Well Today's the Day (ACMPR Regulations and Forms)

Oh, he's was talking about how dr want to Monitor THC levels and such. And if your growing your own how can they know what levels your taking. It's all bullshit.
by your comment, it's obvious don't have a good rapore with your MD...Time for a new one that actually works for you!!??

I'd have the guy charged with crim neg. but then again....I wouldn't be asking for permission do treat myself. Seems a rather moot point right about now.
If you're going to grow in someone else's house or condo, medical or not, legal or not, it would make sense to get the owner's permission to avoid issues in the future, just some common sense and respect for someone else's property.

Health Canada doesn't seem to agree.
That's probably why you don't need their permission.
Poor people get sick too.
The mold Fire etc argument is no longer a hurdle so what's the problem? As long as ur not destroying the place or modifying again. Besides people ruin apartments without grows

Knowing I don't need my landlords permission, allows me to stay at the home I've been in for 5+ years now. Rental rates have exploded since then where I live, my rent would've nearly doubled! I'll stay where I am, grow where I am and I won't say a word about it to my landlord.
im very surprised hc didnt put something in the rules about getting permission from homeowners...i could see a lawsuit if a house burns down and the owner had no idea there was a grow in their home....

besides,its just respectful to ask permission....
That's probably why you don't need their permission.
Poor people get sick too.
The mold Fire etc argument is no longer a hurdle so what's the problem? As long as ur not destroying the place or modifying again. Besides people ruin apartments without grows
why is mold/fire not an issue?
its always a possible issue,even though i dont hear of homes being burnt down due to growing often at all...but i do hear of modifications,mold ruining a home
Ordinary residence and the landlord can't say a peep. Actually, out in NS a tenant was able to make the landlord accommodate the grow with electrical upgrades and other things. As you would assume the landlord didn't do it willingly.
why is mold/fire not an issue?
its always a possible issue,even though i dont hear of homes being burnt down due to growing often at all...but i do hear of modifications,mold ruining a home
Because people deserve the benefit of the doubt. Chances are most people are smart enough to make sure everything is done right since they are living there.
Mold and Fire are an issue for any home grow or not.
Do you think sick people need another hoop to jump through after the uphill battle to finally get grow options back?
Or are you just lucky enough to own a home or two and only viewing this from your perspective?
i totally aagree,i imagine many homeoowners wouldnt want a growroom in a house they own
It's not even about the grow part, if the tenants are going to make any modifications or run something out of the ordinary like a grow op on my property it's just courteous to let me know and discuss the options. I am a landlord and I have no problem letting someone grow but would want to know that they at least had decent ventilation and not exhausting hot/humid air into say my attic which could long term cause damage. Anyone who defends a renter doing whatever the f*ck they want with a rental has never owned property. And there are clauses in my rental contracts that require them to inform me of any modifications to the use of the property for anything other than the stated rental of the property as a place of residence. Basically it's a catch-all so that if I do get some a-hole venting into my attic they've broken the contract and I can boot their asses out. The tenant signing that contract with the clauses gives me the right to refuse them to grow, and if they hadn't given me a heads up I'd give them the boot for being a-holes if nothing else.
It's not even about the grow part, if the tenants are going to make any modifications or run something out of the ordinary like a grow op on my property it's just courteous to let me know and discuss the options. I am a landlord and I have no problem letting someone grow but would want to know that they at least had decent ventilation and not exhausting hot/humid air into say my attic which could long term cause damage. Anyone who defends a renter doing whatever the f*ck they want with a rental has never owned property. And there are clauses in my rental contracts that require them to inform me of any modifications to the use of the property for anything other than the stated rental of the property as a place of residence. Basically it's a catch-all so that if I do get some a-hole venting into my attic they've broken the contract and I can boot their asses out. The tenant signing that contract with the clauses gives me the right to refuse them to grow, and if they hadn't given me a heads up I'd give them the boot for being a-holes if nothing else.

I'm gonna side with this one. If I owned a rental property and someone had a grow license so be it that's their right but I'd want to know and I'd expect them to set the grow room up properly and with in power consumption limits of the house. Its out of courtesy and being a good tenant. If you want more power sorry fork over your own cash for a can upgrade. I'd expect my landlord to say the same thing to me.

I haven't check other provinces but in Ontario and Lease Hold Improvement to the commercial property belong to the building and title owner so if you set up a warehouse and do modifications to the building the landlord owns them.
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It's not even about the grow part, if the tenants are going to make any modifications or run something out of the ordinary like a grow op on my property it's just courteous to let me know and discuss the options. I am a landlord and I have no problem letting someone grow but would want to know that they at least had decent ventilation and not exhausting hot/humid air into say my attic which could long term cause damage. Anyone who defends a renter doing whatever the f*ck they want with a rental has never owned property. And there are clauses in my rental contracts that require them to inform me of any modifications to the use of the property for anything other than the stated rental of the property as a place of residence. Basically it's a catch-all so that if I do get some a-hole venting into my attic they've broken the contract and I can boot their asses out. The tenant signing that contract with the clauses gives me the right to refuse them to grow, and if they hadn't given me a heads up I'd give them the boot for being a-holes if nothing else.

i wholeheartedly agree!
To be honest, ive never asked. Ive told them. Handed them a piece of paper with my name and number incase of emergency and that was about it. Her son was a cop and months down the road told me she followed up with him and her son said you cant do anything, its everywere.
Meh, so I buy a Leaf or Grobo or BCBud box and I have to let the landlord know? No thanks....
Health canada has right on the paperwork you need permisson. Say for some reason the cops where to come and ask the landlord if he signed the paper work.

You wouldnt be covered under the acmpr and probably catch a small charge

Why not get the landlords permission its HIS/Her place.
Health canada has right on the paperwork you need permisson. Say for some reason the cops where to come and ask the landlord if he signed the paper work.

You wouldnt be covered under the acmpr and probably catch a small charge

Why not get the landlords permission its HIS/Her place.

What if the landlord says no? do you choose between your health and landlord? do you move and when viewing places address your a med patient and would like to grow?
being sick doesnt make it ok to be a jerk or disrespectful to your landlord,remember the house you are in is an investment in your landlords future....
get a dg,solves the whole problem!
Health canada has right on the paperwork you need permisson. Say for some reason the cops where to come and ask the landlord if he signed the paper work.

You wouldnt be covered under the acmpr and probably catch a small charge

Why not get the landlords permission its HIS/Her place.

I'm not sure why your not getting this, but you DO NOT need the owners permission. Read it again!
We'll see what the Insurance industry has to say about homegrows now...owners or tenants? And you can be damn sure, if you don't get owners permission...there will be repercussions from the property owner! The Landlord Tenant Act does not allow you to do whatever you want in the rental space. Landlords who don't want MMJ grows in the properties, will be trying too evict peeps, especially if the property owner cannot get Insurance coverage.