what can marijuana cross breed with

"think" is the key word, here. reading your posts, you seem quite prideful. who else would criticize a question, then try and justify it with "only uneducated and uninformed people ask these questions"? i would bet you were never uninformed, so you can't comprehend the concept of seeking info. it fucks me up that so many people get feelings about other's question. if you've got that much game, you do all the posting and everyone else will reserve their foolish questions that do not meet your approval. ya dig?

Great, another retard. I don't really understand the point you are trying to make with your first post. I'm not a mind reader, so I can't tell what was going on in your head when you wrote that, but your first post was pretty thin on subject and substance. Whatever point you were trying to make did not get conveyed. Try again, please.

Why is "think" the key word? Because I seem prideful? No real connection there, either. I would suggest you take a course in grammar, or maybe public speaking. It would help you make your point's better, because out of all your insults, I can only find any basis for about half of them.

Also, excuse me for telling someone posting in the "ADVANCED GROWING" section that they were either uneducated and / or uninformed for thinking that it is possible to cross-breed cannabis with some other kind of plant. This is not an advanced level question, and it doesn't take advanced growers to tell this person that this is not possible. Also, It's the second post this week I've seen on this topic in the 'Advanced Growing' section, why didnt he just do a minimum of searching on-site? He might have come across that post had he even tried one iota. I believe many of us who know what we are doing and like to learn, well, more advanced techniques or knowledge abd use RIU to do so are also sick of seeing this question asked. I think I did them a favor, if anything, and hopefully the poster of this thread learned to do a little research first, or ask his question WHERE it is more appropriate, like in the newbie section. Anyone who has any legitimate problem or reason to be posting a thread in this section understands that if you need to ask THAT question (can i cross a douglas fir w/ my NL#5?), you probably don't know enough about plants to be posting ANYTHING in the advanced section.

Now, as for you... You seem to think you know a thing or two about me. I "criticized" this question BECAUSE it came from an uneducated and / or uninformed person, not in order to "justify" the existance of said criticism, as you claim. Once again, this is the 'Advanced Section,' so I will continue to tell those who should be posting thier questions elsewhere to do just that... Post them elsewhere! This forum has TONS of different areas to post in. Don't ask dumb questions in the section reserved above all others for the most advanced topics. I can name several sections this question would be appropriate in.

And in answer to your question, were I to desire information of some kind, I would look for that info in the proper place. I recently had some odd leaf burn on several plants, but it is different from all other normal burns I have seen. In order to seek answers to my questions, I posted a thread in the "Plant Problems" section. According to you, it's ok to seek these answers in other sections too, maybe I should post questions about my porblems in the "Harvest" section? lol. I bet I would get busted on pretty good in that case, and rightfully so. He should have posted that question elsewhere on this forum. There's plenty of room for all of us here at RIU, but not everyone belongs in the advanced area. Plenty of room for noobs over in the newbie area. That is where this, and questions like it, should be asked.

I never said "my game is so good." Where did I claim any such thing? Once again, your insult lacks a solid base and substance, therefore I will be able to disregard it as I have been able to do with all your other uninformed, baseless claims/insults. Yes thats right, I called you uninformed. If you seemed informed or intelligent, I would expect a well thought out reply, but currently I'm waiting to hear what the next baseless charge or unintelligent raw human sewage about to spew forth, from the orifice you call your mouth, is.

To make it clearer: Eat a bowl of shit and die. I'm not interested in what you have a say as you have already proven yourself to be a dumbass, but go ahead and 'try' to 'flame' me. Since you know so much about me, lol.
"Great, another retard."

excellent way to get a positive response...BITCH!!!

I don't really understand the point you are trying to make with your first post. Try again, please.

your post was pretty fuckin' stupid. of course he was joking, intelligent fuck.

Why is "think" the key word? Because I seem prideful?

you used the word twice, here, and retain superior intellect. it shouldn't be TOO hard to figure out why. never mind, i'll break it down. you are criticizing someone that YOU felt was being foolish for posting a question. zeke hit you goofs off with some sarcasm, and your dumbass bit. go back and look at all the posts. the joke's on YOU, jack.

I would suggest you take a course in grammar, or maybe public speaking.

BITCH! see me in the NATIONAL DEAN'S LIST registry for 2007 with a 4.0 GPA. you bump your gums in a foolish way, and on a regular basis (with your unfounded assumptions). I usually don't act like this in these forums, but you need to go back to shutting the fuck up 'til you have some positive shit to say...BITCH!!! :mrgreen:

It would help you make your point's better, because out of all your insults, I can only find any basis for about half of them.

straight up? which ones, let's confirm. :lol: (stupid fuck)

Also, excuse me for telling someone posting in the "ADVANCED GROWING" section that they were either uneducated and / or uninformed for thinking that it is possible to cross-breed cannabis with some other kind of plant.

your dumb ass was the one that began entertaining the idea that zeke was serious (you don't get that 1, either, do you? ;-))

This is not an advanced level question, and it doesn't take advanced growers to tell this person that this is not possible.

so...AT WHAT POINT DID YOUR SARCASM BECOME NECESSARY? you're intelligent, stop being stubborn and acting lame. you were a dick. let it go. smoke somethin'! :joint:

Also, It's the second post this week I've seen on this topic in the 'Advanced Growing' section, why didnt he just do a minimum of searching on-site?

are you an administrator? why do you care? you probably call the cops when you see someone speeding or smoking weed in traffic, huh?

fuck the rest of your post, you must be lonely as hell. go find another tree to bark up. if you don't get it, read this thread 'til you do. if you never do...keep reading it. :hump:

To make it clearer: Eat a bowl of shit and die. I'm not interested in what you have a say as you have already proven yourself to be a dumbass, but go ahead and 'try' to 'flame' me. Since you know so much about me, lol.

(check your second sentence, it may contain grammatical errors)
for real? you sound like a gangster, now. :lol: to be perfectly honest, i have NEVER had a dispute on this site. but i get so sick of you sensitive ass, pretentious, emotionally unstable, sissies who feel you must belittle others. BITCH you are a zero. you live by pre-conceived notions (been demonstrated, no question), and you can't fuck with me on any level. you must become a MAN first. Now fuck off and free this guys thread. you dont want any REAL drama. :twisted: ;-):hug:
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wait a sec.. I think I know how to do it... we can take a virus, extract the core, and insert our formulation (after doing a DNA workup, of course)... then MJ will become SUPER MJ !
Ah hm, MarijuanaJoe1982..

Also... Lavender is just another strain. It is apparently aptly named, because people say it is lavender colored and smells a lil' like lavender. Its bred by Soma Seeds, same guy who made NY Deisel.Soma didn't create NYC Deisel. A guy with dreds down to his feet brought it to him.

"The N.Y.C Diesel has its roots in the Big Apple, a friend brought the seeds and said that it was the best pot he ever smoked, he had dreads down to the ground so I believed him."

- taken right from his description of NYC Diesel so don't act like you are so smart.. oh and why would some guy from The Netherlands alias a strain NYC anything
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You think I actually care, how cute :blsmoke:
Dude this is fun for me, it looks like you are kinda taking things a bit personal. I don't mind punching out a couple paragraphs, I enjoy playing with you :mrgreen:. Since when did I claim to be so smart? Since when did I claim that I care so much about my sentence structure and spelling? Is it your experience that people like me do those sort of things? Well, you are wrong, doctor. I do not proof-read forum posts! lol!

Also, I liked how you totally veered off topic to personally attack me. I mean, I insulted you as well, but at least it was in due course and had SOMETHING to do with the topic at hand. Instead you try to look for gramattical errors, or call me "prideful," lol. That's all you've been able to do with 2 separate insult posts. Pretty pitiful attempt, doctor. Seriously you aren't even worth any more of my time, and this post doesn't deserve to brought back to life from the dead, so I'm gonna try and leave you to your little games. Keep in mind, Doctor, you started this, not me. Why should I have to put up with you? :-|

Like I have said before, his post was TOTALLY out of place, and I am sick of that same retarded question being asked over and over again, I can't count how many times I see it. Twice this week, and I only joined a month ago! So, there are alot of idiots out there who think this question belongs in the advanced section. If you know the least thing about plants, you know this is not possible, however, and therefor do not belong posing in the Advanced area in the first place. My hope is that someone, hopefully more than one, learned that it is indeed not possible to cross-pollinate Cannabis and Cottonwood, and that this question stops getting asked so frequently. You are the ONLY person who took exception to what I said. Looks like we found the peanut gallery. You really have some kind of super-hero complex, Did you witness abuse as a child? Probably not, but who knows? Something has to make you so angry, seeing my perceived abuses. I'm no psychologist, somebody get Freud in here to see if this guy and his mother have ever "Cross Pollinated" Also, didn't you say people who let emotions guide thier posts are ignorant? Isn't that exactly what you are doing?

Yes, I understand Zeke was joking. Did you read the post about me wanting him to prove it, where I said I was gonna come after him, etc., if he didn't produce the proof? Also a joke, I thought it was pretty obvious. You, however, proved me wrong again, lol. Do your research, doctor. Also I wonder if your "real life" bite is as bad as your "internet" bark. You sure do talk big and scary, lol. I wonder what you would do in real life. If you actually read around, you will see that I am usually a pretty nice guy. you are the only person who said anything. Other people seem to get along with me just fine. Since you are the anomaly, you must be the one with the problem. Maybe others are also sick of this question and others like it getting asked. Does anybody here think that this question belongs on the Advanced Growing forum, instead of General Growing, or something like that?

Oh, looks like he was right after all! I just cross pollinated my marijuana plant with my shut-the-fuck-up-doctor-greenfinger plant. And the smoke from it completely drowns out any sounds you make. It's really pleasant. I think this thread has served it's purpose, at least let it die so that the whole world doesn't have to see this guys embarrassing question. Let him have some solace in the fact that, although he got told off, people aren't still giggling about it. Get a life man, I was doing people who use this particular forum a favor, thats it. If others disagree and think people should ask the question "can you cross-breed marijuana with other plants?" in the Advanced Growing section of this forum, please speak up!

The reason I posted such a strongly worded message in the first place was to teach someone a lesson, which apparently THEY learned. A lesson about not asking COMPLETELY REDICULOUS questions in the advanced Growing section at RIU. Did you notice one person actually thanked me? I have also recieved congradulatory PMs and rep points from others for the very post that got you so riled up. Most people were appreciative, so I think I did alright. If you want to make it about more than that, go ahead and try. You've probably been doing it your whole life. But I don't care about this as much as you do, so you will not be successful. Eventually I'm just going to ignore you. I tried not to insult you any more, but I think I slipped up a couple times. It's difficult not to, given what a douche-bag you are being.
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I dont know if anyone is still interested in the original topic...especially considering that there seem to be a lot of them here, but...it isnt quite as simple as you've all made it out to be.

common 'knowledge' is that only organisms in the same species are able to reproduce (and produce viable offspring) but, this is not always the case. If anyone has studied phyllogenomic taxonomy/systematics, you might be familiar with the many evolutionary paths different species have taken. there is evidence that species have actually merged and diverged multiple times throughout the hundreds of millions of years that plant life has been on earth. I took this class a couple years ago, and cant recall any specific species names with whom this has happened...but, it has happened.

as evolution moves us all along, our genomes shift, through multiple advantageous mutations...all species change their pheno/genotype. bottom line is that there are NO hard and fast rules in biology, it isnt math, there is often no absolutely correct answer. Frankly I think it's pretty damn cool.

now, given the fact that marijuana has been so intensively cultivated, bred, messed around with....we have taken a real hand in refining the genome in certain ways, and quite frankly at this point in the evolution of herb it is insane to say there is definitely no plant that it could successfully breed with, to know that we'd literally have to try.

now....time to pack a bowl.
i use to get bothered when people would post several paragraphs to prove their point or sound smart. but i still wouldn't judge them because it seems like good grammar and writing exercise.

so i guess im gonna say, smoke a bowl and chill out people.
I actually have succesfully breeded marijuana with my mable tree. The flower time has kicked up a couple months but shit, the colas are the size of a small sedan. So id say its worth it. I pul 10 thousand kilos on the regular yearly.
I actually have succesfully breeded marijuana with my mable tree. The flower time has kicked up a couple months but shit, the colas are the size of a small sedan. So id say its worth it. I pul 10 thousand kilos on the regular yearly.

how did you do that? have any pictures?
Noo jeeze! get off my back ass!!!

haha, as opposed to your front ass?

I bred marijuana with trained pigeons, when I want to smoke I just put my hand out the window and make the secret signal, and a hybrid pigeon flys down and a take a bud or two and send him on his way.

its awesome.
haha, as opposed to your front ass?

I bred marijuana with trained pigeons, when I want to smoke I just put my hand out the window and make the secret signal, and a hybrid pigeon flys down and a take a bud or two and send him on his way.

its awesome.

Dude got any pics you fuck, huh? you ass busting mother fucker!?!?!? huh ??!?!? yeah yeah, what i though you bitch.


Dude got any pics you fuck, huh? you ass busting mother fucker!?!?!? huh ??!?!? yeah yeah, what i though you bitch.


well, since ya asked.

Meet Truman, he's a G13 X carrier pigeon.

I'm sorry, I will answer your question. Trust me this is the truth, do some more research on it if you don't believe me. Just so everyone knows, quite a bit of testing has been done, and hops is the only plant closeley related enough for there to be any possibility. Much testing and many hybridization attempts were made, mostly by Dutch Universities in the '70s and '80s.

The two plants were even successfully grafted together, leading some to believe that perhaps hops could be grown with THC producing resin glands. That was the whole point of all the testing, to get weed beer, lol. Basically, the findings were that even though they were somewhat related, there was no way for the DNA to actually mix, or create anything that was actually a hybrid of the plants. Just cannabis flowers with hops stalks and roots, and hops flowers on cannabis stems/roots.

I'm sorry I was harsh with this dude, if you felt attacked... but honestly I think this question has been asked many times, and the answers are out there. The answer to this question could have been answered in just the regular growing section, why is it always posted in the advanced section? This information has been around for a couple decades now, it's not cutting-edge research. That was the whole point of my rant. And that's what it was, a rant. No more, no less.
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