Well Here Goes Again


Well-Known Member
SS #3 sprouted overnight. Only SS #4 to go. I filled the first two full with soil. I'll up-can them soon. I up-canned #2-A to #6-A into their Party Cup's. #1-A is lagging behind. I'll veg these a week or so then start flowering them to see the sex.

I made it 'Rain' on #1 to #6 tonight. I fed them all a 50% Jack's at the end. #5 is looking like my favorite.
I moved the clones around and put the 2 SS seeds by them to help with the stretching. They'll go back under the dome if I see wilting & before late tonight.

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Well-Known Member
i am lovin the little garden!! when you gonna up-can to larger pots? i know you said you werent gonna use as large a pot, so what you thinking 1 gallon?


Well-Known Member
i am lovin the little garden!! when you gonna up-can to larger pots? i know you said you werent gonna use as large a pot, so what you thinking 1 gallon?
Kinda fighting what to do about that. I wanna go 1 gallon but I was hoping to know the sex first. I'm thinking it will be around 20 more days for that. I'd be watering every day by then. So I guess this week some time and accept I'll waste 3 gallons of soil or so when I cull these males. I think I'll have to do all 6 at once or I'll fight the canopy level.


Well-Known Member
sounds like a good idea. I am sure you put that used soil to some kind of good use. i put all my used soil in a pit I plan to burn, and i also put all my grass clippings and vegetable waste there too. so I will get to reuse that, even if only for houseplants.


Well-Known Member
New Hood going in. Noel to FrigiDare. Super BLEACH cleaning going on. Those spider mites have no chance after this on sought coming at them. Still mildly fucking with me. Update and Pics soon.


Well-Known Member
Hey daniels man I just can't get enough of your garden I actually started some seeds when you did and mine just popped the other day but don't look as good as yours :( can't wait for more pics and I love how organized you are!


Well-Known Member
Oh I just can't wait now lol I'm impatient! My grow is getting a much needed make over since the bs with ex there is no organization I don't even remember when I fed them stupid me...but your grow is making me get in gear and reorganize :)


Well-Known Member
What a Pain in the Ass this was. The cleaning & bleaching. I moved Noel out to the FrigiDare after harvesting the last of Nikki. Update on that on it's thread later.
I removed the dual HPS hood, and got new one in. I left the heavier gauge wire that ran to it's ballast. I wired that the exact same black/white to ballast. I changed the bulb to the new socket in new hood. Flip it at the timer and buzzing but no light firing. WTF:wall:
I look it over twice and dbl. checked that it was wired the same. I'll re-look at it in the morning, just frustrating. A friend is sending me a ballast kit so if it's worst case I'll just make a new ballast box. No Timer needed as it off a 240v Timer.
I took that ballast box out to re-use later. I changed the wire going to the vegetable table to the new ballast box. New 250W CMH worked right.
I fed all 6 of the Purple Rain a quart of water with 1 Tbs. Fish Emulsion & 1 tsp. Molasses. Real strong on the N as I'm barely keeping up. Clones and SS doing good too.
New Hood.jpg
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Active Member
Another morning, a couple cups of coffee and I'm caught up on another thread! :D

Danielsan you definitely are one busy guy with all of the different things going on around your place! Everything looks great as usual and I'm looking forward to joining in the convo.

Here's a pic of my puppy. She's a German Short-Hair Pointer mixed with Pit. This was taken after a 5 mile run! She is the best dog I've ever had!



Active Member
OMG it's crazy huge. It's so funny when we run because she starts out running all over the place and by the end of the run, she'll leapfrog ahead of me to the next shady spot to lay down until I pass her again and then she runs up to find the next shady spot. :lol: She just turned 6 in October.