What are the best nutrients out there?whats better advanced nutrients or hydro fuel?

What are the best nutrients out there?whats better advanced nutrients or hydro fuel?

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    Votes: 9 69.2%
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    Votes: 4 30.8%

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Work great in soil and hydro. It is not 100% organic if you are worried about that. It's about 90% organic with some synthetic preservatives.
btw 1 of the 3 owners of AN was convicted of child molestation. Don't support that company. Also they are the definition of marketing hype. Selling you additives that do nothing but harm your plant. If you want Chem or synthetic nutes. Get a bloom and veg and mix them together of any brand. And that's all you need. Npk is marketing hype as well. You want balanced nutrients 5-5-5. That's why I say mix bloom and veg together got both veg and flower cycles. Or get jacks. That's already balanced

I'm an organic head. So I recommended the only bottled nutrient that is truly organic. That works with soil and hydro. Dragonfly earth medicine. If you do soil. You should build your soil and toss the bottles.
No, never convicted. He was ACCUSED. For me, that isn't going to change my opinion in the company's nutrients.

To the an haters out there, an is not the oly one with marketing team. Cyco is just a bad if not worse. Atleast advanced nutrients has everything you need in your base, additive are optional. Try not using all additive from the cyco line, your plants will be deficient because if lax of micro nutrients in base nutrients.
Advanced nutrients does their job, plain and simple. Marketing is thereto make customers buy their product. Whether you need them or not should come from you own research of what the biochemistry of plants is.

Do you get mad when you see a McDonald commercial on TV?.... Same concept.
Do you get mad when you see a McDonald commercial on TV?.... Same concept.

Comparing McD to Advanced Nutrients doesn't accurately depict what AN does. Imagine McD selling hamburgers as

- Fatty Buns
- Plump Patties
- Onions Bunyons
- Catchy-Catchup
- Dill Pills
- Cheesy Peesy​

You go in to buy a burger, and you have to buy every one of those gimmicky ala-carte items? (And also wade through the Connoisseur "lineup").

I've never used AN and don't intend to because it seems too nonsense-oriented.

But, I agree with you that the molestation charge seems overdone. I know people get more passionate about pedophilia than they do hit-and-run, armed robbery, etc. But, if we held all companies accountable for the conduct of owners/officers in their private lives (especially after they've been promptly removed from the company due to that conduct), we'd have a long list of companies to boycott. Emphasizing Gino's accused crime seems to diminish the more valid concerns about AN.
The only problem with that aurgument is you do not need the whole advanced line.
The crazy names are branding, what are you most likely to remember a bottle of b52 from advanced with a woman with big boobs on te front, or a bottle of b1 boost from cyco, which has just b1 boost written on it.
Same reason mcdonalds called their double cheeseburgers A McDouble, a chicken sandwich a McChicken, the signature burger-BigMac. It reidderates the brand in your head, over and over. It's great marketing and I will not hate on either company for it. Simple education can tell you which ones are a waste of money and which ones to use.

Not staying your beliefs are wrong, don't like the company then don't buy there stuff. Personally, I'll use it until they go out of business, or another brand proves itself as better in my side by sides.

The cost is just sticker shock, same thing as buying roots excel. Expensive as hell, or atleast how your brain sees it, but realistically you don't use much, so it goes a long way.

And for those who just think nutrients are simple salts dissolved in water, take a biochemistry class. You will be blown away by the complexity of keeping certain salts in a solution with the presence of another. (They think ahead for you for when you add certain things to Rez)
This is old but http://www.prnewswire.com/news-rele...ents-buyout-and-new-beginnings-232529961.html Hmm happened after Gino's little incident.

Whats funny is that they originally stated the new line is going to be PPM/PH perfect and had the sales guys saying your ppm and ph will always be prefect and you wont need your ph/ppm pens anymore LOL Then came the magical no RF interference digital ballasts. So people kept asking where are the ballasts? AN "oh were introducing these Bad Ass ones first" which were re branded Fulham ballasts. Then all the Bad Ass hydro equipment came on the market all re branded stuff BUT hey its Bad Ass because it packaged with an AN sticker so its that much better then before they added the AN sticker to it. Now they don't even sell the hardware anymore lol I guess you can't bull shit people into buying re branded hardware like you can with fertilizer salts.
This is old but http://www.prnewswire.com/news-rele...ents-buyout-and-new-beginnings-232529961.html Hmm happened after Gino's little incident.

Whats funny is that they originally stated the new line is going to be PPM/PH perfect and had the sales guys saying your ppm and ph will always be prefect and you wont need your ph/ppm pens anymore LOL Then came the magical no RF interference digital ballasts. So people kept asking where are the ballasts? AN "oh were introducing these Bad Ass ones first" which were re branded Fulham ballasts. Then all the Bad Ass hydro equipment came on the market all re branded stuff BUT hey its Bad Ass because it packaged with an AN sticker so its that much better then before they added the AN sticker to it. Now they don't even sell the hardware anymore lol I guess you can't bull shit people into buying re branded hardware like you can with fertilizer salts.
You know understand how 90% of companies work nowadays. They pay someone else to make their product, most likely outsourcing to another country. But I do agree that advanced should just stick with nutrients.
You know understand how 90% of companies work nowadays. They pay someone else to make their product, most likely outsourcing to another country. But I do agree that advanced should just stick with nutrients.

Umm its one thing to have someone who has production capabilities to make you a similar product but its another to have the exact same product give it 20 years warranty and then claim is superior to everything else. Funny how many of their digital ballasts I had to return and they want from 5 year warranty, 3 year warranty 1 year warranty and LOL best one I heard last from the sales guy (which I like and is a pretty straight up guy) was 90 day warranty!!!
I'm not being a hater. I'm being a realist. An is horrible. Your weed will come out tasting like cardboard. There's a reason everyone stopped using it years ago. You shouldn't be using any of their additives. That's the marketing hype to trick people into spending more money. if you want enzymes. Use coconut water or seed sprout teas. Cheaper and better and organic. Personally I wouldn't touch any nutes that are in a bottle.
I'm not being a hater. I'm being a realist. An is horrible. Your weed will come out tasting like cardboard. There's a reason everyone stopped using it years ago. You shouldn't be using any of their additives. That's the marketing hype to trick people into spending more money. if you want enzymes. Use coconut water or seed sprout teas. Cheaper and better and organic. Personally I wouldn't touch any nutes that are in a bottle.
I wish we were close so I could give you some samples grown with AN. So very far from tasting like cardboard.
I wish we were close so I could give you some samples grown with AN. So very far from tasting like cardboard.

about 5 years ago. Everything that came out of Humboldt was grown with AN. Looked great. All tasted exactly the same. No matter who grew it. And same thing with 2 dispensaries in SoCal. I've used all kinds of nutes. I ran hydro for 6 years. Using various so called organic nutes (all.companie lie). I've ran soil for a total of 8 years. Various nutes. An, botanicare, yellow bottle, age old, roots organic, earth juice, jacks, Humboldt nutes, canna, bio canna, dragonflyearth medicine. Nothing compares to living soil. That's my experience. Dem produced the best quality of bottled nutes. Some same strains some.different. I've been doing living organics for the past 4 years. I will continue with that method for the rest of my life. No other method can compare to the quality it produces.
In no way am I saying what your doing is inferior or wrong. I have a organic garden too, just got into that scene.
Been in hydro 6 years, also have ran through about every company. AN gives me the best results for my setup and strains.
Now this is probably gonna get me a lot if hate, but the stuff that comes from my hydro garden tastes and smells better than my organic garden.

The great thing about growing is we can all do it our own way. No one is right or wrong. Just opinions.
Its all the exact same stuff, no matter what brand. There are only a handful of substances that can be used to make a fertilizer product. The only secret sauce in the industry is how to combine the stuff into a single, convenient product because the vast majority of consumers don't care to mix up a seven part cocktail when they want to feed their plants. Only a few manufacturers seem to be able to pull that off, to varying degrees of success. The rest of the differences between fertilizers are all marketing.