Aluminum foil has been said time and time again to be a very poor reflector.
Mylar is a good reflector, and it is coated with aluminium. Most astronomical mirrors are the very best reflectors and are coated with aluminium. Aluminium foil actually IS aluminium.
A problem with many contributors here is they only repeat what has BEEN SAID, as you say, repeated TIME AND TIME again, by people who are only repeating what they have read, not their own experience.
I have used aluminium foil for ages as a reflector, mostly with fluorescent tubes, for a whole load of different types of plants. It works a treat and is certainly DEAD cheap and EASILY available. No problems whatever from me and many other seed and house plant growers.
It is just MJ growers who keep repeating this Old Wives´ Tale because some dippy Spanish writer once put it in his stupid book.