Big BuddhaDon't think I've ever complained about being 'f'd for hours' but I hear ya. Any recommendation on breeders for the Blue Cheese?
Consent of owner
If the proposed site for the production of marihuana plants is not the ordinary place of residence of the applicant or of the designated person, if any, and is not owned by the applicant or the designated person, the application must include the given name, surname, address and telephone number of the owner of the site and a declaration signed and dated by them consenting to production at the site.
Is homeowner permission required for personal or designated grows?
According to Kirk tousawIs homeowner permission required for personal or designated grows?
It says so in the reg but not sure if its different as in MMAR if you are renting that was considered your home and you didn't need permission. I did it myself with out my land lord knowing but be sure they won't go off on you if they find out. Better to ask then to be evicted?
According to Kirk tousaw
Homeowners permission is only needed if you don't live there.
If you live at the same location you grow at you don't need the owners signature
If you are renting and don't own the place you need permission. The language used is plane as day.Is homeowner permission required for personal or designated grows? If i'm reading this correctly...
As long as I live at the residence where I'm growing I do not need the owners permission.
I would need the owners permission if I were growing at a residence I did not live at or personally own.
Wow, interesting.You seem like the type of guy that loves to argue and I don't have the patience to participate so I'll just leave this here and u can go argue with him. He's better suited.View attachment 3765344
If you are renting and don't own the place you need permission. The language used is plane as day.
If the proposed site for the production of marihuana plants is not the ordinary place of residence of the applicant or of the designated person, if any, and is not owned by the applicant or the designated person, the application must include the given name, surname, address and telephone number of the owner of the site and a declaration signed and dated by them consenting to production at the site.
just had my dr appointment. Hoping to get my grow application sent in this week. Was blown away to find out the Ontario college of physicians Does not condone health Canada's new plan!!!! So my Dr and probably most others in Ontario will NOT be signing any such form until they here more from the college. My dr guesses it be months not weeks until they figur this shit out.
What a fucking travesty. Why to go HC.
I don't think it's the program I think it's with cannabis in general.What exactly is their problem with the new program?
i totally aagree,i imagine many homeoowners wouldnt want a growroom in a house they ownIf you're going to grow in someone else's house or condo, medical or not, legal or not, it would make sense to get the owner's permission to avoid issues in the future, just some common sense and respect for someone else's property.
Oh, he's was talking about how dr want to Monitor THC levels and such. And if your growing your own how can they know what levels your taking. It's all bullshit.What exactly is their problem with the new program?
That's probably why you don't need their permission.i totally aagree,i imagine many homeoowners wouldnt want a growroom in a house they own