what can marijuana cross breed with

Damn! I thought you were just joking. ^^^
But, I googled tomacco, and found sites saying that some guy really did cross tomato and tobacco after seeing the simpsons episode!
I don't know much about plant biology, but I thought it wasn't possible. I assumed what someone mentioned previously here was right - only plants in the same genus could cross.
Still, if it did really happen, tomato and tobacco are in the same family - so that would leave only one option to cross with cannabis: hops. Doesn't seem very useful.
If they could breed hops that gets covered in resin and THC, It would make some bad ass beer.

Humbolt County Lager
It Fucks You Up!!!

Truth is you insulted the op, no one likes to be called ignorant and uninformed, although they may be. Truth be told you could have simply just told the dude it wasn't possible supplied the research to back up your words and left it at that. Instead you acted a bit arrogant. I believe this is why the doc became slightly irritated with your demeanor and felt the need to say something on this other mans behalf. Admit this though If it were even possible to do, the technique used to cross two unrelated plants would be found in advanced cultivation. So this uninformed persons reasoning wasn't incredibly off, just uninformed.

Truth is you insulted the op, no one likes to be called ignorant and uninformed, although they may be. Truth be told you could have simply just told the dude it wasn't possible supplied the research to back up your words and left it at that. Instead you acted a bit arrogant. I believe this is why the doc became slightly irritated with your demeanor and felt the need to say something on this other mans behalf. Admit this though If it were even possible to do, the technique used to cross two unrelated plants would be found in advanced cultivation. So this uninformed persons reasoning wasn't incredibly off, just uninformed.

i think your 2 years to late lol
- Oh my god........ How uneducated or uninformed are the people who ask questions like this? No offence, but have you ever taken a high school biology course? Cannabis cannot breed with other plants. Only other varieties of cannabis. It cannot stray from it's genus. I question the seriousness of Zekes post, I think he was joking. Zeke, If you really did cross weed with a pussy-willow it would be the botanical breakthrough of the century.

- I've seen several posts on this topic on here lately, and honestly, even though that sounds like an advanced topic to you, It shows such a lack of fundamental understanding that it should be posted somewhere other than the "advanced growing" section. Perhaps in the newbie area would be more appropriate.

- Also... Lavender is just another strain. It is apparently aptly named, because people say it is lavender colored and smells a lil' like lavender. Its bred by Soma Seeds, same guy who made NY Deisel. Sorry though, no interspecies hybrids possible. Hops is the only plant closely enough related (and it is still a very distant cousin) to marijuana to successfully do anything together, and even they can't cross-breed or pollinate. It is possible to graft a cannabis limb onto a hops plant or vice versa, but It doesn't change the genetics of either, and is usually just a waste of time. Anyway I bet that "Lavender" you smoked was some pretty good shit, huh?

- In never ceases to amaze me how many people seem to think it's possible for plants to breed with completely different types of plants. If this were possible, every plant would pollinate and breed with the plant next to it, like some crazy plant orgy. thier genetics would become so mixed and diluted that eventually there wouldnt be any classifiable breeds of plants at all, just mixed up mutant hybrids. Use common sense, people, please?
This guy is mad
- Oh my god........ How uneducated or uninformed are the people who ask questions like this? No offence, but have you ever taken a high school biology course? Cannabis cannot breed with other plants. Only other varieties of cannabis. It cannot stray from it's genus. I question the seriousness of Zekes post, I think he was joking. Zeke, If you really did cross weed with a pussy-willow it would be the botanical breakthrough of the century.

- I've seen several posts on this topic on here lately, and honestly, even though that sounds like an advanced topic to you, It shows such a lack of fundamental understanding that it should be posted somewhere other than the "advanced growing" section. Perhaps in the newbie area would be more appropriate.

- Also... Lavender is just another strain. It is apparently aptly named, because people say it is lavender colored and smells a lil' like lavender. Its bred by Soma Seeds, same guy who made NY Deisel. Sorry though, no interspecies hybrids possible. Hops is the only plant closely enough related (and it is still a very distant cousin) to marijuana to successfully do anything together, and even they can't cross-breed or pollinate. It is possible to graft a cannabis limb onto a hops plant or vice versa, but It doesn't change the genetics of either, and is usually just a waste of time. Anyway I bet that "Lavender" you smoked was some pretty good shit, huh?

- In never ceases to amaze me how many people seem to think it's possible for plants to breed with completely different types of plants. If this were possible, every plant would pollinate and breed with the plant next to it, like some crazy plant orgy. thier genetics would become so mixed and diluted that eventually there wouldnt be any classifiable breeds of plants at all, just mixed up mutant hybrids. Use common sense, people, please?

The genus Cannabis was formerly placed in the Nettle (Urticaceae) or Mulberry (Moraceae) family, and later, along with the Humulus genus (hops), in a separate family, the Hemp family (Cannabaceae sensu stricto).[SUP][21][/SUP] Recent phylogenetic studies based on cpDNA restriction site analysis and gene sequencing strongly suggest that the Cannabaceae sensu stricto arose from within the former Celtidaceae family, and that the two families should be merged to form a single monophyletic family, the Cannabaceae sensu lato.[SUP][2[/SUP]
I don't know about what it can be breed with but I remember years ago people were grafting it with Hopps (used for making beer). Sorry I don't have more info but I sure you could find something about it on the Internet.
No, but seriously. One scientist injected spider DNA into a goat embryo and was able to spin a web with the milk produced by the goat. Maybe different plants can ne crossed with genetic engineering. But why would anyone want to smoke that?
Diggings in an ancient thread here. Has anyone heard of Cambrian genomics? If you download some software and sequence of mj and another organism you can splice in the gene sequence in software. Upload it to cg for a thousand quid they laser assemble the new DNA and post it to you. Then you inject it into surrogate cells and grow the new plant/animal/fungi and let it seed. All done. Should we all chip in and do it? GMO Xmas tree anyone?
- Oh my god........ How uneducated or uninformed are the people who ask questions like this? No offence, but have you ever taken a high school biology course? Cannabis cannot breed with other plants. Only other varieties of cannabis. It cannot stray from it's genus. I question the seriousness of Zekes post, I think he was joking. Zeke, If you really did cross weed with a pussy-willow it would be the botanical breakthrough of the century.

- I've seen several posts on this topic on here lately, and honestly, even though that sounds like an advanced topic to you, It shows such a lack of fundamental understanding that it should be posted somewhere other than the "advanced growing" section. Perhaps in the newbie area would be more appropriate.

- Also... Lavender is just another strain. It is apparently aptly named, because people say it is lavender colored and smells a lil' like lavender. Its bred by Soma Seeds, same guy who made NY Deisel. Sorry though, no interspecies hybrids possible. Hops is the only plant closely enough related (and it is still a very distant cousin) to marijuana to successfully do anything together, and even they can't cross-breed or pollinate. It is possible to graft a cannabis limb onto a hops plant or vice versa, but It doesn't change the genetics of either, and is usually just a waste of time. Anyway I bet that "Lavender" you smoked was some pretty good shit, huh?

- In never ceases to amaze me how many people seem to think it's possible for plants to breed with completely different types of plants. If this were possible, every plant would pollinate and breed with the plant next to it, like some crazy plant orgy. thier genetics would become so mixed and diluted that eventually there wouldnt be any classifiable breeds of plants at all, just mixed up mutant hybrids. Use common sense, people, please?

I think the joke about pussy pots or pots of pussy really made me laugh lol.

Yes I have to agree there are a lot of ignorant people, but that is no reason to be a dick. :) I mean wouldn't it make more sense to educate people rather than making them feel like crap?

BTW it is actually possible over multiple generations to get a plant that has a gene or piece of genetic code similar enough to create a hybrid like Cannabis-Divinorum, or maybe Cannabis-Chacruna-Ayahuasca LOL. But joking aside, yes, theoretically it is possible, there are a few bizarre cross species but they are very rare.

Anyways, this is possible using "Gene Guns" they shoot millions of genes into the target plant cell material causing massive mutations. But in the end a potentially beneficial plant, but only extensive testing would determine if it was fit for consumption. Still I believe the mutant DNA caused by the gene therapy could potentially create some mutations in people who used it. Cancer is a mutation of human cells. :)

Anything is possible given enough time and money to produce it.
I dont know if anyone is still interested in the original topic...especially considering that there seem to be a lot of them here, but...it isnt quite as simple as you've all made it out to be.

common 'knowledge' is that only organisms in the same species are able to reproduce (and produce viable offspring) but, this is not always the case. If anyone has studied phyllogenomic taxonomy/systematics, you might be familiar with the many evolutionary paths different species have taken. there is evidence that species have actually merged and diverged multiple times throughout the hundreds of millions of years that plant life has been on earth. I took this class a couple years ago, and cant recall any specific species names with whom this has happened...but, it has happened.

as evolution moves us all along, our genomes shift, through multiple advantageous mutations...all species change their pheno/genotype. bottom line is that there are NO hard and fast rules in biology, it isnt math, there is often no absolutely correct answer. Frankly I think it's pretty damn cool.

now, given the fact that marijuana has been so intensively cultivated, bred, messed around with....we have taken a real hand in refining the genome in certain ways, and quite frankly at this point in the evolution of herb it is insane to say there is definitely no plant that it could successfully breed with, to know that we'd literally have to try.

now....time to pack a bowl.
i agree. simply due to the study of adaptation. any living species has the ability to adapt. and after it adapts it has the ability to bond and grow connections to other species. so in terms, the cannabis plant after so many decades, could potentially do these things we speak of on its own. especially with the fact that we have proven the connections between plants and technology, they could even possibly adapt to higher species then themselves. its almost a scary thought after a while :/
they can breed with humans I had some nice buds but no pollen so I jizzed all over them and got seeds

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