What age do you think people should start smoking weed?

i started early @ 10 years old i think that is too early! So I'm going to say around 15-16 years old is a good time to start I know I had some of my best times at that age
I wouldnt reccomend to anyone to start smoking anything , its a personal choice.As for age , i dont think it really matters too much if you dont expect much out of life.In retrospect id say dont start splashing cash on luxuries like pot until financially solvent.A lot of people smoke who probably cant afford to , ive been there and its not a nice place.
15 ideally for me, because by then i was almost done with physical puberty having facial hair and being tall and man structured and having a man penis. lol im high. or 16 o 17 if they hit puberty really late
I think it totaly depends on the person's maturity and the responsibilities they have. I would not offer someone their first high unless they were able to hold a job and were self-motivated.

I think a lot of problems with drug use start when the user has few or no responsibilities, so they feel free to be as high as they want, whenever they want. A person with responsibilities has a built in check on their drug consumption, because they don't want to jeopardize their job. They also are less likely to consume as much if they have to earn the money used to buy weed.
I don't think age should matter. Once their mature enough to respect the herb they can embrace the herb. until one can truly embrace it with their sould, they cannot truly experience the magic of this spiritual tool.
i also have adhd, and i feel over anxious when i haven't smoked in about a week. smoking pot is better than taking aderall.... sorry if i mispelled that.
when the brain is fully mature and can deal with an influx on cannabinoids, before that just messes with ur head,

yes correct, it has been said in many documentaries that at the point when your brain is still developing it can mess around with your system, and most people that get 'ill' or as such of weed is most likely because of smoking it at such a young age, but then again it would solely depend on how your system is built up as everyones is different!
yes correct, it has been said in many documentaries that at the point when your brain is still developing it can mess around with your system, and most people that get 'ill' or as such of weed is most likely because of smoking it at such a young age, but then again it would solely depend on how your system is built up as everyones is different!

true, its simple logic, cannabis affects the brain, studies have shown developed brains have no negative impact from using cannabis when the brain is fully developed, studies have shown that using cannabis whilst the brain is still in early development i.e early puberty cannabis will retard the development.........PERMANENTLY, if u use whilst very young whatever you do is permanent, drugs are for adults,not kids.
drugs are for the children of the earth. The only down side to smoking before your brain is developed is because of the melatonin receptor. Once you start binding chemicals to that receptor that aren't your modies natural melatonin it stops developing. This can cause minor depression and memory loss, but no effects that are extremely bad.

marijuana increases ur active melatonin by 4000% on average.

true, its simple logic, cannabis affects the brain, studies have shown developed brains have no negative impact from using cannabis when the brain is fully developed, studies have shown that using cannabis whilst the brain is still in early development i.e early puberty cannabis will retard the development.........PERMANENTLY, if u use whilst very young whatever you do is permanent, drugs are for adults,not kids.
Personally I started freshman year in highschool as well so id say around there, Holding down a job while high now thats the way to roll I say.