drag atm especially for rental housing, you cant get a house for less than 2600-3000 per month here unless you wanna live like a peasant in a $1400 basement suite lol.
When I was still boozing I'd get a bottle of EverClear for $34 and get a 3 day drunk out of it. Same sized bottle of Smirnoff's was $28 and be gone the first night with maybe an oz or two for my morning coffee.

In that case percentage was everything. :)

I've had moonshine before. it just tasted like chemical burn going down my throat but it fucked me up lol.


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Retail sales experience doesn't translate to any meaningful pay and I hate managing people, they piss me off lol and I need to make certain amount of money to cover my budget which is up there now with loading up the CC to keep the shop going. Also having lots of animals that I've had to 11 years is a huge drag atm especially for rental housing, you cant get a house for less than 2600-3000 per month here unless you wanna live like a peasant in a $1400 basement suite lol.

My son lives in Abbotford and was paying $2800 for an older 2 story house. His gf had 3 kids and he needed a room for his two boys when the ex occasionally allowed them to visit. She could pay about $1000 of it. They split and he's sharing a 2-bedroom basement suite with a buddy for about half that and he pays half. Utilities included so not too bad. Older couple who own it live upstairs and they do chores around the yard and fix stuff to keep the rent low. Both of the guys work odd hours but the folks upstairs are stone deaf so don't have to worry about making noise if they get in late. My son drives heavy duty tow truck and I'm not sure what the other guy does.

I may live in the middle of nowhere but I only have a year and a half left of a mortgage at $400/mth.

I've had moonshine before. it just tasted like chemical burn going down my throat but it fucked me up lol.

Basically the same thing as EverClear but I never drank it straight up. It's really just very strong vodka. 190 proof instead of 80.

I had a Ukrainian friend when I was a teen and his uncle made shine so had some of that early on too.

Retail sales experience doesn't translate to any meaningful pay and I hate managing people, they piss me off lol and I need to make certain amount of money to cover my budget which is up there now with loading up the CC to keep the shop going. Also having lots of animals that I've had to 11 years is a huge drag atm especially for rental housing, you cant get a house for less than 2600-3000 per month here unless you wanna live like a peasant in a $1400 basement suite lol.
I really feel for you man. It's gotta be tough to watch what was your heart and soul go down hill like it has. At least take consolation in the fact that is was NOT your fault. I blame legalization. I knew this deal would be bad for weed in Canada. I feel it has done just that. Your insight is very telling. You see it from a side most of us don't. Well some what any way.
Weed sales in Canada supported a lot of people. I knew this legalization would fuck people. But I did not think admittingly, it would be this bad. Literally the market for BM weed is falling apart on so many levels. Yes there is a market still but it not the same in any way imo.
The only good part is is that it has FUCKED the LP world too. Not good enough yet though for my taste. I want very one of them to fail.
The corporate money train is a dirty trail of stealing from decent folks. BOYCOTT ALL legal cannabis anything.
Tell everyone too.
I really feel for you man. It's gotta be tough to watch what was your heart and soul go down hill like it has. At least take consolation in the fact that is was NOT your fault. I blame legalization. I knew this deal would be bad for weed in Canada. I feel it has done just that. Your insight is very telling. You see it from a side most of us don't. Well some what any way.
Weed sales in Canada supported a lot of people. I knew this legalization would fuck people. But I did not think admittingly, it would be this bad. Literally the market for BM weed is falling apart on so many levels. Yes there is a market still but it not the same in any way imo.
The only good part is is that it has FUCKED the LP world too. Not good enough yet though for my taste. I want very one of them to fail.
The corporate money train is a dirty trail of stealing from decent folks. BOYCOTT ALL legal cannabis anything.
Tell everyone too.

95% of anyone I know who made money from weed knew things were on the way out but most expected about 5 years to slowly dwindle down, no one expected 5 months after the first lock down a complete collapse over night.

The most blatant scam from legalization came from those who set up the laws and those who put people into jails for growing weed, they're the ones who became insiders over night in all the LPs. The average Canadian that was hoping to take their skills into a legal small business were told to fuck off.
The most blatant scam from legalization came from those who set up the laws and those who put people into jails for growing weed, they're the ones who became insiders over night in all the LPs. The average Canadian that was hoping to take their skills into a legal small business were told to fuck off.
Yup you hit my raw nerve exactly. Dirty leach wagon jumping ex-cops and anti weed types of slimey natures.
These people rub me so wrong I could flip out angry. This is why I'll never go into any legal store. Arrest would be imminent for sure. I'd so mouthy I'd be thrown out pretty fast. I just don't go to save myself trouble.
95% of anyone I know who made money from weed knew things were on the way out but most expected about 5 years to slowly dwindle down, no one expected 5 months after the first lock down a complete collapse over night.

The most blatant scam from legalization came from those who set up the laws and those who put people into jails for growing weed, they're the ones who became insiders over night in all the LPs. The average Canadian that was hoping to take their skills into a legal small business were told to fuck off.
You could open a cake or cupcake shop. Like a dozen or so morons in my town. Stores and restaurants so plentiful that failure is GURANTEED to happen. Not just weed store either...all kinds of other morons who think all you need is a key to front end retail shop. hahahahaha...gonna be a lot of folks loose it all in a few years imo.
WAY too many retails store that are going to and are destined to fail.
Can we all say " over exposed much "
Kitchener Waterloo Cambridge are OVER saturated with places to eat....it's really crazy here. They all CAN NOT make it...no way.
I see these middle aged couples on my local news weekly who just opened the new " Jill's Cupcake Boutique " or " Muffins R Us " Stores and I wonder ....WTF are you thinking.
How do you make a living selling cupcakes and/or muffins etc? now after the pandemic they are all maxed to the tits on every conceivable form of credit they could get to stay open. YIKES!
Bye Byo...duffus'es-o
These are folks with zero previous retail or business ownership experience. Now they will loose all they saved for while working previously at some job somewhere.
"Oh boy, let's open our own business" golly gee....said in a rube hillbilly moron type voice. That's how I hear it anyway.....lol
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Yep!... Terps are where it's at. We've even had some 7%/high terps that would knock your socks off compared to our Sour D at 23%/lower terps.
Ya not exactly what you said but anyone who judges weed by the look in the bag alone is missing out on some great bud at times. Looks ARE NOT the entire story.
I'm finding peoples expectation for looks has changed. I see a new tend developing.
Ya not exactly what you said but anyone who judges weed by the look in the bag alone is missing out on some great bud at times. Looks ARE NOT the entire story.
I'm finding peoples expectation for looks has changed. I see a new tend developing.
No, looks are not the entire story.... If our customers had a look under the scope of "lightly trimmed buds", and" scalped to the bone buds", they would see that they are missing out on some really nice trichs. For some reason, everybody thinks that if it's shaved down to a stone, it's better. Fuck no!, it's not better!.. under 1200x's magnification, you can see the tops of the trichs are cut off!....... and Im really not sure if you understood what I said in the first place. ... High THC means nothing. High terps are what you should be looking for.
I see these middle aged couples on my local news weekly who just opened the new " Jill's Cupcake Boutique " or " Muffins R Us " Stores and I wonder ....WTF are you thinking.
How do you make a living selling cupcakes and/or muffins etc? now after the pandemic they are all maxed to the tits on every conceivable form of credit they could get to stay open. YIKES!
Bye Byo...duffus'es-o
These are folks with zero previous retail or business ownership experience. Now they will loose all they saved for while working previously at some job somewhere.
"Oh boy, let's open our own business" golly gee....said in a rube hillbilly moron type voice. That's how I hear it anyway.....lol
Right, but I am surely happy to give my money for a very quality cupcake or meal. I haven’t eaten McDonald’s in years. As an entrepreneur you never know how good you are or what the demand is for your product until you take the risk….

Also big business loves the lockdowns, it hurts all the little guys undercutting them who are trying to get a better more quality product out there at a better price because they don’t have all the overhead. Even more of a reason to support ma and pa’s.
Right, but I am surely happy to give my money for a very quality cupcake or meal. I haven’t eaten McDonald’s in years. As an entrepreneur you never know how good you are or what the demand is for your product until you take the risk….

Also big business loves the lockdowns, it hurts all the little guys undercutting them who are trying to get a better more quality product out there at a better price because they don’t have all the overhead. Even more of a reason to support ma and pa’s.
Yup I like independent business as well. Gotta love someone who has perfected a recipe. Or makes a superb product. I'm all for that.
Trouble is you need some real sales to pay the rent. Nice retail location is very pricey. Start adding up your cupcakes Brother cuz your gonna needs to sell a fuck load.
My point was and is you better make some fucking good cupcakes or your toast. Cuz I can buy cupcakes EVERYWHERE!
Why am I buying yours?
Do you see the point now? Having a hunch or enough cash to cover two months rent is not all there is too being successful in retail.
Location helps a lot. But so many retail stores open up that are nothing better than mediocre. The same as the next one only run just as badly as well.....hahaha
I would not take that gamble knowing what I know.
I'd only open something if I knew I had a Best or Superior item, product or idea.
Imo you better stand out or enjoy a just stay alive ride in retail.
This is what I got today for $600 Death Bubba before covid couldn't get this for less than 1200 and it was get it or its gone. If I was a total prick and shopped around could low ball and maybe get it for $450-500.

Looks pretty damn good to me. I'm surprised the price is that low. Stuff like that still goes for 850+ in my neck of the woods... unless there was a recent price slash with a "4th wave" starting.

Whats your take on the future of the legacy market once borders open up and things go back to somewhat normal. I'm sure it will take some time to clear out the stock piles of bud sitting around.
For a lb???

Yeah man, for a pound and that's in canadian dollars too. Market here is real bad now, worse it's ever been and IMO the worse it ever will be. Once you start getting into the sub 500 pounds of quality looking bud I think everyones just going to shut down. I do think once covid passes and things go back to normal the price should double and stabilize. Crap even at 12-1400 canadian, like were use to, it's still real cheap compared to American wholesale prices.