What are the best "Reefer Madness" anti-weed propaganda or weed myths you've heard?

Speaks for itself, but here's mine:

- Dealers would put dog poop into nugs to increase weight

- (not really anti weed, but) "If you don't cough, you don't get high, maaaan. Don't you know, coughing opens up cannabinoid receptors"

- Growers would spray sprite on buds to give them more frost

- Smoking "skunk" strains is much more dangerous than other ones

- Rolling weed into a joint makes it lose all potency in 24 hours

What are yours?
Here's mine:

Smoking weed causes an irresistible urge to generate and deploy sock puppet accounts on social media sites.

Speaks for itself, but here's mine:

- Dealers would put dog poop into nugs to increase weight

- (not really anti weed, but) "If you don't cough, you don't get high, maaaan. Don't you know, coughing opens up cannabinoid receptors"

- Growers would spray sprite on buds to give them more frost

- Smoking "skunk" strains is much more dangerous than other ones

- Rolling weed into a joint makes it lose all potency in 24 hours

What are yours?


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