Well-Known Member
"think" is the key word, here. reading your posts, you seem quite prideful. who else would criticize a question, then try and justify it with "only uneducated and uninformed people ask these questions"? i would bet you were never uninformed, so you can't comprehend the concept of seeking info. it fucks me up that so many people get feelings about other's question. if you've got that much game, you do all the posting and everyone else will reserve their foolish questions that do not meet your approval. ya dig?
Great, another retard. I don't really understand the point you are trying to make with your first post. I'm not a mind reader, so I can't tell what was going on in your head when you wrote that, but your first post was pretty thin on subject and substance. Whatever point you were trying to make did not get conveyed. Try again, please.
Why is "think" the key word? Because I seem prideful? No real connection there, either. I would suggest you take a course in grammar, or maybe public speaking. It would help you make your point's better, because out of all your insults, I can only find any basis for about half of them.
Also, excuse me for telling someone posting in the "ADVANCED GROWING" section that they were either uneducated and / or uninformed for thinking that it is possible to cross-breed cannabis with some other kind of plant. This is not an advanced level question, and it doesn't take advanced growers to tell this person that this is not possible. Also, It's the second post this week I've seen on this topic in the 'Advanced Growing' section, why didnt he just do a minimum of searching on-site? He might have come across that post had he even tried one iota. I believe many of us who know what we are doing and like to learn, well, more advanced techniques or knowledge abd use RIU to do so are also sick of seeing this question asked. I think I did them a favor, if anything, and hopefully the poster of this thread learned to do a little research first, or ask his question WHERE it is more appropriate, like in the newbie section. Anyone who has any legitimate problem or reason to be posting a thread in this section understands that if you need to ask THAT question (can i cross a douglas fir w/ my NL#5?), you probably don't know enough about plants to be posting ANYTHING in the advanced section.
Now, as for you... You seem to think you know a thing or two about me. I "criticized" this question BECAUSE it came from an uneducated and / or uninformed person, not in order to "justify" the existance of said criticism, as you claim. Once again, this is the 'Advanced Section,' so I will continue to tell those who should be posting thier questions elsewhere to do just that... Post them elsewhere! This forum has TONS of different areas to post in. Don't ask dumb questions in the section reserved above all others for the most advanced topics. I can name several sections this question would be appropriate in.
And in answer to your question, were I to desire information of some kind, I would look for that info in the proper place. I recently had some odd leaf burn on several plants, but it is different from all other normal burns I have seen. In order to seek answers to my questions, I posted a thread in the "Plant Problems" section. According to you, it's ok to seek these answers in other sections too, maybe I should post questions about my porblems in the "Harvest" section? lol. I bet I would get busted on pretty good in that case, and rightfully so. He should have posted that question elsewhere on this forum. There's plenty of room for all of us here at RIU, but not everyone belongs in the advanced area. Plenty of room for noobs over in the newbie area. That is where this, and questions like it, should be asked.
I never said "my game is so good." Where did I claim any such thing? Once again, your insult lacks a solid base and substance, therefore I will be able to disregard it as I have been able to do with all your other uninformed, baseless claims/insults. Yes thats right, I called you uninformed. If you seemed informed or intelligent, I would expect a well thought out reply, but currently I'm waiting to hear what the next baseless charge or unintelligent raw human sewage about to spew forth, from the orifice you call your mouth, is.
To make it clearer: Eat a bowl of shit and die. I'm not interested in what you have a say as you have already proven yourself to be a dumbass, but go ahead and 'try' to 'flame' me. Since you know so much about me, lol.